need some suggestions? I have concerns

Yesterday, for some odd reason ... Toby randomly got diarrhea and threw up once. He stopped throwing up, but still continues to have the runs, and i'm somewhat concerned. :( I'm going to see if theres anyway to take him to the vet at the beginning of the week ( if it continues/gets worse ). My mom added rice in his food this morning, she said it would do something ... He was supposed to be getting neutered on Wednesday, and I don't know if him having an upset stomach/having runs would add complications or anything.


  • edited November -1
    Give him a bland diet, maybe add a spoon full of plain non-flavored yogurt or some pumpkin to his meals to get him back on track. He probably ate something he shouldn't have. How is he acting? If he is acting the same as normal but still has diarrhea, im sure its just soemthign thats passing through his system.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, hes the same as normal, incredibly hyper and wanting to play. Right now hes sleeping, cause hes used to sleeping during the day, but all last night and today, he cried every few hours and had to go. I'd rather make sure hes alright than taking any chances! I'm so nervous, he is my first puppy and I don't want anything to go wrong. :(

    I will be sure to keep updated on this, though. Since you all know so much more than me, and everyone is very helpful!
  • edited November -1
    Pepto Bismol should help with an upset stomach.
  • edited November -1
    Josephine has had several episodes such as you describe in the past year. We have found the best thing is to give her white rice mixed with chicken broth and a low-fat meat such as venison or white meat chicken (no fat, no skin) until the runs are over (usually a day or two). This was settled on as the best for her after experimenting with a few other combinations, and various trips to the vet, etc.

    Usually when she has had the tummy problem she has been more subdued (sleepy, etc.), but gratefully lets us know when she has to go! That would be a mess, otherwise!

    Her stomach seems to a bit more sensitive than our other dog, and it seems like venison, lamb in dry food are much better than some others for her digestion. Since we have our farm and my husband hunts deer she gets real venison and that seems to be very easy on the tummy, too.

    I think because she was lost in the wilderness for a week or two before we found her, she seems to be in love with eating dead and alive angleworms, moths and insects; and worse yet, anything else that smelld like food to her (esp. all through last summer and into the fall). She seems to be a bit better about all that as she gets older, but we'll see now that spring and summer is upon us again...

    As to the advisability of the surgery, trust your vet on that one. They may suggest to hold off, depending on the severity.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah the other day I came home at night after hanging out with some friends and I immediately new something was up. The air just didn't feel right. When I looked for Bubba he was no where to be found but I did find a dinner-ful of vomit on the living room tile.
    It looked fresh and smelled like his food.
    I saw Bubba later behind the bed and he seemed to know what's up so I petted him and asked him what happened.
    I immediately remembered him chewing a chicken bone he found in the grass earlier that day and I had to open his mouth to get it
    but he seemed to have eaten some before I was able to get a piece out.
    I told him that's why I always get angry at him when he eats stuff he shouldn't eat.
    I looked like he understood, but then again the next day he almost ate some other dog's poop.
    Why Bubba must you eat other dog's poop? What's the attraction?

    He's a sly one that Bubba.
  • edited November -1
    Any update? A bland diet of boiled low fat meat or rice is usually the ticket for treating something like that. If it continues beyond a day or two, you should have it checked by a vet. There is a viral infection going around my area right now that has very similar symptoms. I'm not sure where you are located or if disease spreads through dog populations the way it does through human populations, but it is probably worth getting checked.
  • edited November -1
    You know that is a legitimate point, Dave. There is a viral infection speading up north as well and a lot of us at the dog park thought the dogs had allergies but a few others went home to find their dogs becoming sicker, with vomiting, poops, all that and turned out the dogs spread it among each other! Our dogs didn't get it, thank God! Isn't Bordatella a bacterial infection spread dog-to-dog like the common cold in humans?
  • edited November -1
    Toby is doing much better today, his poop seems to be back to normal.
  • edited November -1
    Bordatella (kennel cough) is very contagious dog-to-dog - vaccines can help (a lot) with that, but it doesn't cause diarrhea/vomiting. The dogs cough -like hacking up, and are very phlem-y, snotty nose, hocking loogies, etc - but not the other stuff.

    Warning: Kinda Gross
    One thing we've found with the border collies (they seem to have the more sensitive stomachs) is that they are very affected by whip worm. It is a parasite found outside in the soil, and can survive there for a very long time. Many dogs get it, and don't really show any problems, but dogs prone to more sensitive stomachs can get vomiting, and esp diarrhea. Usually it is mucous-y, and can get bloody - since the parasites are seriously irritating the intestines. They are also not always found in a stool sample. Now, I know everyone here uses the preventative medications, but not all of them prevent against whip worm. We originally used heartguard, until this started happening, and now use interceptor, since it covers everything. So, that is one sign. Usually, mucous-y diarrhea means that something is irritating the intestinal lining...rice and boiled beef, or lowfat cottage cheese helps. If it is the worms though, it can last even with that, and a parasite flush is necessary (vet visit).
    Sorry if this is a redundant post, also relates to the other soupy poop related posts though....
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