Akuma (Update 8-16-14)



  • @rafatturi if memory serves Ohio tends to get hit starting Jan unless a big storm blows through, atypically. However depending if you are closer to the lakes or not also depends as off of Erie you get lake effect snow (my family is from Cleveland and Dayton)
  • He lives in Lawnsdale I believe. He works for Nexeo solutions and supervises one of their plants in MN. Not 100% sure. I am in Ohio and it is hit or miss on if we get snow in december. It has been warmer than usual here though and we have been getting alot of rain. As a result we have a ton of mud everywhere.
  • Lower fallen tree picture on left is just a big tree stump I put her on for the picture.

    This one is pretty low, but not much to climb

    This is the tallest fallen tree she has climbed. I followed bellow her in case she lost balance.
  • @saya She's adorable. What a pretty dog! She's got some climbing skills :)

    @sjp051993 That's probably 45mins - 1 hour from us. Ryan used to live not to far from there. He's got a good amount of snow too then. Hope it snows soon for you, so you can have snowy puppies instead of muddy ones ;)

    @cdenney Thanks!
  • Yeah, he usually sends me pics of the snow. I would be happy if the ground would just freeze at this point. It is not fun having 6 sets of muddy paw prints throughout the house.
  • edited December 2012
    So today Akuma and I were walking through the woods and we walked past a guy and his dog that was growling at Akuma like Akuma growls at everything else that moves. Of course as soon as Akuma figured out that this dog was a total butt hole towards other dogs too he was like hey want to play!? haha oh Akuma just be nice and the other dogs won't be afraid of you.
  • Love hearing how he's adjusted, and the tree climbing is cool! yeah, my boy Leo (AyuxAkashi) absolutely has the climbing gene--he climbs the book cases in the house!

    I love the pics, too. What a handsome man he is!

    @MontanaKai....don't let them fool you! Leo was such a good puppy--just really great, clean and sweet and didn't get into things. Then he hit 7 or 8 months and suddenly he is into everything! Things I would never even imagine a dog doing (like climbing up the bookcase). I love him like crazy, but he's a little wild man right now!
  • Today Akuma met an off lead female outside in the woods where we usually practice his off lead skills. For the first time he actually wanted to play with another dog rather then being a jerk. It was really awesome to see for Ana and I. Akuma was running around in circles trying to coax this other dog to play with him. He was also play barking with her and just trying as hard as he could to get this other dog to play with him. She eventually did a little bit but she had some socialization issues but even so she did like Akuma. Now we want to get Akuma a Wife ;) It's really encouraging to us to see that he has a little bit of leash anxiety and not that he just dislikes other dogs completely.
  • Good boy!! He may be dog-selective, as I think Sage is. He sure doesnt act like he likes other dogs when he sees/hears others, but he has had dog friends in the past and he lives with 3 dogs, so I think it is fair to expect a dog to only like a few close friends, or one besty. I think some dogs just dont care for casual relationships and feel intruded upon. Sage is excellent with his inner circle but hes clear that being a socialite is not his thing.

    love to Akuma :)
  • Love hearing Akuma updates. :)
  • That's cute :)
  • That's great! He really liked female dogs here and I think he would love a wife. He was besties with Farrah, and used to drag her around the yard by her scruff like a caveman :)
  • I'm really glad you got to see him be silly with another dog, also. I hope he has many more silly playing moments ahead with you and Ana :)
  • Saturday was Akuma's 6 month anniversary with us, in some ways it seems much longer since he's such a part of the family :) He got an omelette with a side of plain greek yogurt for his special anniversary breakfast. He definitely is the right dog for us. He is really great with people, he can be a little cautious when first meeting someone new but mostly only if we're indoors. He's the most stand offish in our home with maybe some growls or a bark but that kind of cautiousness is pretty rare. Overall he is a super confident kai, he's great on car rides, he's gone over to our family member's homes, met our 6 month old nephew a couple months back and was very intrigued by his smell and our 1 year old nephew just last week and let him pet him, he did tricks for our 6 year old niece right away when they met, loud noises such as Ryan using air tools on the car, no biggie. Though when over at my parents last week they brought some big, light up, plastic nativity decorations into the back yard from a garage sale and something with how Joseph smelled did not agree with Kuma, he harshly chuffed, hackled and barked. He doesn't like cheap Christmas decorations I guess. That's the only time he's ever reacted like that. But he's had a guy come straight at him and cup his face and pet and ooo and aww at him in another language on the trail and was totally cool with it so he does quite well with pretty much everybody.
    He's not too into the dogs he meets since he only meets dogs on leash usually. He did meet a lady while off leash in the woods and he enjoyed meeting her a few times but unfortunately they moved away. We have had multiple off leash dogs run towards us while he was on leash and he'll growl but we're able to just keep moving, get between them and remove him from that. One time a very large lab came after him in the woods while he was on a long lead before Ryan could get between them and knocked Akuma down on his back and Akuma snapped at him. Ryan got the lab away and the lab tried to come back at Akuma but the "responsible owner" had made her way onto the scene by then and was shocking his collar so he stopped in his tracks. Ryan told her that her dog attacked his and she just said, well he has a shock collar.... Not that I agree with shock collars anyway, but hypothetically what good does a shock collar do if you have a dog aggressive dog off lead nowhere near you, the person who activates the shock? Akuma was fine though and was able to brush it off. Anyway...we now understand all the comments about uninformed and ignorant dog owners. The weather might finally be getting better so we will be able to do more work with walking the trails on a lead and rewarding good reactions to dogs. We had success with having him sit and focus on us & treats while dogs (even growling, lunging little punks) walked by him but with the cold, long winter we haven't been able to do continue that training since apparently Akuma seems to be one of the only dogs who enjoys being out in winter everyday...or maybe it's the owners who don't enjoy it ha.
    He's done really well with off leash training but like a Kai if there's a tasty rabbit running around he will chase and not want to listen well because chasing is too much fun. We just limit to safe places where we know he won't see a scrumptious squirrel and take chase across a road or something of the sort. We're happy though, because we don't fear him running away and never coming back, we know he'll come back. We also have worked on "wait" so that if we feel he's getting too far ahead he'll stop and let us catch up. He likes being with us so he doesn't like being too far away and he checks in and if we're ahead he'll coming zooming at us.
    Speaking of zooming, he is a zoomie goof. He loves to retrieve and play hide & seek and chase. Just really playful at times. He loves the snow and outdoors and climbing things and tracking (he's good at finding the critters but is a little aloof once he finds them). He is a huge snuggle bug, laying right on top of us at times and just wanting to be near us and will follow us around. He gives hugs and kisses. When he's really relaxed he likes belly rubs. He can be a momma's boy at times and a flirt with the human ladies and enjoys a whiff of armpit from time to time. He's really big into sticking his snout right in your face, almost touching and sniffing your mouth and often sneezing in your face. He is a pet/attention hog and will paw and nudge for more. He learned "go to bed" without ever teaching him. He's a foodie but has a more sensitive stomach so pumpkin was a big help and carrots make a great treat. We haven't had too much destruction, just an opening of a christmas present early & a medical gauze shred. He stayed the weekend with my parents and did perfect without us and they totally fell in love with him. He lets us clip his nails, give baths, brush teeth, did great at the vet. He's never had a potty accident, no marking incidents, the closest would be last week he jumped on the bed in the morning, maybe was a little too excited to wake us up and sneeze/barfed (we dubbed a snarf) some bits of kibble in my face. Maybe he was trying to feed me breakfast? He dreams and barks in his sleep but a muted bark that sounds like a laugh. Pretty much in summary he's a wonderful dog and we just love him. He's a great fit and has enriched our lives and is so handsome, loving and smart. So happy anniversary Akuma!

    His newer trick, up
    photo DSC_0163_zps79978022.jpg
    photo DSC_0161_zpsda8c3b04.jpg

    I'm being so good and attentive dad
    photo DSC_0158_zps47e82263.jpg

    Loves Snow
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    photo DSC_0049_zpsd05d0555.jpg

    His watch post
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    photo DSC_0018_zps2551a90a.jpg

    Bath Time
    photo DSC_0932_zps1f093e81.jpg

    His favorite toy, cuddles
    photo DSC_0922_zpsb581ea7e.jpg

    One of the only pictures with me (kind of ha), always the one snapping pics but I really do spend time with him :-p
    photo DSC_09632_zpsb4b0072b.jpg

    Contents of his Christmas Stocking
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    Cuddles with Dad
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    Catching some sun
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  • Oh I have such a long post for you regarding Mika and her personality that I think will shed some light on Akuma and how I handle her. It's been a crazy month with Koda's surgery and then him getting really sick. To top it off my annual fundraising soirée was Saturday. The mayor and governor were there. I have a board meeting tomorrow but I promise I will post this week. I haven't even been home in a month. I'm so sorry. I will post soon. I promise.
  • waw thanks for sharing! Akuma is so handsome! I am so glad to hear that he is doing well with you!
  • Akuma has beautiful color! and he's such a cute lil guy! I love hearing about his adventures in the snow and your good work with him. I can't believe ts only been 6 months- I agree, it seems like longer- probably because it just seems *right*. :) I need to add that I also love his muzzle shape... Oh Akuma...
  • Akuma looks really happy! :)
  • edited April 2013
    Ah! Akuma is SO handsome and has such cool brindling!! The pictures are great :) LOL, some of his mannerisms i can see from the pictures remind me SO much of Kona...wonder if it comes from Nio or it's just Kai traits :) BUT, the bath picture...i have to say...is PRICELESS. Kona looks the same when we bathe her hahaha <3
  • @tjbart17 No worries! Don't be sorry, you've been busy, Whenever you get time we'd love to hear more about Mika and see the similarities between Akuma and his half sister.

    @ttddinh Thanks for the nice comment. We're really glad he's been doing so well too!

    @WrylyBrindle Thanks! We love his color too, he's got a little bit of everything, black, brown, reddish, blondish. Especially in the sun you can definitely see why they call them tiger dogs. He's got some nice stripes :) Juno has some beautiful color herself and we think Matsu is a stud! Ha yeah, he's got a nice muzzle. Such a cute face!

    @mdokic Thank you! It could be just Kai traits but I think Nio's mannerisms come through pretty strong in his puppies. I see things in half siblings that are so Akuma like you do with Kona. Haha, yes the bath picture is priceless. He did really well but as you can see it wouldn't be his first choice of activities.

    Ryan captured Akuma cuddling with me yesterday so now I have proof he loves me too ;)
    photo DSC_0174_zpsf402a6c1.jpg
  • AH kai cuddles are the best cuddles ^_^
  • I have been trying to get Akuma to play with water.....So far he is not interested in getting his paws wet....but it's hot out and it would make him feel so much better.
  • Where do you live?? And if you didn't already, try going in it first! Yeah...yesterday here in SoCal it was 87 degrees (for ONE day only) and Kona was dying...on top of that our unit has no AC, so we just open the windows, run fans and put cold water on her head lol
  • I love Akuma's happy face a whole lot !!! :D:D He is handsome !!
  • I live in Minnesota so it gets really humid and gross here. I tried walking in the lake and Akuma gave me the I'm not going in there face.....DORK... That sucks that you don't have AC!

    @Eiden Thanks he is pretty handsome, however I think he knows it and uses it to get food...
  • He looks great! Looks like he's really enjoying life!

    Dumb about the lab though. What an idiot owner.

    My Leo is not at all cuddly with us, but you know, I bet he would be if he were an only dog. He cuddles with our Shiba all the time, and likes to lay on her. (She doesn't like it particularly!)
  • @shibamistress Thanks :) He probably would be more cuddly if he didn't have a lady friend to lay on top off ha. I'm sure she's not too happy with it, isn't he heavier than her? Leo is a stud though, we love his coloring!
  • Handsome guy! :D My TRD is about the same age and sounds pretty similar in temperament. He's my shadow, but isn't keen on other people or animals. He's more protective at home vs. around town. My dog doesn't want to be friends with every dog, but will ignore them (unless the owner drops the leash so their dog can walk over to him!). Happy Anniversary!!
  • Akuma looks great. It feels like he has been gone a lot longer. I really miss the little guy, but I'm glad he is with you (and enjoying your armpits ;)
  • Hey guys we were walking with Akuma today and saw a bunch of baby turkeys and he went crazy! He was whining and yelping and barking like I was beating the crap out of him or something. I had never heard him like this but my wife has. Poor Akuma wanted so bad to eat the little fluff balls. I didn't let him but was wondering if It is too much stress on him to walk near animals while on his leash since he is gets so crazy. I really want to buy and island to let him run free.
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