How much dog hair do you ingest in a day?

edited June 2008 in General
How much dog hair do you think you ingest in a day?

Jen and I eat so much dog hair - its crazy... It just floats around and lands on everything. No joke, I think I probably eat a tablespoon of dog hair a day!



  • edited November -1
    It's bad for us when we drive in the car with the windows down. All the dog hair in the back starts swirling around the car, in our faces, drinks, everything.
  • edited November -1
    Oh man, I read the topic and was expecting some scientific evidence about how much dog hair the average owner eats in a day. Kinda like that whole swallow two spiders a year on average thing.
  • edited November -1
    I try not to think about it too much, but I'm sure we eat a few dog hairs. Kuma,, on the other hand, eats loads of it.That I have seeen.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know but it must be lots... Its molting season for Josephine again (didn't we JUST go through that?)! I don't want to think of the cat hair... Fur balls, anyone?
  • edited November -1
    Between dog hair and cat hair, too much.
  • edited November -1
    ugh, a ton. We upgraded our vacuum last year to a machine built to conquer large amounts of pet hair.
    Kitsune blew his coat in early winter and as much as we tried to keep up with it, its just impossible.
    Hachi was a mess when we got her so we added gray and black hairs to the red and black hairs floating around.
    Tsuki has just finished blowing her coat so now we have a menagerie of color embedded into everything, including my throat!

    So if you factor in the hairs that always come out normally, when they shake, when they play, when they rub against everything, when they itch, and blowing coat twice a year x 3 shibas = I don't even want to know!!
  • edited November -1
    I don't even want to know!!
    With 4 Akitas and 3 Smooth Collies in the house.... I belive you all can immagine how much hairs floating around. :)
  • edited November -1
    Oh man the hair in the car thing sux so much! I always seem to put chap stick on right as I get in the car with the windows down - once we start moving all the hair gets stuck to my lips! It sux!

  • edited November -1
    Brad - lol!!!! I have banned Burt's Bees from the car because I never learn!
  • edited November -1
    Miko is starting to REALLY lose her puppy coat right now, so there are little Miko tumbleweeds blowing everywhere on top of the regular puppy and kitty tumbleweeds. AHHH
  • edited November -1
    I tell people that dog hair is a condiment in our house.

    Right now, Ronan is shedding like a mad-man and we've got tumbleweeds the size of gophers. I'm threatening to keep them to isulate the doors and windows come winter. That, or sell them as Tribbles at Trekky conventions LOL!

    When I shed Tasha our neighbors must think we're shearing sheep.
  • edited November -1
    I'm surprised we don't cough up fur balls! When I bought our last vacuum, I took an area rug in covered in dog fur, threw it on the ground at the store and said, "What do you have that will take the fur off of that!"
  • edited November -1
    Yep, the puppy fur is why we no longer have carpets in our house! After one season of Bella blowing her coat, we ripped up the carpet and put hardwood everywhere but the bedrooms. It has helped a tremendous amount... However, we still have "Bella Balls" rolling around, and floating around, and swirling everywhere! So I am certain that we ingest quite a bit of dog hair. But hey, everyone needs fiber in their diet, eh?
  • edited November -1
    My cat sheds about 5 times more than Toby does. I can't wait until Toby actually blows his coat and theres even more hair in the house! 8D Theres always hair on my food. Yuuuummy! ;D
  • edited November -1
    I get a bit in my mouth but some how it gravitates to my black shirts.
  • edited November -1
    HA. What a funny title. With only one dog, I don't eat much, but too funny. I always owned terriers because of the no shed, but now that I have a Shiba, I've learned to love the shed. Ah well, what can we do, 'cept ingest that dog hair.
  • edited November -1
    Right now Loa, Lani, Hilo and Maui are blowing their coats... so we have hair floating around the house all the time.

  • edited November -1
    Maui has less fluff than the other dogs in his normal coat, right? Like Tsuki?
    How long does it take him to blow his coat? I swear Tsuki was done after a couple days and two furminations...
  • edited November -1
    haha, get a shark vaccum it so dope, pick up all the dogs hair.
  • edited November -1
    Yea, Maui has a lot less hair - and its very soft... almost as if he doesn't have the thicker outer layer. He gets cold easily too.

    He blows his coat faster, but his hair tends to float more and "linger" in the air.

  • edited November -1
    Shark Vacs are dope - I had one a while back... it was pretty impressive. Now we have the handheld Dyson, its OK.

  • edited November -1
    just furminated Jazz (outside) - the birds will be happy to have such soft stuff to line their nests. Jazz has yet to blow coat since I've had her. I got her at the end of September and I'm beginning to wonder if she'll blow coat. We furminate weekly and while I got more this time (about 3 handfuls - total) than I have in a while - it's still not anywhere near what blowing coat should be. I add fish oil to her food (Solid Gold Bark at the Moon) - any ideas on speeding up or getting her to blow coat?
  • edited November -1
    Some dogs don't blow their coat. Maybe you are one of those lucky ones!
  • edited November -1
    Really? Wouldn't that be nice!! When I had my husky - he blew coat 2x a year and it was like I was shearing sheep.
  • edited November -1
    I google'd it to see what I saw that before pertaining to shibas:
    "Shibas generally "blow" coat twice a year, but neutered animals will frequently just shed a little bit at a time without shedding completely. It varies with individuals"

  • edited November -1
    Lol I was like Dave and expected a scientific trivia. I'm with Michelle on this one, our case cat and rabbit hair are a condiment in this house.
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