where is everybody?



  • edited November -1
    Puppy Face
  • edited November -1

    Welcome to the forum Jypsea, you have a cute little guy.


  • edited November -1
    Thank you...so do you! 
  • edited November -1

    Jypsea - Zen is very pretty - very deep red, it's nice.

    Sarah - I love that picture of the 2 Shibas smiling with all the fluff all around. I think it’s the perfect Shiba shot - it shows there mischievous side and how cute they are (and why it's so hard to get mad at them)

  • edited November 2007

    How can you be mad at this face?


    image image


  • edited November -1

    Here is a series from a trip to the dog park last year.  Bucky the Shiba wannabe was at the park on Shiba day.  Bucky has the most energy of any dog I have ever met.  He will stay at the park for hours and wear down everydog that dares to play with him.  He also chases birds that fly across the sky, until he hits the fence and can't go any further.

    Bucky strikes first on Nemo:


    Bucky gets distracted by lovely Yuri (Bucky loves the female Shibas):


    Bucky initiates some sort of strange mutt Terrier mating ritual:


    The Shibas refuse to let Bucky swoon her and attack in mass:


    No Bucky in this one, but Takara tries to pounce Yuri (what is odd, is that they used to play, Takara is scared to death of Yuri now):




  • edited November -1

    Sarah - so cute! I could never be mad at that face.

    Brandon - wow - those are more good shots... I like the Shiba swarm, I would be concerned if I was that mut. lol

  • edited November -1

    Everyone is gone again....

    More silly shiba pictures...






  • edited November -1
    Again...must I say awesome pics?  Busy busy again.  Working 11 hour days.  Love to see the pics and my hubby cant choose which he loves the most.
  • edited November -1
    In that first pic - is that a really big blk/tan shiba? or is it just the shoot making him look big?
  • edited November -1

    Finnean is a tall and lanky boy.  He is probably 4 inches or so over standard.  I think he is over 30lbs.  He was surrendered to MSIR from a mill as a pup.  His genetics are a bit of a disaster.  Way too big, severe allergies, and terrible seizures.  He is however the sweetest and amazing with the human children in his household.  He is like a gentle old-soul, but not old yet.


    Also, in that second pictur in my last post, with Nemo and Takara.  Neither of them have a front foot on the ground...

  • edited November -1

    Finnean sounds a little like a big version of Kaia (minus the seizures).

    Puppy mills are just really horrible.


    Holy crap - that's cool about the second pic - good action shot. lol

  • edited November -1










    Well I think that is the end of my stash of funny Shiba pictures.  I hope to get more in the future, and hope that other people do too.  Funny Shibas always make the day a little better. 


  • edited November -1

    Yea, I need to get some Shiba action shots - my Shibas just sit around tho.

    I like the one of all of them looking out the window.

  • edited November -1
    OMG Brandon!  The up close face growl is so niko!  She would just tear us up if we got that close.  I wish I had talent AND co-operative dogs....
  • edited November -1

    We spent New Year Eve over at our friends house.  Cooked up some good food, played games and hung out with the dogs.

    Shibas on New Years Eve:


    Nemo and his favorite spot.


    Turi and his baby on the futon.


    Finnean has a cut on his paw so he has been forced to wear a bandage and a sock.  Effectively turning him into the saddest, sorriest Shiba you have ever seen.


     Turi up and ready for a late night after his nap.


    Nemo and Finn catch some sleep.


    Nemo wakes up and asks "Why are you guys still up, can we go to bed now so that I can have my treats?" 

  • edited November -1

    Those are great - you make my pics look like armature night!

    I really like the second pic - so cute!

  • edited November -1

    As always awesome pics, but so we need to say that?  Nemo is so stoic!!  

    Poor poor Finn!! Niko had a nasty cut on her paw from lord knows what and I came home to a shiba with a paw in the air and a cone on her head. NOT HAPPY! Of course I got pics of it cause it was so pathetic it was cute.


    Notice her holding up the paw?





     No shiba tail curlFrown





  • edited November -1
    awww... when Ahi had a cone on we called her flower - I just remembered that. Smile
  • edited November -1
    Nemo had a cone once, he was always really depressed about it.  We never made him wear it outside, he would look too ashamed.
  • edited November -1

    Wow those are all great pics!!! 


    I hope Niko feels better Frown

  • edited November -1

    I love the picture of Nemo and Finnian on the couch as bookends.  Really cuteSmile.

  • edited November -1







  • edited November -1
    Brandon, I am so jealous of your fabulous picture taking skills! Thosre are great pics...i love the one where he is licking the bone. The pics are soooo clear...i feel as if he is right in front of me!
  • edited November -1
    yea, those are great - i like the yawning pic. Nemo always looks so healthy. Smile
  • edited November -1

    In the yawning pic, you can see the black/purple spot that he has on the way back of his tongue.  Anyone elses have a shiba with a spot on the tongue?

    Thanks Romi and Brad.

  • edited November -1
    My Kai does, in a couple different areas actually.
  • edited November -1
    Ninja won't let me open his mouth :( so I can't see. I had a Jindo when I was younger and her whole tongue was black. Talking about Jindo's...at the dog park a few people asked me if Ninja was a Jindo...and then I told them he was a Shiba Inu...and they were like "oh...what kind of dog is that? What is the difference between a Jindo and Shiba Inu? I would think more people would know about Shiba's than Jindo's...
  • edited November -1

    Jindo's are a Korean dog and are generally a bit bigger than Shibas.


    They are much more rare in the US than Shibas, and I also find it strange that someone would know what a Jindo is but not a Shiba.  Most people say they are more "primative" than Shibas too.

  • edited November -1
    Ditto that people know Jindo's.  I had a Jindo pee on me at the park!  Sometimes I think that Jindo's are mistaken for Shiba's at shelters.  A lot of "shiba mixes" I swear are Jindo's.  Chad and I looked into Jindo's.  They are amazing dogs and do have some personality similarities to shiba's from what I understand.
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