Shelby and Friends! Updated 4/2/15!



  • Hanzo definitely thinks it's a game when he gets slapped by our cat Penny. She hisses and smacks at him and he slowly lifts his paw and places it in her face, as if to say "Oh, is this the game we're playing now? Can we go back to the one where I chase you?"
  • So, I was finally able to measure Shelby. She is about 20 inches tall. This is approximate because Shelby was scared of the tape measure and I just had to do a height comparison with a piece of furniture. She is 19 inches long for sure (I got that one while she
  • We took Mya and Shelby on their first mini hike today. They had a great time. Shelby wore her little backpack, but it was empty because we just wanted her to get used to wearing it. Here's some pics!

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    I'm not sure what Mya was trying to do here...
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    I think Mya was sticking her tongue out at me
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  • What neat canyony land! Shelby looks good in her pack- calm and sturdy.
  • Thank you! Shelby did really great with her pack, she doesn't acknowledge it at all. :)
  • Shelby looks great! :)
  • Hehehe Mya going under the Shelby bridge! ;) So cute, they all look so happy!
  • They were thrilled! They got to hike, plus a 30 minute car ride! Next time I'll take Rosie. I have a doggie backpack that she loves to ride in.
  • Love the hiking pictures. :) Looks like it was fun. Meitou loves hiking, too. He doesn't really love the car rides, though. Shelby and Mya are both so cute.
  • Aw thanks! The ladies aren't big on riding in my car, but my husband has a big diesel truck that they love to ride in. This was our first hike and we only went about half a mile, but now that we know how much they like it, I can see us hiking on a regular basis. That place we took them to is only a few miles from our house and it's gorgeous.
  • Got video of Shelby playing with my other ladies...

    This is Shelby and Rosie

    This is Shelby and Mya... not sure what Mya was doing, but it was pretty cute
  • Hilarious and cute!
  • hahahaha i love these!! I love how in the first one Shelby's just like "you can keep trying to take the toy, but it ain't gunna happen. I AM bigger than you.."

    and the second one is too cute for words. So cute to see how her and kona have such similar mannerisms to big sis!!
  • Thank you! Shelby plays so well with the other two ladies. She could really hurt Rosie, but she plays along with her. :)
  • Han Mya is so cute !!! I've never seen a dog do that before *____*

    Shelby is a great big sis for Rosie it seems !! :D
  • Mya is one of a kind, that's for sure.

    Shelby has always been very gentle with Rosie. That's a good thing because Rosie is only 3 pounds... we thought she would be more like 7 pounds when we got her because of the size of her parents, but she just never got there. Shelby is a good momma to her. :)
  • Shelby loves Rosie
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  • Shelby is one beautiful girl! The video of Mya is funny, she looks like a fish...
  • That is too cute. :)

    Shelby is a pretty big Kai girl!
  • Thank you!
  • Lol, Mya is like a crocodile in that video! Adorable!
  • Mya is hilarious! I agree- she WAS being a crocodile!
  • A crocodile!! That's what she looks like... I've been trying to put my finger on it for a while now
    : )
  • We took all 3 ladies to the Flaming Gorge a couple of weeks ago. Mya loved it, but Shelby and Rosie got a little car sick and only had fun once we were out of the car. It was beautiful, but there wasn't much there for the dogs to do because the hiking is a bit above our skill level at the monent. Anyways....Here's a few pics of us there and some of just around the house!

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    All of us at the Gorge. I couldn't get the Ladies to look at the camera to save my life.
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    Mya loves it when we let her feel the wind in her face. (She is strapped in for safety!)
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    At the house. Mya is grooming Shelby's ears.
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    All 3 Ladies hanging out, watching a movie.
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    There's a rat in my bed!
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    Looking for birds
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    My usual greeting from Shelby.
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  • Rosie makes such an adorable little ball!!! :)

    I love Mya feeling the breeze, too. and Sister Shelby looks great! She is a big kaigirl- and I can see how much she looks like her brother now. Give her scritches from me!
  • Rosie is a cute little thing. I swear she's not real sometimes!

    I'll definitely give Shelby some love from you! :)
  • Love seeing pics of your three dogs. :)
  • Great pictures, and Shelby is adooorable!!! Crazy how all the pups in this litter look so much alike, just some slight difference in body. I love it :)

    Love the picture of all of you together too, great family!
  • They do look so much alike! I think Shelby is the monster of the females in the litter.... she's my big girl! :)

  • Shelby looks so sweet, and my fave picture is the one of Mya enjoying the wind in the car, eyes squinting. I recognize that look because Taz loves doing that too. Love how Rosie can fit anywhere : ) What a great group of ladies you have there!
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