Saw a Cane Corso

edited March 2011 in Other Breeds
Saw a handsome 1 yr. old "blue" male Cane Corso at a local shopping center yesterday. Thanks to Brad's education and Blue I was able to identify the fellow. I stopped and talked to the owner. Think I made his day by identifying the breed. Will probably see the owner and his dog on the "big dog" side of our dog park every so often. Of course I took the opportunity to tell him about Shibas.


  • There's a CC in my neighborhood. He's about a year old and intact. My female shiba really likes him, always wants to play with him. My 6 month old male Shikoku met him a couple times and was less than thrilled. The last time they met there was lots of growling. Although I've never seen the CC get aggressive, I didn't take any chances and kept my Shikoku on a very short leash.
  • Cool! You met a "Blue". :o)

    Did they say where they got him from? Just wondering.

  • Brad- If I see them again and have the chance, I will certainly ask where they got him.
  • I have a male Cane Corso myself. He's brindle and his name's Bear. By the way, without proper socialization they can get VERY aggressive. I know this because my mother does not think dogs need to be socialized with dogs owned by other people, but I'm fixing that.

    @brada1878 - Where did you get Blue? She(?) is beautiful and seems very well bred.
  • @Asheaka - Blue is from Amore Cane Corso, he's a Mojo son (Rivale's Mojo). Blue had 100s of hours of socialization and training and still the most dog aggressive dog I've ever met. He's a drivey beast, but a big softy with our family (dogs and humans).

  • I just found out that the big, molossor-type puppy at our puppy classes is half cane corso. The other half, they don't know. His mom was a purebred cane corso who they wanted to breed, but she got out and found a mystery man. Anyway, he is probably the best-behaved dog there. He's a sweety, that's for sure.
  • @brada1878 - Sorry that I thought Blue was a female. That is odd that he's so aggressive though, Bear's aggression is more due to being afraid.
  • edited September 2012
    We have a Cane Corso that comes to work named Bear.

  • Bear is very handsome! (So is Blue!) I'm not actually a huge fan of the molasser type dogs, but I like the Cane Corsos. I'm not into the jowly look very much, which is why the Neos deeply disturb me (and frankly, my AA is even a bit more loose lipped thanI like) but there is something so regal and striking about the CCs...
  • There is a huge range in phenotype of the CC..

    Apex's "Tuff" is a nice example of the breed (not too wet, not too dry, not too hyper-type):

    There are 2 "showey" varieties that are called "hyper-type" in the breed: The "Boxer type" and the "Bullmastiff" type. Then their is the "American Type", which is what Bear looks like - they tend to be larger with more white on them.

    Then their is the "working/sport type", which is what Blue is. They tend to be leaner and leggier.

    Then there is a "Wet Type", which is more Neo-ish in style (more skin, larger build).

    The Cane Corso is basically the working/sporting version of the Neapolitan Mastiff, or you could consider them an Italian Bulldog or Bullmastiff as their original purpose was one of blood-sport (bull-baiting) and protection like the Bullmastiff and Bulldogs of the past. The old-world Neos looked more like present day CCs. Every CC has some amount of Neo in them as the breed is basically a lighter weight Neo.

    The temperament of most of the reconstructed molosser-type breeds (CC, BB, Presa, Dogo, ...) tends to be all over the place. They range from overly-friendly lab-like, to fearful and skittish, to overtly aggressive.

  • Interesting! And in my mind, the CCs are MUCH preferable to the "show" Neo type.
  • Here's an example of what the old-school Neo looked like...


    Looks like a CC, huh? Love the old Neo, I hate what has become of the breed.

  • edited September 2012
    It's really cool to see how many different types there are. I really like Blue's look. I'm a fan of the leaner looking mastiffs, though.

    Also, that Neo is amazing!
  • edited June 2011
    Have not seen the CC and his owner at the dog park yet--but then we haven't been there very often because of the weather we've had recently. (Lots of rain.) The CC was a pretty well behaved dog. His owner had him on a prong collar, which I can understand, and was obviously trying to socialize him. The CC politely sniffed me and smelled Shibas. He was a pretty calm dog. He could have been a double for Blue.
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