Does any Shiba like a Bath?

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
My two absolutely dispise bathtime, even with lots of love and treats afterward.

Does anyone have a shiba, or any nihon ken for that matter, that like baths or any water? I got Miso a baby pool last year and he wouldn't even step foot in it. He does put his feet in the Ocean on walks on hot days on occasion, but he isn't running for the water.

Just a question... :)


  • edited November -1
    I just gave Hanzo his first bath on Saturday night. He was wonderful. No whining, no escape methods, just stood there and enjoyed the massage. He is the first shiba I've ever come across to not protest a bath!

    Tsuki poos in the bathtub and shakes like mad. Kitsune screams and Hachi claws to make a mad dash for the door.
  • edited November -1
    Niko despises the bath. We have the kiddie pool also and Niko gets as far as possible from it.
    Sasha (non Nihon Ken) loves baths.
    We always have to bathe Niko first so she doesnt find out what is going on until it is too late.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz does ok - she stands in the tub and glares at me, but that's about it. I use a shower attachment, so she's not standing in water and that works well for her. The first time I gave her a bath in a tub filled with water, we got the poo treatment.
  • edited November -1
    Bella is not a fan. I think she would be okay though if her feet did not get wet.

    Nola, on the other hand, is pretty indifferent about the whole bath thing. And she actually gets a bath quite often (as she has a tendancy to roll in stinky sticky stuff alot). At first she gives a little Shiba groan and tries to get out of the tub, but after a minute, she seems to enjoy the massage and tries to eat the shampoo. :)
  • edited November -1
    Miso kicks, screams, cries, howls, jumps, just goes plain nuts.

    Sake will SCREAM! and she thrashes around and gets SO mad about the whole thing.

    I guess I will count myself lucky...No poo treatments yet :)
  • edited November -1
    Hmm, Toby has actually been cool with his baths. :0

    I usually just shove him in the basement sink, use the shower attachment, and we're all good. After he's done, he'll jump out ... aand i'll dry him off. No squirming, no whining, no screaming.

    I think he's a little more used to it because over the summer, we put him in our large pool a lot, and let him swim around. :)
  • edited November -1
    Now what about the post bath frenzy??
    Niko streaks through the house, shaking, shiba 500's and rubbing into the carpets!
  • edited November -1
    Jazz prefers to be wrapped up in a towel and get a massage.
  • edited November 2008
    I think a couple of the shikoku on here don't mind baths. I know Corina's little man Kei can be seen sitting in a tub full of water looking happy as can be :) ~
  • edited November -1
    my pair howl like banches the whole time lol
  • edited November -1
    Mika is totally cool with baths....and even the hair dryer afterwards! She actually LOVES the hairdryer and the brushing.

    Keigo doesn't love baths, but he's a good boy and sits still while I bathe him. It's actually water he hates, though he has been in the ocean, he won't go out when it's raining.
  • edited November -1
    Beebe does the zooms afterwards, she screams a little and has awful gas during so I am always worried she will drop some bombs in the bathwater but so far I've been lucky. She likes to swim though which is weird, and she'll run in the surf and dive in Lake Washington no problem.
  • edited November -1
    Are you sure that Beebe is gasy during the bath? Beebe could be expressing her anal glands, which dogs often do when they are fightened.
  • edited November -1
    She may be expressing her glands, I didn't think of that. I guess the answer is: No, my dog also doesn't like baths.
  • edited November -1
    Ah yes, the Shiba 500 after bathtime. It seems to move faster too..which I don't know how is possible. They just love to wizz around in circles, rub on carpets, towels, beds, couches, anything! Nutty little dogs...gosh I love them.
  • edited November -1
    My shiba Mischa likes to be bathed, i stand her in the bath ankle deep in water and use the shower, she doesnt play up too much but she does go mad afterwards, although living in England she is used to being wet!!!! hahaha
  • edited November -1
    Taj hates baths and shakes as much as possible, getting water everywhere during the process. She gets super sassy afterward and does Shiba 500s around the house while trying to attack my other dogs. She does not mind swimming in lakes or rivers though, but will avoid the kiddy pool in my backyard.
  • edited November -1
    Our shiba loves it. He also likes snow.
  • edited November -1

    But he loves being blow dried and looking great after lol He really looked happy after he was dried.
  • edited November -1
    Nobu does not enjoy his bath. He screams and whines while we hose him down. He likes to stand up in the tub and dig his front paws into my forearms. For some reason strange reason, he enjoys the shampooing.
  • edited November -1
    Frost seems to be NOT a typical shiba. We have given him bath 3 times, cut his nails monthly, cuddle him at our will. He loves snow now that it is snowing in Minneapolis now. He does not scream or growl. He will give littl e bit of struggle but then settle down fast.

    I will admit that, it takes 3 people to give bath. I do not use Shower but make him stand in ankle deep water in tub, use a mug/jar to pour water on his body (except face). one kid gives him treats. Frost tries to get out of tub but we coax him in bed. I put on shampoo and other kid then helps with rinsing. The fun is when he does shibashake and sprays water everywhere.

    Drying is a fun activity. He wants to run away or attack the towel. We use two large towels to dry him and then use hair dryer on cold settings to dry him.

    Although I remember, when he was a puppy ( = 4 months) , he would avoid puddles on the sidewalk, but gladly get into muddy puddle.
  • edited December 2008
    HAHAH Honey doesnt mind the bath. She wont struggle to get out of the tub or anything, she just stands there with the most pitiful look on her face hoping it will all end quickly. But BOY does she love AFTER the bath!!!!! She zooms around the house and rubs her face in the carpet/towel or whatever she can. It's very cute! hahah

    EDIT: Honey DOES love the waterhose. I MEAN LOVES IT!!!! She will chase the stream of water around the yard. She LOVES to try to EAT the water as it's being sprayed. And she doesnt seem to mind how wet she gets when the hose is involved. I think next summer we are gonna try some swimming! lol WHOO HOO! haha
  • edited November -1
    Wow, sounds like bath time isn't the most popular thing around

    Remy is ok in the bath. He doesn't like it, but will tolerate it and stand there and look plain miserable. He gives me the same look when a I clean his paws when we come in from a walk/bathroom break. After reading everything about the screaming, flayling, etc., I feel pretty lucky that he tolerates the paw handling/bathing so well!!
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