Shikoku conundrum?

Hi everyone,
Well I was set on getting a shiba, but since I've joined this forum to learn more about them,Since,I've found out about shikoku's and have the shikoku fever. I would like to add one to my family but my circumstances might not allow that and if that is the cause I will happily get a shiba and plan for the future to get a shikoku when possible. Since I live in hawaii it may be really difficult for me to get a shikoku.
My first problem obviously is that I live on a rock in the middle of the ocean and it would have to travel here from maybe a long distance.
My second problem is the Rabies Quarantine, if you are not familiar with it they put dogs and cats in a 120 day quarantine here, you can totally avoid it by getting special testing FAVN rabies antibodies done, but the puppy has to have had 2 rabies vaccines already, then wait 120 days after the test results are done before shipping here. So the puppy wouldn't really be able to come till maybe it was 8 months old with lots of advance planning.
To only exception to this is to get the puppy from Australia or Britain which are rabies free.
I would never want to put a puppy through the horrible quarantine and would not even consider it and would prefer to get a puppy earlier than 8 months and am not sure a breeder would even hold onto the puppy and get the testing done.

So does anyone know of any Shikoku breeders in Australia or the british islands?

I thought Japan was rabies free, but it seems there is no exemption for it, but I will have to check to make sure. Does anyone know any Shikoku breeders from Japan?
Do you think it even possible or good for me to get one here?


  • edited November -1
    I believe that the only breeders are in the US (1- Ikon Kennel), in Canada (Katja - Akashima), in Holland (Vd Egamato), and some new ones in Poland, and (maybe) France. All the others are in Japan.

    Katja of Akashima has imported from Japan, you may want to call her and see about importing from Japan. You can get her kennel website by google Canada and Shikoku.
  • edited November -1
    Japan is an exception of the quarantines process ;) You could get a pup from Japan with little to no issue. Basically the only thing needed is informing the Animal Quarantine Service of your intent to import 7 days or more before the flight and having the animal checked out 12 hours or less before the flight by the AQS. Australia might require a health certificate and being current on the rabies vaccine but the Japanese side is a cinch.
  • edited November -1
    COOL!!! Thanks so much!!!! Ill try and get ahold of Katja to see if I can import from japan! Do you know of any breeders from japan okiron? or anyone else?
    Thanks a lot I am really excited to try!
  • edited November -1
    There is a woman on the forum Corina (shikokuspirit) who did get her shikoku from japan. She is rarely on the forum lately, but perhaps you can whisper her a question and she could help you out...
  • edited November -1
    No, I don't personally know any breeders just yet but like Jessica said, Corina could help you. Emailing her might get faster responses than whispering her though. Good luck!
  • edited November -1
    importing from Japan will give a lot of problems for England.
    We have from our latest litter still a male in quarentine also for England.
    We got his results from the rabies titre and was found oke, so our Kenzo can leave for England in Januari.
    We yust settled a bordingprice fot the quarentinetime, and then it can all come true for the new owners from Kenzo. It is not the common way to become the owner of a Shikoku, but this makes it possible even for people from England!!
  • edited November -1
    Hey folks,
    just to get everyone back on track, Andrew does NOT live in Australia OR England. He lives in Hawaii, and is inquiring about importing regulations to Hawaii.
  • edited August 2008
    Willem - then the requirements should be on England's side. Exporting out of Japan has little to no issues.

    Jessica - He could be anywhere in the world. I know Japan's quarantine laws like the back of my hand right now.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone for all your help,
    But unfortunately, I emailed the Hawaii state quarantine and they said japan is not on the list of exempted countries, so the puppy would be subject to 120 days quarantine or have to go through blood testing and wait the 120 days in japan. So I don't think I will be able to get a Shikoku at this time, however in a year and a half I am probably going to go to Australia to go to veterinary school or to the mainland us, Im planning on Australia, and although they also have Quarantine it is only 30 days(which still sucks but I can live with that if I must) if the puppy is from japan, and I hope to get a house while I am there so ill have more space as well.
    Good news is the other day, about the same day I received the email, a shiba breeder I had contacted called me back and I visited her and got a new red sesame Shiba pup, that I will make a post with some pics of him when I get a chance and my finals are over! When one door closes, another opens as they say.
    I will still email Corina to see about a breeder so I can add a shikoku to my family when It is more feasible.
  • edited November -1
    congrats on the pup!
  • edited November -1
    Congratulations on the new edition. It's too bad folks were mistaken about Japan to Hawaii imports. Sounds like between med school, and a shiba puppy though waiting won't be so bad, and time will fly SO fast with that much on your plate. I just saw that you have axolotls. I love them! They are so cute.
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow. A new puppy! Congrats.
  • edited November -1
    What is an axolotis?
  • edited November -1
  • edited August 2008
    every time I see one, it looks like they are smilin'!

    **LOL! I just noticed Andrew's one saly is named Bilirubin! too funny... why'd you pick that name?!
  • edited November -1
    I was really enjoying the Magnum P.I. reference with the other one (especially one living in Hawaii)
  • edited November -1
    LOL. They are cute! (kinda)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on your new Shiba!!!

    I agree, they are super cute! :o)

  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone for the congrats, Im organizing my bazillion pics of my new pup to post some.

    Jessica: Your right I'm sure the time will fly by with how busy I am, but It will still be hard to wait! Thanks, Im glad you like axies, some people think they are ugly, but I don't see it, my boys are really cute! Hahaha I'm glad you like the Magnum PI reference, I was in a big Magnum kick when I got him it's fun to see a show that films were you live and look for places. Magnum rocks! I also thinks his gills look like Magnums mustache! I was thinking about calling him higgie baby too. Ill have to post some pics of them. "axolotl" means water dog, so they are my water bound shiba's. TMH is more like a water pit bull though! he is diesel

    Tsukitsune: LOL, BIlirubin, well I have two albino axies, and they can range in colors from white to gold depending on the type of cells that are expressed and not expressed in the skin, both of mine are from the same hatching and I got one because his leg was injured and he was in danger of being eaten from his siblings as he was not eating enough, So I took him and he is pretty yellow in color but I named him after magnum pi, I thinks his gills look like Magnums mustache! Lol. Then another one had a mouth injury and had to be nursed into health, and I named him Bilirubin thinking he would be as yellow too,(for those that dont know, bilirubin is a product of the liver from destroyed red blood cells that you see with animals(people included) that have liver damage, this is were you see jaundice, and urine that is highlighter yellow) but he ended up turning more white with age! I was thinking about changing his name to Albus (white)(also from harry potter), but decided against it billirubin is too cute and he was already used to it. Not that they know there names, but I have a deaf cat and I talk to him like he knows his name too! lol
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