Update on ozzy and missy

edited November 2008 in General
Hi its Ozzy and missy's mom

haven't been able to post for a long time due to my mom being really ill. Well Ozzy is huge and missy is catching up a few problems along the way.

1. Ozzy has gone dog aggressive Akita trait
2. missy is so scared of firewirks that she howls the whole time when the neighbours had their bonfire party.
But the upside is they are great fun love to walk them love to play with them they are so soppy they love their cuddles and i love mine.

they have lost all their teeth and the new ones hae grown through.

On a very sad note one of the staffies that my brother has gt out and tried to jump a fence his collar got caught and he hung himself i cried for days. The fence has been taken down. It belonged to a neighbour down the road he was that upset he has now planted shrubs instead.

all the other dogs are pining for him


  • edited November -1
    Cuddles are good. But I'm sorry to hear about everything else. :-(
  • edited November -1
    The fireworks thing is tough in this house too. I crate Mika and put a dark blanket over her crate so she feels safe. With the aggression, Ozzy is young so keep on training him so it doesn't become a problem you can't handle.

    Sorry about the staffie. That's so sad.
  • edited November -1
    Very sorry to hear about your brothers dog. What a horrible thing to have happen.
  • edited November 2008
    Ozzy and missy are due at the vets next week to be neatured and spayed. I have took a week off work to look after them. Ozzy at the moment is sulking because I told him off well he keeps nicking my cup of tea he's tea mad we don't even give it to him I think he just like the challenge of nicking it.

    Missy is sleeping by the parrot and now the parrots annoyed and trying to attack missy for invading his space. now she's bugging the caat
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