Shiba for sale?

edited August 2008 in General
Going once, going twice...?
Niko is driving me crazy right being Niko.
I dont know if anyone else's dogs do this, but she is a psycho groomer of other dogs. She wont stop licking Sasha's ears or teeth, and she does it to other dogs too. It is so gross, especially waking up to the teeth cleaning...SO GROSS. Also she is taking everything out of the bathroom trash and shredding the kleenex. AND humping Sasha.
Im so tired and not feeling too hot so my patience isnt where it should be, and of course Chad is gone. I miss chasing Niko!


  • edited November -1
    Maybe Niko has doggy OCD? lol

    That does sound kind of gross though.~
  • edited November -1
    Moto does THE EXACT SAME THING He is Piglets own personal dental hygienist. He is also mommys own personal paper shredder. Perhaps Niko and Moto were separated at birth.
  • edited November -1
    I think they were Jess!
    It was soo funny, when we go to the vet they always comment how good Sasha's teeth look. EWW!
    Im so glad my dog isnt the only crazy one!
    : )
  • edited November -1
    Kieko just likes to make sure my face is clean... I really think it's that she loves to lick my face when there's stubble - since that's really the only time she does it. But I feel like a baby getting my face cleaned by mom hehe :o)
  • edited November -1
    My bathroom garbage is on the back of the toilet for a reason. Otherwise it's nose height and just too tempting. As for the licking - I get pretty sick of Tojo thinking he has to clean my pillow for me. Yuck.
  • edited November -1
    Some classic shots of Niko being a brat!
    Niko in teeth cleaning action-LOVE the look on Sasha's face
    Yes, Niko is making out with Sasha...

    I dont think that dogs that are 'dominant' should have to keep proving it...
    Niko tries to eat Sasha
  • edited November -1
    You don't let your dogs clean your ears? I feels kinda gross but I haven't touched a q-tib in ages. ;0)
  • edited November -1
    I prefer Niko cleaning my teeth than me silly...
    ; P
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    This coming from the girl who told dave to poop n someones yard??
  • edited November -1
    he is in georgia. i dont have to watch
  • edited August 2008
    Uhk. Mylie cleans ME all the time, it's ok for a few seconds but after a minute or so I get grossed out. I'll take Niko, then they can be OCD together and clean each other.

    *Edit. Holy illiteracy... I can't type tonight.
  • edited November -1
    I am apparently spotless. All three of my dogs will BATHE me simultaneously. Especially if I have put lotion on. To the point that I had to make sure that my lotion was completely organic edible ingredients, I was worried that they might get sick.
  • edited November -1
    They must have great lotion scented breath!
  • edited November -1
    Niko is so "special". Our kids that I work with, when they have more needs than usual that cant be met by basic means, we give them waivers...Niko needs a waiver!
    Ditto on the lotion Jess. My dogs love licking toes too, I cant stand it but my mom loves it! Niko gives soft sweet kisses and Sasha has loud, echo messy kisses.
  • edited November -1
    I don't mind the licking as much as I mind nosing. Skella follows me around wherever I go and just touches her nose on the back of my knee from time to time. Sometimes she'll even stick her nose in my armpit. I hate it!
  • edited November -1
    I don't mind the licking except at bed time when Piglet burrows under the covers and slobbers all over my legs and feet. Then I have to sleep in a wet spot! Um... ewwww.
  • edited November -1
    roxy grooms our cat, and this lil yorkie that comes over every now and then.
  • edited November -1
    ........or is she tasting them?
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