Kitora's Off Leash Spam :o)

edited April 2012 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
We've been doing quite a bit of work around the property on taking pack walks using leash, long line etc. with Kitora. Other two dogs do very well off leash. Well, today was the trial for our first off leash hike on open BLM land which is 3 miles up the road from us...for little Ki.

She did FANTASTIC!!! Took Mirra, the husky mix with (who is very reliable, although somewhat aloof, typical husky stuff) to our high desert open BLM. Oh, we had a BLAST!! Aaand, Ki completely out shined Mirra with recall!! Yay, Ki! (Mirra says she was just trying to encourage the puppy and give her confidence, lol)

Mirra's philosophy is: I can see you, so you don't need to worry. If it really matters to you, then I'll come all the way. We're cool, right? Can we keep going now?

Ki's response to our recall games: Where'd you go? There you ARE!!! Run as fast as lightening and sit to get my treat!! YAY, I love this, life is great!! Let's go more!!!

My favorite part is when the initial running excitement wears off, and the "trekking" begins... that moment when the tongues get a little long, and a steady trot has taken over...that's great!!! :oD

Here's looking forward to many more fabulous hikes with the pack!!!

BTW - any info on what camera's you guys use for all those great outdoor pics and youtube video's? Ours is ancient and we are looking at getting a new one this year.... I'd love to post some videos of her great trekking ability!


  • I use some type of Nikon forgot the kind.. Used to use a old camera for video and hikes, but it broke need get new one soon..
  • edited April 2012
  • That's great she did well off-lead!
  • Sounds great. I love a good off leash walk with my dogs. It's great to hear how great Kitora is doing.
  • Sounds like a fun time! Way to go Kitora!
  • Love it! I too get a real high from a good off leash walk with my dogs. There's something really amazing it that I can't quite put my finger on. Nice job, but fail on the spam. :-P
  • lol, @dlroberts... I'm kinda new to forum lingo but from what I've gathered "spam" = pictures - & on that subject... what does "bump" mean???

    Also, dumb question - Do you guys use your iphones for youtube videos? Trying to find camera with easy hook up for pics and videos so we can post highlights from the "Adventures of Ki" :oD I used to be up on technology but last 4 years my knowledge has fallen to the
  • Yeah spam means lots of pictures. :) Bump means that the person bumped up a old message like say a message on how to properly socialize a puppy it's very old no one commented on it for long time so it's on page 5 or something and we get bunch puppy owners so I bump the thread up so the puppy owners get to see the nice thread on socialization.

    That's just an example..

    Forum I go to have no sticky so people have to bump two important threads up when new people join so they can read it to gather general info and then post if they need more help.

    At least this forum has good search engine compared to some forums I've been to.
  • edited April 2012
    Ahha!! Thanks :o) So yes, I have failed on enough spam so far.... will try to remedy that.... :oD
  • edited April 2012
    Ok, so here are pics from tonights first unleashed night doing chores!!! She's part o' the ship, part o' the crew, officially!!!
    West Elk Mountain Ranges

    So, we live on 35 acres with very little fence lines out here. We have a small farm, and as you can see Kitora is fitting in just fine. It's fun to watch her with the goats because the does are a very protective sort. They will stomp at the fence (with very little stress added to their lives as they are used to dogs running around since birth) which has created a very short funny lived game with Kitora. She doesn't bark at them anymore, because they won't run and basically ignore her now that they know she is here to stay. The horses don't mind her. She is respectful of them and they won't care as in the past I used to take the dogs riding with me quite frequently.
    What I'm really excited about it that a Kai is so versatile and adaptable as you can see with all the exposure to "prey" animals. Her recall is doing fantastic as I hope you can gather from the photo of her running to me. She really is an exceptional dog!!!
    Next hike is scheduled for Tues or Wed morning... I'll try to remember my camera for more off leash spam there as well!! lolol
    Mirra the brown and white is the Husky mix who has been such a great mentor for her. I really have to do very little with Kitora around the animals as she takes most her cues from Mirra.
  • she's so spunky!!! :) nice place!!
  • That's great she is doing so well... she is very pretty.
  • Pretty view too!
  • Lovely pictures! I love your other dogs and the goats are cute too. :)

    Glad she doing good off leash.

    I only have 16acres not as much as you, but Saya loves the space and sticks in the yard which is great since she is a shiba inu. lol
  • I am a believer in the "starter culture" of the older dogs passing on to the young ones. I think Juno is a better off leash dog because of Reilly than if I didnt have Reilly. There's some kind of "this is what we do" vs "it's just not done" that comes off the older dog. Good old Mirra! :)

    Happy Kitora is doing so well, and you have a great view!

    My sister also has goats and horses, and she would love nothing better than for her dog to follow her on trail rides. The dogs came before the horses, though and are pretty stressed out around the barnies. She had her lab come down while she groomed a horse and put her in a down stay at a safe distance (the lab had been kicked once while playing with another dog at a friend's barn, so she may actually be really *done* with horses), which she dutifully held though the grooming. When done, she and the dog went back to the house, where, once inside, the lab relaxed finally and threw up.

    Did your dogs grow up with horses and goats?
  • Wow she is so lovely ! I love her brindle.
    She has a wonderful recall, you must be too proud of her ^^
  • Kitora is looking good. Love that tail!
  • Nice place! Where is it if you don't mind me asking? Reminds me of where I grew up in CO. Question... how do you like that harness? I have the same for Ciqala and it gets twisted up really easily.
  • Thanks guys!! I am really proud of her... especially when she comes barreling to me and showing Mirra up with promptness! lol

    @Wryly I love Mirra teaching Kitora. I think Mirra is really the only dog I've ever had that I really trust with the job. She is so laid back about *most everything that she brings the energy level down to a perfect learning environment. Mirra did grow up with the horses and goats, Saydee didn't but her mentality is hard to explain. She really doesn't care a whole bunch about changes in life, as long as her needs are still met in the same manner they always have been... she does have a tendency to go completely AWOL with her excitement.... she's a hard one, I usually just say, "Sayddee is just, well.... Saydee" She is 100% dedicated to my husband though and would be glued to his hip if she could be. It probably took her a full 1-2 years for her to accept me after him and I were married (he adopted her a little over a year before him and I met) I was the "other woman" for the longest time, lol!! Mirra did grow up with the horses and goats and rrrrreally loves going out trekking with the horses. Really fills her need to explore there. I have to be careful because one of our horses is an adopted mustang... I generally don't take the dogs when I take him out as he has an instinct to protect his feet more than my mare. I think he'd be fine, but not worth the risk for the pups... :o)

    @Yandharr We live on the Western Slope of CO about an hour east of Grand Junction! I'm not crazy about the harness, it works ok, it hasn't twisted on me as of yet, but we don't utilize it for much more than a visual for when we are out off-leash and to maybe walk out to the car with. It stands out so well against her coat I kinda use it as a safety tool so people absolutely know that she is with somebody. I've found that if we are doing leash work she responds much much more softly to her collar than the harness. It's almost like the harness "gives" her something to pull on but her collar she has no desire to pull on.

    @TheWalrus - her tail gets thicker every week!!! :oD
  • Ok!! :o) So, @dlroberts - I hope I now pass for "spam"!! LOL This mornings hike was very nice... the whole family went including hubby and Saydee so we had a full car!!
    Off and Running:
    Oooo whats that:
    @Wryly :o) Good ol' Mirra
    Tired pup recall
    Post hike pup:

    Thanks for letting us share!!!!!!!! :oD
  • Wow- you can see forever...That must be reassuring. Its very foresty where I live, so in the leafy months, or in the piney places mine could be 10 yards off the trail and I can't see them. That's why we need bells. (That and it's bear country...)

    nice work on recalls, and it's nice to see your pack running together! :)
  • Yeah, down here you can really see for miles... when we go up to Grand Mesa we will be putting a bell on her harness as it is National Forest there. Lakes and trees and scrub oak, oh my! lol It takes us about an hour to get up to really good hiking trails there.
  • Wow, I love that area you're hiking in! Gorgeous.
  • That's awesome countryside that you're living in! I wish I had wipe open spaces like that. Kitora is quite the beautiful little girl! Who was her breeder if you don't mind the asking?

    Nikon D60 is an awesome entry level DSLR with a low end price tag, iPhones work great too lol :)
  • Beautiful photos! :) Glad that Kitora has fit in well.
  • Oh how I miss you big red! =) She is maturing into such a lovely girl!
  • Love the pictures. Nice place to hike. I have bells for Saya too much trees to keep track by sight.

    Hope see more your other two dogs are beautiful too.
  • @cezieg I don't mind! She was originally intended for Julie and was imported.....She came from Japan from the Tochigi-ken region. All of you who know better (which is quite a few of you, lol) Am I reading that right? I do know however, that her dam is a really nice female named Yuume and she was sired by Wakahonjin, same as Akashi at Yamabushi. They have pics of Waka on their site. I'm sure we'll get much better pics soon of Yuume (right @brada1878 ?) haha :oD That's a good question though... is her breeder on this forum???

    @jujee - yes, I think you would be quite proud of how she is turning out. A very sweet, gorgeous, responsive girl. She really is a package deal! One of her favorite games with me is to follow me around the house alternately biting at my pant legs... cracks me up and she knows it... lil' stinker!!

    And thank you all! We love our other two girls very much as well! I'll try to get better shots of them next time... Poor Mirra, as of last fall, is 1 eyed now. She lost her blue eye to glaucoma in Oct.. :o( Now she just has her tannish greenish eye but she does perfectly well. Mirra we know for sure is Sib. Husky/Border Collie. We were lucky enough to meet dam and sire when we went to pic her out. Saydee is a funny one; we were talking on the other thread of "what type of dog do I have" The only thing we know for sure is that whoever bred her thought enough of the crossing to crop tails and remove dew claws... That's part of what makes me think she's part Dobie... but who really knows? My official opinion is that she is German Shepard and Doberman Pincher crossed.. sounds good anyway: to any strange person asking....lolol
  • Why yes, that most definitely passes for spam! :-)

    I concur, that's a wonderful place to take the pack for a romp. I'm envious!

    Thanks for sharing.
  • Great pics! It is gorgeous--looks a lot like New Mexico, too!

    I love the pics with the day I would like to have goats!

    Great to see all the dogs together, too. My Akita learns a lot from my female Shiba, too, but so far it has been only rolling on his back and moth catching!
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