Argos [PIC/VID update 01.01.2012]



  • Argos is so cute! I'm glad you're having lots of fun with him. That's what puppyhood should be all about.
  • <3 shikoku puppies!
  • @tjbart17 Oh, Argos is a blast! He is so quirky. One minute calm, the next minute spazzing. He does this adorable little "I'm tired of running around with this rope, so I'm going to plop down and let you drag me across the yard with it in my mouth." Sure he can be a little bit frustrating, he's got his "love pillow" and this blanket that he seems to think is giant fluffy prey, but then he looks at you with those little eyes and you melt (and say no and take the blanket away). :P

    @cmpteki The bush pounce and "drag me across the yard" videos are definately now one the list! And yes, the truth comes out...
  • He sounds adorable!!! I think puppies should be all about fun. Training can come later, but these are the precious times. You drag him around that yard and get him his own love pillow!!! He'll love you for it.
  • Yay, more puppy spam. :) Argos sounds like a total blast.
  • I fall a little more in love with Argos every time he's posted about. He just sounds so very lovely (in that angelic little devil way) and he's such a cutie!
  • @NotoriousScrat We fall a little more in love with Argos every day! He is such an angel/devil (more angel than devil, though). It's in his name! :) Argos has both angelic and devilish connotations in the history of his name. :P
  • edited October 2011
    Argos is now a little over 3 months old. He weighs twenty pounds now and has his first puppy socialization/obediance class tomorrow. We are all excited. We had a proud moment the other day, Argos is now lifting his leg to pee!! He is growing so quickly, he is no longer the soft fuzzy pup that we brought home.
    Training is coming along nicely, his name recognition is pretty great, his recall is decent, depending on distraction. We have been working on recall in the yard as his recall in the house is good. Sit, Lay Down, Touch and Kisses (Jess loves the Kisses) are nearly perfect in the house and improving in the yard. He is such a smart boy! Teaching him "Off" is a bit tricky, I'd say we are about 50% on that command, I'm convinced he knows what it means as he sometimes responds to the verbal command yet other times he needs a redirect.
    His outer coat is coming in very black! Starting to see a lot of guard hairs on his back, and some red tipped ones.


    Argos had a lot of fun raking up leaves!





    This is his "How about you just tow me around with the rope?" thing. Will upload videos soon!

    The last two pics were taken 1 - 2 weeks ago, you can see how his coat is changing!
  • The lazy tug rope:

    The pounce:

    Fun in the leaves:

    And a super cute picture from a month ago:
  • Ridiculously adorable! Love all the spam!

  • i love it when they pounce like that.
    he got quite a bit darker too!
  • edited October 2011
    @jikjak Yeah, the black guard hairs have been a recent growth over the past week and a half or so. I swear we woke up and they were there. Unfortunately our pic/video quality isn't the greatest, but you can still see the soft red fluff under the guard hairs, and he has some red-tipped ones coming in, too. The pounce is too cute.

    Just a note about Argos' tenacity and play style, we just had a friend over with her 130lb King Shepard, and Argos warmed up to him in minutes. Shortly after that, they were running around the yard having some intense play. Argos was very vocal as he was lunging, jumping and nipping at his massive new friend. It was hilarious to see a 20 pound pup being the aggressor with such a big dog. The Shepard, Grimace, is a huge softy and more than once Argos' tenacity seemed to keep Grimace at bay, then Grim would get up and they would box at one another and be off to the races.
  • I love all this spam!! He is so adorable when he is pouncing around. He's grown quite a bit! :)
  • @BradnJess - Argos looks great! All the vids are cool, but for a favorite, I have to say I love that pounce... :)
  • That pooch has an extra dose of personality--too cute.
  • Thanks for posting these. They're so cute!!
  • edited October 2011
    Thanks everyone! He's quite the little guy. He's got personality flying out of everywhere. :D

    @cmpteki Well, if you like that pounce, I'm trying to catch him on video nose diving/pouncing on this one spot on the carpet where I think he's caught a scent. :P
    He is looking great, but I'm blown away by how much he's growing. Today he was 21lbs, and I'm starting to wonder if he's growing abnormally fast. But from what I understand, his weight gain is on track with ( @jikjak ) Ghost's weight gain, so maybe it's just a litter of big pups?
  • i hope they arent growing abnormally fast! argos and ghost seem to be growing at the same rate though so hopefully thats normal. hopefully we can hear from the other owners. id love to see more pics of the other 3.

    i just weighed ghost right now and hes at 22.2 lbs.
  • @jikjak Arg was 21.6 lbs this morning, without food in his belly. I swear it makes him 10x heavier. :S I feel better knowing that they're growing at similar rates, but I do wish we could see/hear more about the other 3!
  • ya it be nice to see their pics, im sure jeff will eventually post some when he has some time. hopefully ill be able to meet up with him sometime soon as well. as for the other two maybe we can ask katja if she can contact them and either get some pictures or get them to join this forum.
  • @jikjak Yeah, I'm surprised that they're not on the forum.
  • @BradnJess & @jikjak - Just to let you know Miyu's litter, which was also sired by Yamato, were big pups. Peggy had stated that they were bigger than she had normally seen in other litters, so it may be that Yamato throws out bigger, or at least denser, pups. Miyu is also noticeably stockier than other shikoku, but only weighs 34.5lbs.
  • @Calia That's very good to know. As long as it's part of his natural growth pattern (from some big/dense Yamato gene, I guess :p), I'm not really concerned. I was kind of hoping for Arg to be on the bigger/heavier side, but not in the fat, I-got-fed-too-much sense! Thanks, Beth. :)
  • Just a couple pictures to show how Argos has changed in the last month!

    Argos @ 10 weeks


    Argos now, at almost 14 weeks

  • He might turn into a sesame.
  • @the_november_rain Yeah, that's what I think. You can't see it in the picture, but he's definately developing some red guard hairs now. The black came first, but I can see the red ones developing around his shoulders. I think if we had a better camera, it would show. The cam was GREAT back in the 1800s. :P

    Anyway, I'm hoping he goes sesame. If he grew to be his fathers son, I'd be so happy. c:
  • edited October 2011
    what factors lead u to believe how they will turn out? im guessing its because u can see a lot of red color coming through the black? kind of a good balance between the two colors?

    we prefer different colors, im hoping ghost, will turn out like his father but with more of his mother's coloring.
    i really wish i was able to meet yamato.

    @the_november_rain: what color do u think ghost will turn out? (theres some recent pics in my thread(
  • edited October 2011
    @jikjak- Exactly, cause there is good balance between the red and back hairs on the torso. Also, no to black sesame cause there is hardly any on the face/head/legs/neck. The black may be a little more pronounced cause of Kimi's influence, so maybe a little darker than Yamato. You should not be disappointed with his form as an adult. Ghost will probably be really similar to Argos.
  • @jikjak Yeah, he's just got a lot of mixing of red and black guard hairs going on, and some localized to certain places. I think we'll really know when the fur around his head starts maturing, but there's a few red guard hairs sticking out of his super fluffy red hair right now.

    @the_november_rain He could grow up purple and I wouldn't be disappointed in him. :P It's just so exciting to seem him maybe start maturing in the way that I imagined our shikoku would look!
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