Kishu Licking

edited March 2013 in Kishu Ken (紀州犬)
okay so ive read one other member mention the obsessive licking, but how many other people can say the same about their kishus? Sushi lovesssss to lick people, she will literally hold your hand with her paw and go at it until you cut her off. Whats the reason behind this almost obsessive behavior? Ive done searches of course and read info pertaining to dogs licking in general but never got to discuss it with owners of the same breed.. any input?


  • My Shikoku will lick and lick and lick at someone's face until you cut him off too. Fortunately, he's very easy to dissuade. I suspect he licks like crazy for attention, since it's hard to stop him without touching him or giving him some kind of contact.

    Maybe Kishu owners can weigh in. :)
  • even if you try to cut her off by rubbing her stomach or anything else which she likes she trys to revert back to holding your hand to lick it, some people more than others though which makes me think its possibly the salt in our skin or something like that.
  • Conker (Shiba Inu) does this. The only way I can stop him if if I take my hand away or get up and leave. I kinda accidentally train him to do it though. He was a horrid biter as a pup so I encouraged licking instead of biting and... Yeah.
  • i believe ive done the same thing lol
  • All my kishus love to lick and give kisses to everyone... Although taro only likes to lick his immediate family members. Yuki is bit extreme, she licks everyone and won't stop unless you run away from her. Kinda funny.
  • edited November 2014
    To weigh in on this very old thread now that I have Kishu experience: yes. My Kishu lick. A lot. So much. They are the lick-i-est dog I have ever owned. Nami loves to bathe me and all of the puppies just wanted to lick lick lick lick everywhere - which is probably both a puppy and a Kishu thing. Fionna is also a licker.

    They are actually Kissyuu dogs.
  • Yeah Goon is most def. a licker. That said, it's not obsessive, she'd rather have belly rubs or go chase a leaf blowing in the wind lol ~
  • Need to get some goon pics up Osy :)
  • edited December 2014
    @shishiinu - I know! I fail. D: We're taking her hiking on Thursday, so I promise...soon! :) ~
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