Kai with other animals?

edited May 2012 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)

I'd like to hear your opinions about Kai and ferret at the same house. We own three ferrets and we dream to get a Kai but theres a broblem with Kai being a hunting dog.
Have you noticed does your Kai go after better big than small animals? To many huntdogs ferrets could be cathc so would it matter does dog hunt a bigger than smaller animals?
We live in row house and our ferrets has a own room but it would be better if dog comes along with ferrets. Of course it also depens how good do you train your dog to endure other animals.

Do you think there's a big difference about male and female Kais?

I'm so sorry about my awful engilsh, hope you get the idea! :D


  • I don't have any actual experience so one of the other guys can answer that for you. I know from what people have already said on here you can't let them off lease because they will take off after something. Some dogs are ok with YOUR cats but will get any other cats. Not sure how they are with ferrets. My dad's golden retriever was terrified of mine.
  • I'm too new to having a Kai to give you a definitive answer, but they do have a super high prey drive. My puppy chases and "kills" anything that moves (pounces on things like the broom and gives it a "kill" shake). I think they would want to chase the ferret, so you'd have to be super careful, and they are very fast.

    I know ferrets can protect themselves, too, but if it were me, I'd be worried about any of the NK breeds with a small animal, because they are fast and their hunting instinct is strong. I'd keep them out of the ferret room.
  • edited May 2012
    My kai is good with our cat for the most part and even other cats but he goes after everything else. I'd be concerned with having a really small animal in the house with them like a ferret. I'm sure it could be taught not to but my kai sometimes plays with our cat likes its a puppy and knocks her over.. A ferret would probably get injured pretty easily because of their size.
  • I too would caution and just be careful.. We have a cat who is not afraid of big dogs (he had our current two well trained to his liking) but Kitora is a different story... What we are working on at this point, and she is trying really hard to obey is the "leave it" command. I know some of the young Kai's are being good with cats.. is it Toshi who is pictured with their cat?? Oh, yes! Mike just posted above! lol Ki is having a very hard time with it, you can tell that there is such drive in her she can barely stand it. Luckily, her want to please is probably stronger - so she is learning... In one of our sessions just last week she actually put her mouth around him and was closing down... a strong "Leave it!" and she did release him... he is none too happy about it though. I try to take natural situations (where she has chased him to the mud room) and turn them into something practical... we're trying, but no fluff - it is hard. Trying to get to the point where she doesn't chase him in the first place...lolol
    We do hike off leash once or twice a week, I know there are several of us who do - but you must have a really good recall installed first.
  • I don't have a kai, but a shikoku with 4 ferrets. One of my ferrets' is my dog's best friend... I also have a "ferret room", but because my shikoku comes along with my ferrets better than they come along with each other, I really don't have a use for the ferret room.
    Of course it has much to do with the personality of the dog (and the ferrets as well).
    All I can say; it's not impossible, but better safe than sorry.

    And some spam:

  • Oh my gosh!!!! That is so awesome @Vixen!!! Those pics are so great! I really wonder if Ki would be doing better if we had been able to get her at 8 weeks. She was 4 months by the time she made it from Japan to Yamabushi and then to us with a lot of stops in between!! I'm sure the younger the introduction the better!
  • edited May 2012
    When it comes to something like a high prey drive or aggressive dog, my motto is to hope for the best and plan for the worst. Go into it with the assumption that the dog and ferrets will always have to be kept tightly separate, at the risk to injury or life of one of your animals. Plan for that scenario. If you're not willing to do the separation management for the 10+ years you will have the dog, don't get the dog. If you want the dog badly enough and are willing to do what it takes to make it work out, have a plan in place and make sure all the family members know what that plan is before the dog is brought home. Figure out how you are going to do introductions, and when in doubt /slow down!/ Don't force an animal into a situation its uncomfortable with; step back to the previous level. When introducing animals, ignoring one another is perfectly fine and a great start, if it comes to that. They don't have to be fast friends, or friends at all - they just need to be able to cohabitate.
  • From the videos seen I would take the base hunting behavior of the Kai as a heads up that Ferret and Kai may not be a good match....certainly it will require extra effort to make sure there aren't any sneaky break-ins to the rodent/stoat room.

  • edited May 2012
    I agree they dog might get along with some work or might not. If they do get along be sure to always keep an eye on them during interactions because just takes one small mis step and the dog might get to riled up.

    How are your ferrets with dogs they ever met any?

    Saya loves cats even neighbor's and cats at pet shop. Some dogs love their cats at home, but will chase and go after strange cats.

    Hard to say.. Saya my shiba has killed 5 rabbits in her three years.. one young rabbit and four babies. Getting the kai as puppy will help since the pup will be small and can work on, but still be cautious if it doesn't work out then the dog can't be near the ferrets.

    I know someone who owns a shiba and ferret on the shiba forum side.. I'm not sure if they get a long well or not.

    Saya only seen a group of ferrets at the pet store they were all sleeping at time so she wasn't impressed, but Saya acts on instinct when she see a baby or young rabbit she grabs it and shakes it kills the prey quickly.

    She never met a ferret in person only through it's cage, but that's different if it was moving my guess she might go for it. Cats are friends to her since they're bigger, but when boudreaux runs away from Saya she gives chase, but doesn't hurt the cat she knows her limits since our cat will swipe if they had enough.

    Good luck with it hopes it work.

  • I would caution against it. But, there are always exceptions.
  • Agreed. It sounds like a recipe for something bad to happen. My Kai has killed his fair share of squirrels. With a dog as large as a Kai and an animal as small as a ferret, all it will take is one bite/shake to kill the ferret. I hunt with my boy, so I haven't discouraged the behavior, but I also haven't encouraged it either. It's definitely in him naturally.

    Like Brad said, there are always exceptions. But as a general rule, I think there are other breeds that are far better suited to living with a ferret.
  • edited May 2012
    I have a chicken flock. The NKs are ALWAYS trying to break in to their area and they were all exposed and raised near them from early ages. The Roosters are big and the hens feisty and wise to dogs. Every one of the dogs has gotten pecked on the tender insides of their nostrils and chased by the big scary roosters. So, even though they are afraid of the chickens, they still try to work the fence to break in due to instinct over riding whatever I tell them. Now, it's an entirely different story about what to do with 4 angry 10 lb roosters that are giving the evil cockeye once said entrance to coop is obtained, but they keep trying, so be prepared for some tenacious break in attempts to your ferret room.
  • edited June 2012
    @Vixen - omg omg omg omg!!
    I love the picture where you are walking the ferret and the Shikoku.
    What kind of leash do you have on the ferret? I have bought two diff types for mine but I can't keep him in them.
    I've never been able to walk him outside of the house because he slips out during our practice walks in the living room.
  • That would make me very nervous. Mei would definitely never be trusted with a ferret. It would not be pretty. Koda umm well even my sweet little boy may just snap at one. I'd advise against it. If you tried you would have to keep them separated and never left at home together.
  • The pictures I have of toshi and the cat are about 50% of the time, the other half he's messing with her or chasing her and once in a while she chases him... I do what I can to stop the behavior and as long as he's tired they are fine together. I'm just keeping an eye on them as he matures. I just had to kick the cat out of the bedroom because toshi feels like chasing her at the moment.
  • Thanks for the answers!

    I would never keep ferrets and dog free same time in the apartment if I wouldn't be waching them.
    I was so trying to not think about hunter dog but Kai just seems so good. But were still thinkin other breeds too.

    @Saya : Our friend just visited us whit a 9weeks old stafforshireterrier and our boyferret didin't care him at all. Other of the girls went to smell dog very near and when dog got exited and wanted to play, ferret tried to bite him ( and I think that she hitted to the nose). Other girl seems to scare dogs. Also a Spanish waterdog visited us few weeks ago, and then was a same thing.
    It would need so much practise with dog and ferrets but I would be ready for that, it's not a broblem to me.

    If ferrets and dog wouldn't stand each other, dog would be upstairs when I play whit ferrets at dowstairs. Ferrets are always on their room when we are not at home and I release them couple times at day.

    @Vixen Thanks for the photos! I've been waching them also at facebook, it gives me little hope to get a Kai and ferrets! (: Oon tällänen kyylä. :D
  • @h_bk44 I have a 3m leather leash and leather chihuahua-sized harness to Venom, he's not big-sized ferret, rather stout (like a staffie of ferret world), so he has dog harness. ;)
    Venom (the ferret on those pictures, Gaiko's best friend) walks on a leash like a dog so I take him out quite often with us.
    Even if Gaiko is really interested in every moving animal outside, and (try to) chase them, he has always been good with my ferrets, and even being out, he just check all the time where his friend is heading. Obviously he knows my ferrets are family members, not prey, even if they are small, talking in a weird language and smell funny.
    When they play together (there's also a picture of "tooth play") Gaiko is much more gentle with the ferrets, than the ferrets are with Gaiko... Also, my ferrets are not afraid of Gaiko, so they don't turn the chase mode on him.
    Gaiko is going for a deer or/and rabbit hunt on next autumn.

    Gaiko was nearly 9 weeks old when I got him, so he has grown with the ferrets. And because there wasn't almost any dog company around, he chose to play with the ferrets.

    I don't say every NK like this with ferrets or other animals, and I'm almost 95% positive this is rather exception, but I don't either say IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to have this sort of combo at home, based of my own experince. Of course all of this is possible when the chemistry works between the dog and other pets. Then again, shikoku and kai, they are hunting dogs by origin, and no one should never ever forget it.

    @Catsu , I have dozens of pictures of Gaiko and his ferret pals, saa kyylätä. ;)
  • Nice pics.
  • I love those pics!

    yeah, I'd probably say in general it won't work, but obviously there are exceptions!

    But I really liked PoeticDragon's post: hope for the best and plan for the worst and take the intros. slow, slow, slow. It's what we're doing with our Kai pup and our American Akita. The Akita is not fond of the pup, and he was quite ill, too, when the pup first came so was more grumpy than usual. So they see each other with the pup in the big wire crate and they "meet" several times a day with us holding the pup, but no other interactions yet, and we've noticed the AA getting more and more blase about the pup: oh, that old thing! Eventually, they will be able to interact, but we're going super slow.

  • I also would like to know, does yours Kais guard their home or you? Are they agressive if someone break into your house or if someone new friend comes to visit?

    If anyone have some experience of this I'd like to hear it. (:
  • edited June 2012
    Mine's a puppy, so I don't know, but my sense would be no. They have a strong flight instinct if they are startled or scared and will tend to bolt. I've already seen that in my boy. As I understand it, Kai Ken are not a great choice for a watch dog.

    But people who have had Kai Ken longer and had more experience will chime in, I'm sure.

    My Akita is quite a good watch dog though! :) Though he doesn't tend to alarm bark as much as a GSD or something would. He's more let's wait and see if this is really a threat and then I'll decide what to do!
  • Akuma is very guardy of the house. He has such a big deep bark! He tends not to be afraid of people, so he will go up to new people no problem. Inside the house with new people, until he is comfortable with them, he won't let them out of his sight for a second and will challenge bark "halt who goes there" style. But he will still take treats from them, which seems strange, but in the end that helps him make friends with all kinds of people very quickly.

    So, as with any dog, you will just have to gauge each situation.
  • Ki is just now 7 months and she seems a bit on the brave side from everything that I've ever read about the Kai. She is up at the door alerting right along side Mirra and Saydee. So I would ask: Does she do this because she has learned this is what to do from the other dogs, and if raised as an only dog would she run away and not alert??? I dunno, but I do know that she did not backed down from the fence when we had workers here and alerted us to their every move but.... she does exhibit the boof boof and sits behind me when someone strange comes up to her in the forward facing head on approach when we are out around town. She doesn't freak though and try to run away. Otherwise, she seems pretty outgoing when we are out and about with people who know how to approach a dog respectably. As of yet, we have not had any experience with her bolting out of fear. It's possible she is not the "norm" for Kai though... ????
    From the stories I've read from Japan about Kai's, I do believe that if their human were in trouble that they would go all out to protect them. With how devoted Ki is and her outgoing nature, I don't see her running off from my daughter or myself if we were in danger.
  • edited June 2012
    Tora is extremely protective of the house when I am not around. My landlord entered the apartment 1 time while I was at work (i knew they were going in) and they commented that even though tora knew them, she was very protective of the house. Now they wait till I get home. As for when I am home, she will guard until I tell her it is ok. If I tell her it is ok when someone enters, she is their best friend. Otherwise he stays on guard and watches them very closely.
  • Koda, Tora's brother, is extremely sensitive to people coming into the home. If I'm not there, I've been told he flips out. I know he would not bite anyone, but he gives a good show. My sister just bought a home, and her back neighbor tore down their fence. I had him on a tie out yesterday in her backyard when they went out into their back. Koda would not stop going off on them. He has a good sense of who is supposed to be there and who isn't, and if he thinks you are not supposed to be there there's no calming him down.

    On that note, if I greet anyone at the door with Koda he is fine with them coming in.

    Mei is a whore. She likes anyone and would let strangers inside just as long as they spoke nicely to her. Then she would proceed to greet and hug them.
  • Sosuke is pretty mellow and confident, and when there's a threat, he can put on his Big Dog shoes and summon a pretty good "Get Outta Here!" bark. I have no idea what he'd do if someone actually broke into the house or attacked one of us because it's never happened. He's pretty protective, but I can only guess.
  • @tjbart17 LOL! "Mei is a whore" made me laugh out loud!
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