
edited July 2008 in General
We need to start training our dogs to be helpful around the house like this little bunny...



  • edited November -1
    LOL. That's adorable!
  • edited November -1
    CUUUUUTE! Haha, maaaan, does that make me want a bunny. That's one dream that will have to remain a dream - not a good idea around Kimi and Tai, alas.
  • edited November -1
    Man, that's so cute!
    You can try to do that with the dogs, but with the junk mail, hehe. They'll get rid of it for you.
  • edited November -1
    Awe!!!! That's one cute bunny!
  • edited November -1
    right, rui? I think about giving them all the junk mail, but then I'd have to ultimately clean up the teeny shards!

    I've seen dogs fetch the mail, and one dog i know of gathers the carpets -> a friend lives in a house with hard wood floors and her dog would grab all the carpets and pile them in the kitchen when she would wax the floors. it was funny.
  • edited November -1
    Personally, I would just like a goat to EAT all my junkmail
  • edited November -1
    I wonder how long it took to teach the bunny?
  • edited November -1
    Aww. Super cute. I agree, it makes me want a bunny... But not with Bella and now Nola around! (Nola discovered a baby bunny this morning, and gave it a nice chase!)
  • edited November -1
    Jessica - would one goat be enough? ;-P I think I'd need at least two.
  • edited November -1
    I wonder if the bunny knows how to get rid of spam e-mails too... I'd be sold if it did!
  • edited November -1
    Hey, we used to have a bunny living on our screen porch --- wish we had trained her to be useful like that! Maybe wholly consuming all those credit card offers!!! I can testify to the things she could chew in nothing flat ... the baseboards all around the porch; a major part of a Strawberry Shortcake sleeping bag including the fiberfill (some challenges ensued for a few days (and vet bills) to get food in her and out the other end after she "filled" up!); an electric cord --- just to name a few! She was friends with our 75 lb. dog, Joe (Rott, husky, black lab, possibly G Shepherd mix). He was just 5 lbs. when introduced to her, and she was about 12 lbs. I think he thought she was his Mama, and the strong bond continued until she passed away about 2-3 years later ... So, you never know what kinds of animals can get along with the right introductions!
  • edited November -1
    So true cats used to get along with a pet bunny. However, my current Shibas way. If they aren't bopping the bunnies, voles, and chipmunks on the head they are eating the poo they find in the grass that the rodents leave behind. "eweie" At this point a proper introduction only means snacks in the pooches minds. I would not trust it in our case.

  • edited November -1
    The bunny is so cute though....almost makes me want one. : )
    I know they are a lot of work to care for least more so than the dogs.

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