Things you notice when having a dog...

edited February 2012 in General

Since a few years you get fined here in Belgium for not cleaning up after your dog on the street. Finally... you could walk around town without having to scrape off your shoes on a regular basis.
Now when we go out for a walk with Sugoi and Futago, we always carry some doggy bags with us. But lately we notice how many people still do NOT do this... wherever you have a bit of greenery here in town, you can find it filled with doggie leftovers! We thought it would be fun for the two of them to have a bit of a roll around on the grass as we don't have that at home, but it's just not possible! Even in nature or the woods, we scoop it up and throw it in a bin. It seems nobody else does this, making it very understandable for people to become ANTI dog!

Is it the same all over the world, or do they have stricter laws in other places? Is there anything else you have noticed since having your four footed family member?



  • Here in New York (U.S.) we have that problem, but not as severe. I always thought it was just the attitude here.
  • edited February 2012
    Ha, I live in an apartment complex. People hardly understand the meaning of cleaning up after their dog. The grass is blanketed in dog feces and urine. The only time it ever looks clean is when they mow the grass. I can't walk barefoot outside in the lawns. (I live in Texas, though I don't think that changes anything. People everywhere don't like touching dog poop)
  • It's bad here too! There even along some rest stops when traveling poop on the grass! The rest stop even provides plenty of poop bags so people can take one or two..

    Local park I go to has poop bag stations and I find poop everywhere even on sidewalk one looked like it was from a great dane or some type big dog. so gross!

    My neighbor doesn't clean after their dogs their yard is full of poop I had Bella playing with their dogs and omg gross. I clean my yard usually twice week and sometimes once week or three depends..
  • In a strange way, it's good to know we aren't the only ones with this problem... but the bad thing is, you have these litterers everywhere so it seems!

    Never heard of towns providing poop bags, I do think it's a great initiative from the local government.
    Now if we only could "educate" the rest of the dog owners... at least those living in town, so kids could play again on the grass and you have no worries your own dog gets covered in dog poo after playing with a friend outside :s. I always try to be very demonstrative about cleaning up after them, of course it's not the most enjoyable activity (X 2 even, when we go out with both of them), so people can see it can be done differently as well. It's not because that lawn is covered in feces, ours have to contribute to it... sometimes it's a bit of a search to know which one is theirs... hahaha, usually the one that's still warm :P. But with a clean bag around your hand, it's after all only the temperature you feel. And then go look for a bin to throw it away... something we never noticed before where those were ;)!

  • Yeah the bags provided makes it more sad when there is poop on the ground at the parks..

    I mean my mom if she forgot bags on a walk she'd come back to same spot with a bag and pick up after her dogs a lot of work, but I guess there's all kinds dog owners.

    I agree the job of dog poop picker is no fun, but must be done. hehe
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