Tsuki in the Mountains between MD/VA

edited October 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I found out that Shibas are excellent little hikers this weekend.

Great Falls

Great Falls

Great Falls

Great Falls
This photo would be awesome if it weren't blurry! Bummerrrr.

Great Falls

Great Falls

Great Falls

Great Falls

Long dog is long!


  • edited November -1
    It looks like Tsuki and you had a great time. How is Tsuki's itching, she looks really good.

    Shibas are great hikers, so agile and quick to react. They originated from an area in Japan with a lot of mountains, and their bodies have evolved to tackle that sort of terrain expertly.

    We have some woods behind our apartment and I love to run Nemo through there and watch him maneuver over down trees, roots, branches, through brush, etc.
  • edited October 2008
    hehe, they live up to the "little brushwood dog" description, for sure!

    Tsuki's itching is greatly reduced! I'm not sure if its attributed to the cold weather (her allergies are all trees and weeds) or the Atopica, either way, Im so happy she's happy! You can see how red the fur on her belly is in the one photo where my friend is holding her up, Im not sure how I can help it grow in better, maybe shave her belly for a fresh start?
  • edited November -1
    I can't wait until Sake is big enough to go for mountain hikes. We should have some great ones once spring/summer come around.

    Miso loves winter hikes, I think he loves the snow a little too much.
  • edited November -1
    Looks like a great time!

    As far as regrowth of hair - do you add fish oil to Tsuki's food?
  • edited November -1
    yes! Ive been feeding fish oil for more than two months - about 2000 mg.
  • edited November -1
    Great shots of a great hike! I really like the one of both of you enjoying the view!

    The Shiba's athleticism is one of the things that attracted me to them. They are a small dog, but they can handle just about any physical activity you throw at them...especially hiking.

    I'm glad to hear Tsuki is making so much progress!
  • edited November -1
    Tsuki looks happy and fabulous!!
  • edited November -1
    Looks like a nice hike! Tsuki looks great.
  • edited November -1
    Awesome pictures! Where exactly was the trail? It sounds like a road trip to NOVA might be in Bella and Nola's future! :)

    And I am so glad to hear that Tsuki is doing better!
  • edited November -1
    Wow ,the river area looks very beautiful, nice shots
  • edited November -1
    sunyata: this is Great Falls - its the border between MD/VA :)
  • edited November -1
    Thanks! Once it warms up again, I may have to take the pups up. :)
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