Shibas and Kittens

Every year around this time is "kitten season" and the shelters get an abundance of kittens with little room or resources to house them until they are adopted..
Usually I'll take a few to foster for a week or so, even though I am so allergic!, but last year when we did it, Tsuki was a 3 month old pup who did not have all adult teeth or prey drive and she did pretty well with the kittens and one momma cat.
But this year I'm a bit nervous to do it, with Kitsune and Tsuki both here. Kitsune has a high bird prey drive and Tsuki leaves no blowing leaf unturned..
Are kittens usually something that puts their prey instinct in overdrive or would shibas as a smaller dog leave them alone once the novelty wore off?
We took in a parapalegic kitten for 2 days (Tuesday til yesterday) but I only let Tsuki near him and she did OK under controlled exposure to it, but I didn't want to even chance it because the kitten was injured..

Anyone have any positive or negative experiences with 1+ y/o shibas and kittens??


  • edited November -1
    I love that you care so much about animals that you are so willing to foster!!!!

    But......given your recent experiences, perhaps fostering is not the best way for you to help out animals in need. There are so many other ways for you volunteer and help out. Jessica and Jen (Brad's wife) are both working with rescue behavior. I don't do much, but am trying to work on it. In the past, I've helped with shelter building, collecting blankets and other donated items, major clean ups (which my akita rescue does every year) and helping to find a dog or a cat a home...I'm certain you could find something that is as equally rewarding as fostering.

    Kittens will most definitely going to bring out the prey drive in your dogs. They're tiny, they run around and play alot, it could be very dangerous for  the kittens you foster. It's a stressful situation for animals to go to new homes. They need to acclimate and that transition should be as easy as possible. Two dogs with sensitive prey drive instincts? Could get ugly.
  • edited November -1
    Had Niko as a puppy and she is 2 1/2 and she STILL wont leave kitty alone!  Grrr....Sasha stalks kitty too.  Poor cat!
  • edited November -1
    3 words
    While I have 4 cats. In an ideal world, I wouldn't have them living in the same house, I pry Moto off cats constantly.
    I will never get another cat again.
  • edited November -1
    well today we took in 3 kittens who need to be bottle fed and Kitsune was really whining to get at them, but once we let him into the room where they are (on a leash) he just layed next to me and watched them.. now he's not even interested in stalking the door where they are.
    I could never take in a cat permanently - I had one for 6 years - she was a senior when I took her in FIV+ and she lived a whole second life with me! - and never really realized my allergies were solely from the cat. And I don't think I'd ever trust the shibas out of crate with a cat if I wasn't home.. We're only taking special needs kittens who are between foster homes over the weekends so I can be here with them. But their prey drive is incredible..
    Does Himiko show that kind of prey drive with the cats?
  • edited November -1
    Call me a bitch but with all the events in the past month I would say you're being very selfish and irresponsible for taking in any sort of animal into your house. I think it's pretty stupid to take the chance for anything to happen.
  • edited May 2008
  • edited May 2008
    I think you are very compationate and caring for wanting to take in kittens of need. If you do I would just watch them very closly if they are together and try to seperate them as much as possible. There is nothing wrong with fostering, its just the way you do it, so dont listen to anyone else. You are saving animals, and that is not being irresponsible in my eyes, rather you are a hero for that animal.
  • edited November -1
    No one should call anyone anything. We need to always keep in mind that this is about the animals best interest, not namecalling and egos.
    There is the saying "The path to hell is paved with good intentions"

    Miko immediatley went after the cats. She is a very primitive breed. And an animal with instincts. I simply do my best to keep that in mind and minimize the temptation. My cats are kept separate when I am not home, and I do my best to discourage excessive interest in the feline family when I am. Like I said, in an ideal world my cats and dogs would NOT live together. And it is partly why I volunteer at the shelter instead of fostering. My mission is to better as many lives as I can without infringing on the lives I have taken responsibility for.
  • edited May 2008
    thanks for the info Jessica. We are responsible enough to keep them seperated. The main point of my initial question was could we ever introduce a young shiba to a cat with success if he's never been around one before. He did well on a leash near them and thats all the exposure he'll have with me. The kittens need to be handfed and clearly cannot be around any potentially harmful animal so they stay in their own area of my house until they are refostered. Like I said, I think it would be waaaay too much to have a resident cat in my home and probably will never do so!! Good luck with Miko as she gets bigger and more curious!

    And thank you Jamie, we do what we can to the best of our ability. I guess the problem with coming on here and asking for similar situational stories is that you cannot see what happens in our home, we maintain a peaceful atmosphere. Our resident shibas know it, they have a very good dynamic and we can monitor their interactions with the outside world calmly and assertively. I've been fostering for 3 years with no incident, I've been through aggression of all sorts, allergies, fear, anxiety, even dealing with mange and other disease. Unfortunately our last fostering experience happen to go awry and things happen, if you have a dog, you should prepare for the worst, because they are animals, especially Nihon Ken being very primitive in their breeding. I got bit, it happens, we addressed the issue and realized the foster was probably the main problem and learned from it. But I can't call it quits from one bad experience! All we can do is learn from it to prevent it from happening again. Its a horrible world and animals with no where else to go I feel I can give shelter to, even if its only two days. I don't think its irresponsible either. I wish you well with all the animals in your home!! Enjoy that Kangai! it seems like she'll always be giving you a run for your money! How is she with your cats?
  • edited May 2008
    She is actually VERY well. I got lucky in the cat department. As I have three, they all seem to get along with the cats. She goes up to them and sniffs them, but nothing other than that. She would never bite them or try to attack them. The same goes for Keira and Kenji. We had two cats, and Keira and Kenji last October, well my cat of 16 years was at my parents house (when i got married and moved out 2 years ago, i knew it was getting that time, and I didnt want my mom and dad to be without me and their beloved cat too as they have grown very attached to him as well so I let them keep him) well, October his body started to shut down, as he wasnt eating, and my dad finally put him down as he was suffering. I knew I wouldnt be able to cope with that. So I went to the shelter a month or so later and got Tony, he was a 3 month old kitten, and looked EXACTLY like TIgger did, so I got him and I was going to actually give him to my dad, and then I fell in love with him, and funny to say, but so did Kenji. Kenji and him have been buddies ever since, and hang out non stop. So even when I brought Tony in the house with the two other cats and Keira and Kenji, they didnt harass him, or be agressive to him in anyway, so I guess it depends alot on the dogs, but I know I am lucky, but one things for sure is they keep me busy and smiling at all times =)

    I do know that someday I would like to do what your doing, by rescueing them from the shelter and become a foster. I think what you, and others do here at the forum, and all of the organizations are amazing and I would love to contribute to that someday as well. I am a TOTAL sucker of the cats and the dogs whenever I go to Petsmart or the shelters, its hard not too.
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Jess on the no more cats. I love cats but I am now a dog person and it isnt fair to the kitties with my pups.
  • edited November -1
    Maybe off subject, or on subject, but I had two foster cats last year that were surrendered because their owner got two litter mate pups that were harassing the cats - and she didn't feel it was right for the cats to live like that, but now she was a dog person. At the time, I was like WTF lady? But now, I think I can empathize.. I don't know first hand what a pup does to a cat to 'terrorize' but I can empathize.

    Rachael - How do you keep peace in the home? Is your kitty an indoor cat? Can most dogs and cats never really co-exist if not raised from a young age like Rui (leonberger) is doing? Because like Jamie said, I have such a hard time taking in tiny kittens then handing them over to a permanent foster, they are so small and cuddly, but I just 'know' that I couldn't do it.. but deep down, in a perfect world, I would love to keep them all.
  • edited November -1
    Well Nemo gets along with the cats fine. Sure he chases them now and then, but he and Homer even have a bit of a game they play. Moxie could probably do without him, but she has been braver lately. If she doesn't freak out, Nemo doesn't freak out.

    Also there are a lot of people with Shibas and cats where the Shibas and cats are friends. I'm pretty sure Heidi's Tojo and her kitty (Riddley?) are good buds.
  • edited November -1
    Bubba goes crazy after them and got one up a tree...poor thing.
    I don't think he would hurt them but I never got him that close either.
    I'm also afraid the cat might scratch him or something bad.

    As for birds he goes nuts but he has no chance of even getting one....I think although Bubba is super agile
    I don't think he could get a bird unless it's injured. Blowing leaves is his crack...he can't seem to leave any
    alone when it's breezy. So many leaves here right now even though the landscaping guys come several times
    a week.

    Good luck tsukitsune.
  • edited November -1
    I have three outdoor cats that are not the friendliest in the world. One ('stache) was very attached to my husky - used to sllep in Gorky's food bowl - my husky paid no attention to him. Wolfenstein is the friendliest of the lot - she'll consent to petting - if she knows you've got food. Todd's pretty close to feral. These cats have simply showed up over the years. We used to have quite a few more, but they come and go. I capture new ones and have them spayed or neutered and we capture all that hang around every year for vaccinations. Some may disagree with the way we do this, but we try to help control the population of cats by getting them altered, feeding them regularly, and maintaining vaccinations. Being as wild as most of them are, many of them don't hang around after the shots & altering - these 3 have.

    I was curious about Jazz and the cats. When she sees them outside our door, she doesn't bark, but whines like, "Why can't I go out and play?" - when she outside, she smells the cats (who ignore Jazz completely) and walks off. 'stache has been around the longest - about 12 years and was devoted to my previous dog, so I wasn't that surprised. Wolfenstein has been around for almost 8 years. She looks at Jazz, meows and then is on full ignore. Todd is the youngest at 4 (or so) and he seems to be puzzled at how the big cat (Jazz) gets to go inside. When Jazz comes in, a few minutes later you'll hear something hit the front door - which is Todd thinking the magic portal has opened and he can come in - no such luck for him. Todd will stalk Jazz, but if Jazz wants to smell Todd, Todd could care less.
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