RIP Bel......



  • I am very sorry for your loss. I know you and Bel have traveled a rough road together and I am so glad she had you to love and care for her. I know she will be greatly missed by you and your family. Rest in peace, Bel!
  • I'm sorry for your loss Lisa :( ~
  • I'm sorry to hear about Bel's passing. May she rest in peace and may you find comfort.
  • I'm so sorry Lisa...oh man I'm crying here and I never even met her. :( All my love to you and the doggies <3
  • Lisa, I really am terribly sorry to hear what happened to Bel. I know this is a difficult time and my thoughts are with you.
  • Thanks everyone. It's hardest in the morning, when we don't get her cheerful "I'm ready to get up" barks. All the other dogs are pretty silent, except for alarm barks, but she was vocal about wanting to get up, about her excitement when we came home.

    Leo loved her in particular. He always wanted to be laying by her. He followed her and watched what she did. He is particularly clingy right now without her.

    And the saddest thing, to me, is Toby. She nearly killed him. She attacked him on sight if she could get near him. She had a pathological desire to hurt him. But every night, they were together, her in the crate, him loose downstairs. A few nights ago, it thundered and she was afraid, and went over the crate and leaned against it (scaring me!) and pushed his nose through, trying to comfort her, I think. Well, now, he seems the most upset. He comes in at night and looks in her crate, and he can't settle. Last night he didn't even eat his dinner (which never happens in the Toby world). Of course, he may just be worried--where is she? Is she loose and going to attack?--but it seems, anyway, that he is the most upset right now.

    I'd wanted us to do the euthanasia at home, so the others would know, but it didn't work out that way. But as much as I miss my little girl, I do think she gave us all a great gift both with what we learned during her life, and even in her death, because I was having such a hard time making a decision about when, and this made it very clear. And she would have liked to go out fighting.

  • So sorry for your loss. Warm wishes to your family and the rest of the pups. She was lucky to have you for her humom.
  • edited July 2013
    I know condolences from strangers don't mean much in times like this, but my heart goes out to you and your family.

    I'd also like to thank you for sharing the story of your time with Bella. It must have been very hard. It was a very thought provoking experience for me to read through it all and it's made me consider aspects of dog ownership that I'd never even thought of.
  • My heart aches for you, Toby & Leo. When we let our one JA go, the second dog did the same things that you are describing with Toby & Leo. They seem to go through the same emotions & mourning as we do. Our condolences to you all.
  • So sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine how your all feeling now. I have reading yours and bels experiences whilst I've been on the forum and my thoughts are with you.
  • I'am very sorry for your loss... :( May she rest in peace.
  • I'm so sorry Lisa.
  • Thanks everyone. she may have been difficult and crazy, but she was our girl, and we mis her.

    Today, I took a nap on the sofa, and Leo got up there with me and curled up next to me. He never does that, but I think he knew I was sad, and he also usually lays against Bel when he takes a nap.... :(
  • I'm sorry for your loss :(.
  • I'm sorry for your loss. Making the decision for the time of euthanasia is never easy but sometimes it's taken out of your hands. I hope your sadness turns in time to happy memories of her. With sympathy.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about this :( I'm getting teary here and I never met her! Especially reading about Toby and Leo's reactions... I noticed a little bit of similar behavior from my cat when we had to euthanize my dog a few months ago, even though she was always swatting at her and such. Best wishes and condolences to all of you!
  • Goodbye to Bel:

    thanks for all your kind words about her too. It means a lot.
  • Well written, a fitting, frank and complete tribute. :(
    She was your Dog. Its how I feel about Sage too, he is a ton of work, a ton of tears and impacts everyone inordinately as we all have to accommodate his issues- but he is My Dog. Like what you wrote about picking Bel up and beginning your time together, knowing that for whatever comes, she's Your Dog.
  • oh beautiful story...I read this in my cube (mistake..I started wellig up lol...good thing no one came haha). The story with you two was so beautiful, and she seems like she had a fantastic life with you. And you made the best decision you could have, and were a great partner to her <3
  • I was sitting in the lab crying earlier as I read this. Thanks for sharing with us, and again, RIP Bel. :(
  • I cried too...
  • I'm so sorry @shibamistress, so many hard things to go through. Thank you for sharing your experience and even with many difficulties it shows the real love you had for Bel. Though she had problems, wasn't perfect you were there for her and you loved her. The difficulty makes your commitment to her more profound. I'm glad she is at peace now and thinking of you and your family as you move forward from this but I know you will always hold tight all the special memories you had with your girl.
  • Oh, I didn't cry... I sobbed. My tiny girl is getting old and feeble. Your story with Bel hits so close to home. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope I can one day be as strong as you have been.
  • So sorry to hear about your Bel.
    We have a challenging Shiba and your story helps put some things in perspective.
    We don't keep our dogs because they are easy. They represent a commitment.
    No easy choices.
    Rest in peace Bel.
  • thank u for sharing meant a lot...i was welling up too. *hugs*
  • Thanks everyone. We miss her, and it seems so quiet in the house without her. She was the only vocal dog: she barked when we came home, she barked happily in the morning when it was time to get up, etc. Now the house is very quiet indeed. And Leo has been extra clingy...he really misses his cuddle buddy too.
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