Josie ( JoJo )

edited April 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
After a long wait,1500 miles and about six states Josie is home. Actually she has been home for over two weeks now. Just haven't had the time or the know how to post pics until now. She is doing great and we are overwhelmed with happyness. So here are a couple of more kai pics to add to the pile




and here she is capturing her first hog !





  • What a cutie! She has such a sweet face!!
  • very cute little girl.
  • Aww! :) She is quite cute!
  • Wow what a cutie! Thats a mighty mean looking razorback there.
  • Aww congrats!! She is so cute!!
  • Congrats on the puppy! It's a full on kai ken take over this week on the forum.
  • She looks really sweet! How have the first two weeks gone?
  • Congrats on Josie (JoJo)...She is a beauty! Enjoy! Love the name... our Kai, Josephine, has numerous nicknames, including Jo Jo, of course!
  • She is gorgeous, and I love how happy she looks! She's just got a bright, happy face--looks she is full of personality!
  • Wauw what a gorgeous expression she has!!! :D Really nice pics and HUGE congrats on your new pup :)
  • Gongrats! She is looking so cute.
  • She's very cute! Congrats! :o)

  • I almost forgot to thank you all and this forum for all your help in preparing me ,and the leads that led us to Josie. The last couple of weeks have been great . I took these weeks off to train and acclimate her. She is very smart and knows many basic commands: sit, paw, stay, come,speak, fetch and back with the ball. She seems happy and eager to learn new things. She likes her crate and sleeps until my alarm clock goes off. She seemed potty trained almost from the start, untill the vacume cleaner litterally scared the crap out of her the other day. ( anybody know a cure for that ? ). Thanks :)
  • Awesome, she is such a cutie...Congratulations!!
  • Congrats! Such a cute pup!

    As for the vacuum, Kaiya was terrified of it was well. This is what we did and we are making progress. We left it out for her to sniff, treats for getting close to it (when its not running) put treats on it so should could eat them off the vacuum, took her into the farthest room from where we were vacuuming and treated and praised like crazy. For the first time on Saturday (after 3 months), she dared to be in the same room as a running vacuum, though she was still pretty nervous. We let her do it on her own and threw treats and tons of praise her way for her bravery =)
  • who doesn't like tasty treats and praise? I know I do :)

    great pics! that is one amazingly cute puppy and looks to be acclimating very well

    very happy for all the new owners
  • I think Josie's sister lives an hour away from me. Congratulations!!!
  • What a sweet little puppy! She has a really cute face, luff the Kai pups =]. Congrats, you're gonna have so much fun with her!
  • Any plans to hunt Jojo?
  • BTW, Jojo has the prettiest face on any dog I've ever seen. Congratulations.
    Kuki is not afraid of the vacuum, he just doesn't like it.
    As soon it's being used, that's his cue to go outside.
    Which is great, because he likes being outside.
  • @shishiinu Hunting with JoJo is going to be tough.Most of my hunting takes place about 3 hours from my house.I do have a wooded area near my house that holds allot of rabbits,but NO HUNTING. I'm going to do my best to train her in this area and hopefully take her upstate with me this winter for grouse and rabbits. She seems to have a great nose and shows good signs of being a great hunter.
  • cute, cute, cute... maybe as cute as her sister, pinky loves you jojo...LOL
  • You need to take some hunting vacations, then. :o)
  • I'm a little late, but congrats! She's very cute. ~
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