Kai Ken Imports - Round V: Introducing Akashi & Eleanor!!!

edited February 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
I picked up our final round of (planned) Kai Ken imports last night....

Meet Akashi and Eleanor, they are litter-mates from Tenrou Kensha (same kennel that Musashi, Kumi's sire, and the Riki, the sire of Haru's litter, is from).

Akashi & Eleanor

These pups are important to our program as they are an out-cross from all the other Kai Ken we have imported to this point. Originally I was planning on getting only the female, but Okabe-san (of Tenrou Kensha) wanted me to take the male, so we imported both the male and the female.

The male, Akashi, will stay here with us and the female, Eleanor, is going to live with Dave and be Tyson's "special lady". :o)

I took some pics, but they kinda suck, and it seems I got more of Eleanor than of Akashi. I'll get some better ones later.



Akashi & Eleanor



  • They are so cute! How old are they right now? Have the shikokus terrorized them yet? hehe

    Lucky Tyson is going to have a special lady :p
  • Holy moly Eleanor has got to be the cutest kai pup I've seen yet. Akashi is really cute too :)
  • Oh, sorry, I should have added their age in the post. They are 8 weeks old now.

    Kaiju was very good with them, Cho Cho was "ok" (not great), Loa was typical Loa with them, and Ahi was really nice with them (we think Ahi is enjoying having all the boy Kai pups to abuse).

  • I got to see a sneak peak of Eleanor last week... She is absolutely the cutest Kai pup ever... So if you happen to accidentally ship her a little further north than planned, I am okay with that. :-D (sorry, Dave!)

    Akashi is quite stunning as well. I am sure he will make a great addition to your breeding program!
  • A few more pics...



    And a vid of Akashi being an ass about Chibi's food...

  • They are some really cute puppies! wait...all your dogs are awesome!! I need to be careful or I am going to end up with as many as you! lol
  • Man, they're certainly cute! Rather makes me want a Kai Ken now, they seem to have alot of personality :)
  • Holy cow Brad, I dont know how you do it brother. Thats dedication and commitment right there.

    They are really cute, I'm super stoked to see that the NA Kai will have a great future ahead.
  • They are gorgeous! I love Eleanor! Her coloring is amazing! Dave and Tyson are lucky!
  • Very nice pups.
  • Akashi sure is fiesty. Looks like Eleanor is more respectful in the pics.
  • Did Dave name Eleanor? The name sticks out as being different from the rest.
  • Yep, that's Dave's choice for a name. It goes well with his naming convention. :o)


    @shishiinu - I was told the mother of these pups (Sakura), who is a pretty small Kai, has taken down a deer on her own while out on a hunt!

  • Holy crap Brad! Ahhhh so any plans on a placement at a hunting home??? Yeah right my wife would seriously kill me.
  • OMG, they are so cute, it's great you are taking so many great strides for this awesome breed
  • Congratulations on the import pups Brad! Wish you the best with the Kai Ken program and thank you for establishing a Kai Ken program here in NA. BTW are those kai pups from a hunting line?
  • Adorable pups! And Dave is so lucky to be getting Eleanor... she is a cutie! I think Tyson will adore her!
  • Thanks guys, I think she's adorable too!

    I hadn't planned to add another Kai for a few more years, but when I learned about this breeding and saw a picture of her I decided it was time to accelerate those plans. Ty seems to really enjoy being in the woods with Lucy and Joey more than he enjoys it without them, so I'm hopefully that Eleanor will mature into a hunting companion for both me and Ty. At the least, she'll be one of the cutest Kai on the planet. :-)

    Now to wait the month until she comes to NC. That seems forever from now! :-/
  • Oh, my. The Kai army continues to grow! Great additions.
  • Aww they are just too cute.
  • That second recent picture of Akashi is just so stinkin CUTE!
  • Gorgeous puppies! Dave, you are really lucky! :D

    The population of new-blood kais in the US is really growing ;)
  • edited February 2011
    I forgot to thank Shigeru and Corina for their help with these pups. Shigs drove to Okabe-san's place in a blizzard to pick up the pups! And Corina picked them up at LAX for us and then shipped them to Denver the next day. So thanks so much to them for helping us! ( @ShikokuSpirit )


    @yiasthoj - Okabe-san hunts his Kai Ken.

  • That's awesome Brad! Can't wait to see when the pups are all grown up and hunting.
  • I admit. I'm totally bias. I don't think there will ever be a Kai that I don't like, but I do know that these pups are really good looking. They are handsome.

    Eleanor with her bear look will be a great match for Tyson Chicken. The name also makes sense now that I know she's going to Dave.

    Akashi is very handsome. I like the more bear type look. I like all the looks. lol.

    I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to bear witness to the rebirth of Kai here in the U.S. Thank you again for all of your hard work.
  • They are both gorgeous Brad and Dave :) Congrats!
  • Love the new imports !!! lol I think you should let me have one :)
  • Ok Dave now you got a starter pack, start hunting hogs!
  • Some vids of the new pups (excuse the mud)...


  • great videos. The pups are looking great.
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