Viggo starting in a competition obedience course

edited October 2009 in Akita (秋田犬)
Today I and Viggo finally started in the competition obedience course. It looks like we'll have an interesting time ahead of us now :) I know an Akita isn't easy to train but all I've heard about that made me determined to try it out. No matter how far we gets I'm sure we'll have a good time on the way.

One of the things we tested today was to have the dogs walking a couple of yards ahead of us. This wasn't easy. All the time we have trained them to always stay beside or behind us. Now we suddenly are supposed to tell them to go away a couple of yards infront of us. That's not gonna be easy...


  • edited November -1
    What is the purpose of having the dog walk up ahead, if I may ask?
  • edited November -1

    I know if you guys work hard at it you'll be an awesome team! :D I have a lot of admiration for you guys for trying it out! Go Viggo & Martin! ~
  • edited November -1
    Martin - I know we talked about this on FB, but way to go! I can't wait to hear more about what you guys are doing.
  • edited October 2009
    Marion: I have no idea at all what the purpose is. We talked about it during the course and our instructor didn't really know for sure he neither. But as you know the dog obedience sport is pretty old so this is probably something that has been their since the start and no one have cared to remove that part.

    Thank you guys!! I'll keep you updated :)
  • edited November -1
    Today we had our second day of the competition obedience course. Lovisa participated with Kira this time. It was lovely to see how well Lovisa works with Kira.

    Viggo was like an other dog today. I don't think I've ever had that nice contact with him during a traning session. He actually looked like he enjoyed the training today. The heel on leash part went a lot better then last time. We had a great contact with each other.

    I don't think we need no more practice with the "down position" at the moment. Viggo and Kira could stay down for ages :D

    Nice to have Lovisa there too. She is sooooo good at this! I hope the next time will be as good as this one!
  • edited November -1
    Awesome! Keep up the good work all of you! :) ~
  • I have been training to compete with luna my akita and the trainers stay they think she is ready for compitions and could be at beginners crufts next year! So yes if you put the work in and all ways make it fun for your dog you can!
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