New Exercise Pen

edited August 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
It really couldn't be better or more fun for us!!! We don't have a fenced yard, but we do have a yard, so this pen is the greatest thing ever!!!! If we didn't invest in it I don't think Keiko would be going potty outside yet (she's been consistantly going outside in the pen now... I think it's saved my sanity!)

Here is a video of her with her very first stick (hard to see) it was adorable... made me think I should just give her sticks instead of buying all the cute toys I see ;o)

And in this video you can see the other crate we have (it used to belong to my Border Collie) incorporated into our play area... she's also trying to get Belle riled up, but to no avail.


  • edited November -1
    aww brill, i love her she is adorable!!!
  • edited November -1
    Hehe. I love the second video! That's hilarious...puppies have absolutely no respect for their elders. Too funny. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Keiko seems tireless in the second video! too cute! I'm glad the pen is working for you!
  • edited November -1
    Just this morning we had another breakthrough! It was raining so I didn't really want to drag the pen outside... so I took her on her leash to the spot the pen has been being set up in and within 1 minute she peed!!! ... it feels so wrong to be so excited about pee :oP
  • edited August 2008
    we get really excited about poop in my house "what consistancy" "solid" "YAY" :)) feel no shame!
  • edited November -1
    That's great!
  • edited November -1
    Apparently Keiko believes in the 'eye for an eye' thing... now if I could just figure out what the weird lil bug toy did to her...

  • edited November -1
    shes so cute, I wish roxy's tail was the puffy, keiko looks so fluffy, I wish roxy was fluffy shes more coarse hair I think its cause of were we live.
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