kaito taigan
we had word of our pup.. we got a picture of our little darling that soon will be in our family..
he's the son of yuu and ikyuu van de egmato in holland.. i'm so excited!! so kaito will be a new years present :-)
he's the son of yuu and ikyuu van de egmato in holland.. i'm so excited!! so kaito will be a new years present :-)
I can't wait to see this guy grow up! I'm sure he'll be quite handsome.
cuteness overload, they are so sweet!!
this the link :
first of all merry christmass to everyone!!
we got a very special christmas present today, we got a picture of our puppy,
normally the first week of january we can go get him!! so excited, here are some pictures, he's grown so much!!
and he is just beautiful!!
here are some new pics of kaito!! he grows so fast!! jsut being a little bandit :-)
I have his brother, Gaiko, the only sesame-colored one from the litter.
@isitizzy - This is Miyu at 3 months: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/SdS5pmBPViFHcqU9ymf1udMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
And then her at a little over 1yr old: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/311382_10150335698651379_681261378_8297419_808032772_n.jpg
Miyu was actually born with a white nose and a white line of fur going from between her eyes to her chin, but that has long faded.