Play biting-how to prevent it

As you might have already read, we have adopted an Akita Inu puppy called Taro recently.He is almost 4 months old. He is very playful around the house, but he has one habit we do not particularly approve of--that is playbiting. When he is in the mood, or when you are petting him and he enjoys it, he has a habit of mouthing our hands etc. He doesn't use his teeth but still, we really want to get rid of this habit asap. Any suggestions?

His obedience training starts next week.


  • Play biting is usually a pretty easy habit to break if EVERYONE who interacts with your dog is consistent.

    From what you describe, Taro mouths you when he's getting attention. To stop it from happening, as soon as he puts his mouth on you stop giving him attention. Get up, walk away, and ignore him for a minute or so. If everyone is consistent with this, he'll quickly learn (within a few weeks) that putting his mouth on somebody means he stops getting attention. So he'll stop doing it.

    Good luck!
  • Koda thought it was cute to mouth me randomly. Turning away didn't work, so I used "time out". He nipped me, he went into the hall bathroom for a couple of minutes. Took three times and he stopped.
  • We have been trying ignoring but maybe time-out would work better with Taro as well. He is so typically stubborn!
  • Yes Koda was the most stubborn puppy I have ever come across. I feel your pain. :-)
  • Kai pups love to mouth and jump, we've had a hard time with it with all these Kai pups around... but I agree with Dave, ignoring it is the way to go.

    IMHO, A time out would work great too as long as you have good timing (and patience lol).

  • edited January 2011
    Yes Brad it was a jump up and mouth. I will add that Koda still does this to my butt when he gets excited or wants to play with me. Sometimes he does it to surprise me. It really makes him happy and he thinks that it's hilarious. I allow for this behavior because he finds it so entertaining and he doesn't hurt me at all.

    I have never compromised so much with a dog before as I have my Kai dog.
  • I'll third that. Tyson does the same exact thing. He gets especially excited when I'm getting dressed and likes to mouth the clothes I'm putting on. Socks, sweaters, and jeans are his favorites. As long as he's using his soft mouth, I don't discourage it because a certain amount of mouthiness is necessary in a bird dog. He needs to be comfortable holding things in his mouth for long periods of time without biting down. If I wasn't raising him to be a bird dog, I'd probably be more strict about discouraging him.
  • I have problems with this too with my 7 month old Akita pup. I go with the ignore it route, though so far with somewhat limited success because I can't get my husband to do the same thing. (He insists on saying "no" and Oskar just looks at him like is this part of the game?). Still, he's improved quite a bit as he's gotten older and at least one of us is working on it.
  • Koyuki is a big mouther. I have been using the time out deal and its starting to work but she still likes to play bite.
  • Kurenai is very much the same. Sometimes her sharp teeth get her caught in things she can't back quickly out of. I just bought a new laptop power adapter because two bites made her puncture through the outershell. Luckily it never got through the inner shielding for the wire.

  • Seems like we are all on the same boat!
    I remember my Golden used to do it too! Probably not as much but I still have punctured clothing from when he was a puppy-11 years ago!
  • Panda as a young puppy was horrible with nibbling and taking little bites when she was excited. I eventually had to stop doing any chasing games where she would get over excited. I guess I also used something similar to a time-out. Panda was mostly gated off in the kitchen when she was really young, and I would just leave for a minute or two whenever she started biting. Gradually that worked, now she just nips at me sometimes when she's really excited during playing. Usually I just pause what we're doing for a few seconds now, to let her calm down and also as a reminder that she's not supposed to do that :P
  • Tojo (shiba) used to play bite incessantly. Wow, it was annoying. He was constantly gnawing on us, and no amount of stopping the play made any difference. Time-outs were somewhat affective, but this went on for months and we were really frustrated, so I booby-trapped him. I got a little breath freshener spray and held it in my hand while I played with him, and as soon as he bit me, I sprayed it in his mouth. He HATED it and that basically stopped the biting cold. If he'd start nipping again, I'd just show the little spray thing to him and he'd get the idea and behave.

    I'd only do that if other stuff doesn't work, because that stuff is super strong and he really, really, really hated it, so while I certainly don't think it was painful, it was very unpleasant. A nicer tactic is better if it works. Although, I did only have to do it once, so it's not so bad.
  • Thank you guys for so much new info--to be honest I never thought of using a breath freshner, but as long as it is not painful for the puppy we might use that as our last resort.

    Also, anyone who might read this--I have a question regarding one of my cats. He insists on lying in Taro's bed to maybe show dominance or maybe he enjoys making Taro mad, but his trick works and Taro always barks at him when he sees the cat lying in his bed. It is incredibly hard to teach this particular cat anything because he is really stubborn and deaf. So what should be done about him? He is really tough and unfriendly towards Taro and is the only cat Taro barks at. I don't know what to do!
  • edited January 2011
    Cats, being a solitary hunter and not much of a pack animal, have no concept of dominance and hierarchy. To your cat, Taro's bed is a nice comfortable place to sleep and probably finds Taro an annoyance or even a potential threat. My cat is the same way, will even sleep in Tetsu's crate bed, but she's always looking for a comfortable place to sleep.

    Your best bet would be to offer the cat a similar bed, as well as other resting/hiding spots, some place out of reach of Taro. A place that I find my cat loves to sleep is on a pillow by the window sill, especially when the sun is shining on it. We hope to install a few window shelves to give a more comfortable place for her to sleep on that hopefully the dogs can't get to.

    Question: Isn't there ingredients in breath fresheners that are harmful to dogs?
  • I like the breath freshener spray idea. I also started using a can of air and make a quick spray soon as Koyuki tries to bite but now she thinks its a toy so time to try a new thing.

  • Calia--What you suggested makes a lot of sense to me. We were looking to buy a cat house (not sure if it's called the same in English) that our cats can climb into and sleep in. However; if you can explan where and how you were thinking about situating the shelves maybe we can come up with a similar solution. Thanks for all your suggestions!
  • This is what I meant by window shelf, also called a window perch:

    There are many different styles of perches sold, as well as instructions to build your own. We are also planning on building a cat tree, something similar to this:

    We're going to make it where the litter box and the food have their own enclosed area that the dogs can't get into ( the boys two favorite things; cat food and cat poop). You don't have to go as extreme as this. You could do something basic, like having a pillow on top of a dresser.

    In the beginning, you may also want to try using an electronic bed warmer to help lure the cat to sleep where you want it to. Only have it on when you are around (as these things aren't meant to be on continuously) and set it to the lowest setting. Cats love a pre-warmed spot, which could also explain why your cat takes over Taro's bed especially if it's right after he leaves it.
  • A folded comfy blanket in a quiet spot works great too. Cats love blankets.
  • Then there's me who got rid of the cat tree because Mei would climb it and try and eat the cat. Damn Kais and they're climbing. Two weeks later there went the cat perch. Mei decided it was hers to sit on in the window sill to watch the world, and she was a bit too heavy.

    My poor cat.....
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