


  • She is such a cutie, congrats :). Who are the parents?
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks @stiiina

    Her mother is: MIKKI SAIKI V.D. EGMATO (House of v/d Egmato) and her father is: SHOUSEI HOMARE GO IZUMO YANOSOU (Japan import)


  • Thanks Stefan. Mikki is my Kekko's sister :).
  • Oh really?? That's cool! Bet Kekko is beautifull as well then as I love Mikki's colouring
  • I've been on your facebook page to check out Kekko's pictures. He is indeed a beautifull dog!
  • Thank you Stefan, I'm sure Akana will grow from cutie to a beautiful female :), as her parents are also very nice shikokus.
    Keep us posted with cute pictures, as they grow so fast...
  • I'm pretty sure Shousei belongs to a forum member too. :) They haven't posted in a while though.
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks @Stiiina, yes with those parents it almost cant go wrong, and then again... As long as she stays this sweet, its all the same to me :)
    @Araks Oh Really? I've met his owner at the Winner show in Amsterdam last November. Would be cool if he's around here as well :-)
  • Here's what I'm pretty sure is Shousei's thread. I'm 99.9% sure that's them. :-)

  • @Araks Yes it sounds like them indeed. As they got Shousei via v/d Egmato...
  • edited February 2011
    Wow, the shikoku world is VERY small haha :)

    But wow, Shousei has grown into one handsome dog.
  • haha, it certainly is.. House of v/d Egmato is one of the few kennels in Europe, so its not that strange. Also the dogs of other kennels in Europe (There's a small one in Denmark, who recently had a litter, with also Shousei as a father and Sui v/d Egmato as a mother... And one in France I believe) And if I'm not mistaken that's all in Europe..
    So, not that strange they are all somewhat related via v/d Egmato. It's fun though such a small "community".
    Shousei is beatifull! And has a very nice character wich is very important as well.
  • Wow - she is adorable! I look forward to watching her grow. Please keep the pictures coming!

    I find it amazing how much the NK resemble each other. After all these years of only seeing shibas and akitas - it's great!
  • Wow, Akana is gorgeous! What a lovely little girl! Her parents are very nice; she will grow more and more beautiful.
  • Glad that Akana is doing so well! I love my shikoku. They are really neat dogs.
  • NEW SPAM!!!!


    Here she is with her favorite toy

    Tired after a long walk

    Daydreamer :-)

    First time off-leash
    akana 15

    Bouce bounce!!
    akana 16

    It looks great how they run
    akana 17

    You called?
    akana 18

    Almost there! :-)
    akana 20

    Hard to see on this pic (but unfortunately its the best i've got) But here Akana stands on really thin ice..
    akana 21

    Just a cute one
    akana 19

    And another one
    akana 14

  • She looks great! I love how they run too, ears flat, tail straight back, :)
  • This is got to be the CUTEST Shikoku I've seen!!!! Love the markings and she also looks very healthy too!
  • Yay I missed Akana spam!! :D She just keeps looking better and better as she grows.
  • @the_november_rain : Yeah, its like nothing i've ever seen. Also all 4 legs from the ground, very cool to see :-)
    @yiasthoj : Thank you! We think so too :-) Also the older she gets the more "greyish" she becomes.
    @Araks : Hehe, yes I know, i'll try to update a bit more often!

    Also, if any of you would like to see more pics, feel free to add me to facebook :-) (Stefan Janssen, The Netherlands, Wormerveer)
  • Lovely photos, she is really a beauty! :D
    I will try to find you on face!
  • @7Stefan7
    Couldn't find you on face :( Maybe you can find me by my email address... It's jovenofoto@hotmail.com
  • She is quite cute! :)
  • Wow what a cutie, she looks so damn happy!
  • She's so cute! I think Shikokus are one of those dogs that actually look more and more beautiful as they get older.
  • I love puppy action photos.
  • @shishiinu : Thanks! Yes she does, I guess/hope she also is! :)
    @TaraA : I totally agree, loved her allready when she was a mini-puppy but as she gets older her markings really start to show and she gets more beautifull by day.
  • beautiful!! :)
  • Very pretty. I love how they change color as they mature!
  • :) Akana looks so beautiful.. But I have seen a lot of pictures of her father, Shousei, so I now the genes are in place ;)

    So how has the training with leash been?
    With Mei, we had no problems with it. After one day, she felt ok with it and did her thing when we where walking. But then again, she did nr1 from time to time inside the house. And it happens still, but now only in the morning when we all wake up and don't get out the door within 5 minutes :D
    May be since she still is only 10 weeks :) And the last week, she has managed to sleep all night, which we are happy about ;) even being used to our MinPin, Nikki, which can sleep for 14 hours easily.
    Mei do love to make sound, growling and bark, mostly when playing with other dogs. And she have done 2 howls, but then caged in a car..
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