I'm living with a celebrity

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
We just got back from a walk down to Chapters (a huge chain book store) and it was Remy's first appearance in the 'public eye'. We got mobbed by no less than 30 people in the 15 or so minutes we were in the store and he even posed for pictures with two young couples that were gushing all over him. He was really very well behaved and greeted everyone very politely .

Now I understand what everyone was talking about, shibas really are people magnets. I'm sure all you veterans are used to it, but it was my first time and it was very cool.


  • edited November -1
    Cool! And it's great Remy did so well!
  • edited November -1
    It is cool. When I brought Tosca home from New York City, she attracted many admirers as well. I love how they sit there and bask in the adoration. So glad to hear Remy was so good at handling his fans.
  • edited November -1
    LOL. Yeah, its a trip. Although one day you'll realize that it might actually be easier if you just wear a shirt that says "no, he isn't a fox". :-)
  • edited November -1
    Or a shirt that says, "He's a Shiba Inu. No he isn't a fox and he gets bigger (as big as 100 lbs.)"

  • edited November 2008
    "No, he isn't a fox or a mini husky or a husky puppy. He is a Shiba & he will grow to about 180llbs and consume eight-hundred dollars in food every month."


    Well, Remy is a handsome boy! Did you expect any less? ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    I have a shirt that says "Ask me if he's a fox once more..." and another one that says "Shiba Inu - Not a fox".
  • edited November -1

    My friend has started cooking for his English Mastiff. He eats 10 POUNDS of sweet potatoes a DAY!!!! That doesn't include the meat and he is deathly allergic to chicken. It IS hundreds of dollars a month.
  • edited November -1
    That's a lot of sweet potatoes! Where will he get them in the off-season?
  • edited November -1
    I haven't got the fox thing probably cuz he's a creamy, but I have already got the "aww, he's so cute! I love huskies" several times already. That is usually followed by "he's a what? WHAT? well what ever he is, he's very cute". I've heard the stories of how shibas really ham it up, but it was great to see first hand.

    10 lbs a day?!?!?!?! That is just plain rediculous.
  • edited November 2008
    how good is it when your shiba attracts attention but when they start calling it a husky,akita,alsation"WTF" the amount of times i have said he's a shiba inu in the past 8 months is mad the people are like "a whatty whatty"? its fun having a rare dog.. jesus 100s of dollers a month feeding wowsers!! can any one tell me how to get the little pic next to my username iv tried so many times its just not happening for me :S
  • edited November -1
    Ouch! ten POUNDS in SWEET POTATOES...a day?! whoa.

    That's a lot of food.

    But I'm sure his dog is worth it :) ~
  • edited November -1
    That's a lot of food, but man what a lot of crap.
  • edited November -1
    Not to be totally gross but he was telling me the other day that it takes two hands to pick up his number twos...
  • edited November -1
    Time to buy one of those springloaded poop scoopers that I've seen and laughed at.
  • edited November -1
    You really gotta love your dog to deal with that much crap!
  • edited November -1
    I get the "he looks like a fox" a lot too. And Orion does attract attention for sure.
  • edited November 2008
    Aww that's so cute, anytime we are out with our dogs people are always asking about them, they think they are husky's and we tell them and they can't even pronounce shiba inu. haha

    The boys love all the attention!
  • edited November -1
    Ninja and I made our first trip to Petsmart yesterday and he was definitely the center of attention. I got everything from "he looks like a fox", to "is he a chow?" to "I like your cat". The only person who had heard of a shiba inu was the guy pushing the Nutro brand dog food!
  • edited November -1
    lol! one of the first people to accurately guess what Tsuki was was a Blue Buffalo sales gal!
  • edited November -1
    I love this thread. Albert and I were quite taken by the crowd of people that randomly smile and start asking us the questions (what is it? what's HIS name? How big will it get? Where did you get it? Can i pet it? .....) Taking Aiko anywhere is a field trip. An errand that normally takes 10 minutes now turns into a 45 minute trip. I do love the kids faces when they come up and politely ask to touch Aiko. I get alot of "is that a cat/fox/husky!" The ones that DO know what it is tells me "good luck with that stubborn cutie". Lastly, I get boys/men that say "i need one of those, it's a chick magnet!"

  • edited November -1
    the attention is sort of a blessing in disguise if you can use it for breed education, because as I'm sure you know - the shiba is certainly not for everyone, but they certainly can catch the attention of anyone!
  • edited November -1
    I know i gave a 30 minute talk on the shiba at pet smart one time, and have 5 people listening while Niko just sat/layed there, and thought all the attention was great while peopled petted him and hugged him.
  • edited November -1
    It sounds like both of you loved the attention! lol. Get use to it! Especially kids, "I wanna pet the doggie!" <--- but adults by far are just as bad with the petting -grins-.
  • edited November -1
    Ichi shies away from being pet on top of the head, so a lot of my encounters/answers to people asking to pet Ichi are, "Please don't pet him on his head, he doesn't like that, you can scratch his chin, his cheek or his chest, but just don't go for his head."


  • edited November -1
    Yeah...with Lynx, even though she'd be okay with it...I tell most people that they cannot pet her. If they are dog savy people who are "dog smart" and/or looking for a Malinois, then I will allow them to pet her. No hugging the of the head, but petting is allowed and playing is definitely welcomed and encouraged. Lynx loves attention but is a bit "nervy" with humans that are fearful, even in the slight. So in order to play it safe and make my dog feel secure only happy, friendly, comfortable/stable and dog-loving people have this privilege.

    Shoushuu is the one that everybody, even dog fearful peeps, is allowed to pet. So he is the one that I push out to the front of the line. He gets very excited around people though and is such a goof - a definite crowd favorite. Most people prefer him over Lynx anyways. So he is more of an attention grabber!

    Remy and Shoushuu to the stage please! lol. Maybe we should start charging for photo taking sessions -giggles-.

    I'm envious though...we all know that Remy is the real celebrity. Most people think that Shoushuu is a Husky!
  • edited November -1
    On saturday evening we were driving to Hamilton to visit Kristen's mom and Remy was in the back of the car checking out the people in the other cars and doing his thing. Next thing I know the guy in the car next to honks to get our attention so I role down the window and get "I love your dog, he is soooooo cute! What kind is he?" So I tell him and the lady in the back roles down her window and shrieks...oh I just love him, he's sooooo cute. He is quickly amassing groupies around here!!
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