shikoku names ??

i'm so excited,
we have been waiting a while now, and finally there are little shikoku's born, so in a few weeks we will get our shikoku..
but now we were looking for a japanese name for the puppy, it will be a male.. does anybody have any suggestion?
i already have a female shiba inu that we named tama (japanese for juwel)
so if anybody can suggest something ??


  • I really wanna see a male shikoku named Arashi on the forums. I'm actually surprised the name isn't more popular.
  • that's a nice name, you have any idea what the meaning is?
  • edited November 2011
    Storm :) Which is why I think it would be perfect for a shikoku hellion.
  • Rioshi, not sure of the spelling but according to an English - Japanese dictionary I found, it means Hunter. It was a name I liked for our boy but jess didn't.
  • Here's a dog name thread with a lot of good ideas. It's not specifically for Shikoku, but I think most of them work!
  • LOL i named one of the JA puppies in our litter Arashi. I love the name too. But it needs a suitable personality :-)
  • edited November 2011
    I really like "Raijin" and "Fujin", the Thunder and Wind gods in Japanese Mythology. And "Orochi", the 8 headed Dragon which is also from Japanese Mythology.
  • wow lot of names i like!, now have to talk about it to my husband, hopefully he will like them as well.. i'm curious.. and we got a mail back yesterday from our little puppy, so now i'm waiting for a mail that says when we can go get him.. it will be one of these puppy's :'s.htm
  • edited November 2011
    Do you guys know what the breeder means "twin sisters" they came out at the same time or what??
  • My guess at being twin sisters is that they were actually split from the same zygote. If I were to guess, they are identical twins, as compared to fraternal which a litter usually consists of.
  • Or it could just be the fact that those two girls look exactly alike, thus resembling twins
  • The breeder would only know if they are truly twins if there were a genetic test done, so my guess is just that they look the same. Or perhaps, they're the only two girls in the litter, or there were only two puppies in the litters.
  • Heidi,
    The pictures make it seem like there are 4 females in that litter, so maybe it's like what Beth says and they just look exactly alike. Either way, more furry potatoes is always a good thing!

  • we got a mail about the twins, and apparantly they were in the afterbirth, and were in the same placenta, so they are identical twins, the veterinarian said that this was very rear .. they were smaller than the other pups that were born, that is because they had to share their food.. really amazing..

    and i found a name, i liked kai very much, but we found it a bit short, so we decided to call him kaito, which means ocean in japanese..

    so now we just have to wait till we know which pup will be ours!!
  • awesome! congrats on the new pup!
  • If I had a Shikoku I would like to name it Kochi 高知. This is the prefecture in Shikoku where most of the dogs come from. The first Kanji means high and the second knowledge.
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