Feeding New Dog

edited October 2008 in General
I just recently acquired a red Male Shiba named Pika. Pika is a year and a half. I got him from my breeder last weekend. He doesn't seem to respond to food and hasn't eaten more than half a cup. I usually feed my dogs raw food. I mix his kibbles with raw food. Any suggestions please would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • edited November -1
    due to digestion rates, raw should not be consumed at the same time as kibble. What kind of kibble is it? Does he go for the raw? do you do premade or full raw?
  • edited November -1
    As long as the kibble is Grain-Free, there is no problem feeding raw and kibble at the same time.

    You may want to try cooked chicken and veggies to get his appetite going. Everything is new to him, so i'm not surprised that he isn't eating much. I'm sure he's still a little overwhelmed. Has he pooped since you've had him? I remember when I brought in a new dog, he didn't poop until the 3rd day he was here.

    Are you feeding your dogs on a schedule? If not, you may want to try that as well. Leave his food down for 30 minutes. If he doesn't eat it, take it away and don't give him anything until his next meal. He will eventually get hungry and eat.

    If you aren't having any luck by the end of the week, I would take him to the vet and get checked out.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't think that it matters what kind of kibble, I could be mistaken, but I was told by a canine nutritionist that if you feed any dry kibble at the same meal as the raw meat, you are increasing the amount of time the food is in the body, and increasing the possibility of illness from microbes. So, if you want to feed half & half, feed kibble one meal, raw the next.

    **Also, one of our shibas still eats kibble - wellness core ocean - she would rather kibble, so what the heck, we accommodate. She only gets 1/4 cup in AM and PM, she won't eat any more than that 1/2 cup day total. Maybe he's full after 1/2 cup a day?
    **You would also try pouring chicken broth or fish oil on the kibble or raw you want him to eat!
  • edited November -1
    From personal experience and doing a lot of research, i haven't found any concrete evidence that it is harmful. With grain-free kibble. I have been doing it with my dogs for many months now and haven't seen any negative effects in doing so. Most of the reasoning behind not feeding kibble and raw together is because of the grain in the kibble.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad you didn't experience any problems, I haven't fed both at the same time to test otherwise. I'm just making sure if they hadn't done the research already (as it seems they have since they feed raw) or anyone new to the concept, that they understood the reason most caution against it. I guess I'd rather someone err on the side of caution with raw foods, you know?
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for all your comments. The breeder that I got Pika from was feeding him IAMS, I've been feeding my Shibas raw food i.e. meats/vegetables and I add my supplements like sea meal, calcium, flax seed oil, etc . I was giving Pika half IAMS and half raw that I've been feeding Ko-Ko. I usually feed them in the morning same time and leave the food out for thirty minutes. Pika barely touches his food.

    I think he's still getting used to his environment. He did has business outside in the park for the first time last night since I got him last Sunday. I've never adopted an older pup before so I"m still learning as I"m going.

    Thank you again for your responses. Greatly appreciated.
  • edited November -1
    I heard the same as Jen about feeding kibble and raw, that you're not supposed to do it at the same time. As for Pika being picky, he is probably just adjusting as you said. Being in a new environment is pretty scary for dogs most of the time. Not to mention that he was raised on kibble so raw is probably weird for him. I would just allow him time to adjust, maybe offer him a few different raw foods and see if anything catches his fancy.
  • edited November -1
    I was also under the impression that it was advisable to alternate kibble meals with raw meals due to digestion rates, but regardless, he may just not be liking the raw and as an older dog, may never care for it. Kind of hard to believe after he's been eating Iams, but you may just want to keep things as normal and routine for him for a few weeks and then do a food change to a new diet once he is comfortable.
  • edited October 2008
    There is also the raw forum on Dogster, they are pretty great over there with advice. A lot of dogs come from kibble fed for their whole lives and either gobble the raw or stare at it. I'm sure they would give you some great pointers.

    Our first adopted adult shiba was very very picky when he first came to us. He was on Nutro lamb and rice and we were feeding Eagle Pack Holistic Fish formula at the time. He just did not want it for at least a week, then he started picking at it then one day we put in some canned sardines with the kibble and he ate his entire bowl. So we basically skipped the transition period with him between kibbles but he managed!! And he was very enthusiastic when we started to raw feed, too!
    Hang in there!!! The adult 'rescues' love to keep it interesting for you!
  • edited November -1
    I think I will probably mix in some chicken broth or canned sardines in his food this morning. A week? That's a comfort to know that it just takes some time. Thanks for all your insights and suggestions.
  • edited November -1
    When they are hungry, they will eat!! I'm sure he'll go for the added yummies. Cottage cheese works as the great persuader, too!
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