Am I An Evil, Terrible Owner

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I'm sure you all think I'm evil for this stuff, but I never force Tosca to do this stuff. All that's required is a "stay", maybe a "leave it", and an ample supply of treats. Am I a terrible owner, and, on another note, is it annoying to find the same pic in more than one location? I hope I'm not evil, but here is the evidence. You decide.


  • edited November -1
    hehehe, Tosca doesn't seem to be putting up a fight....
  • edited November -1
    hahaha. I like the one with the santa hat. 'w.t.f.'
  • edited November -1
    Don't worry Nancy, it's not evil, it's ADORABLE! Plus I think Tosca likes being the star of the show :)
  • edited November -1
    The second one reminds me of an exotic princess. Love them all :D
  • edited December 2008
    The second picture is actually a take off on where she got her name. The character of Tosca, Puccini's opera of the same name, is usually dressed in red with some very ornate jewelry for her big aria. Tosca likes necklaces - she just does - and, if she can get to one, will leave it in the middle of my living room undamaged and hope I'll let her wear it. The picture is of Maria Callas in a Metropolitan Opera production of "Tosca". I got it from

    Perhaps her willingness to accessorize has something to do with the fact that she rarely get treats for no reason, but she does get treats for putting up with my photographic nonsense among other things. She actually looks for the decorations and adornments after the pictures are taken because she'd like a snack.
  • edited November -1
    Now that is food based Motivation! Tosca is a doll, she has such a great face and personality. You can tell she has just fallen in love with you Nancy.
  • edited November -1
    I like the last photo-what a fashionista!
  • edited November -1
    They are adorable!!
  • edited November -1
    Hey Nancy; Thanks for assembling all the great Tosca pics in one thread! I may have told you this before, but my hubby taught our old dog, Joe, to wear his reading glasses. In Joe's case, it seemed it took a year or more to perfect it, and Joe was an "old" dog at the time (well, maybe THAT was the problem)... Anyway, obviously Tosca is a much quicker study or you found the right motivation! Love that pic, in part because it reminds me of Joe...

    Tosca is beautiful and I enjoyed reading the story behind her name! What a precious Princess! You are a wonderful owner, as we can all tell from her contented look in all the pics...
  • edited November -1
    To answer your question - evil, yes...terrible, no! I'll dig up the thread that shows Jazz in a lot of clothes. We got them for a purpose, but still, it's a lot of clothes. She kept falling asleep in them.
  • edited November -1
    Ahhh! She's adorable:) [ & being tortured? lol ]~
  • edited November -1
    I just cant believe Tosca will wear all these things with pride! what is the trick? Frost's first birthday will be in Feb and I will like to get bday hat on him or something like that. But he shreads everything (cotton and paper). How do I introduce these things to him?

    Any pointers will be great help.
  • edited November -1
    Clicker + Treats = AMAZING things. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I think it's a combination of things.
    1. Tosca loves attention and will go through a lot of stuff in order to remain your ceneral focus for as long as possible. That's just her nature. If she's being fussed over she'll put up with quite a bit of nonsense.
    2. She is always rewarded for being calm while I am trying to get a picture of her whether or not she's "in costume". I do this in order to create a positive association for her withregards to the camera. I want her to think Camera+Calm=Food and Other Good Stuff. So far, it works.
    3. I've never forced her to do it. If she'll sit for it, great, but I won't make it something she hates.
    4. She's never dressed up like that for long. All I'm after is a cute picture to share.
    5. She's five years old. She doesn't have all that puppy energy. I adopted her as a rescue about six weeks ago.

    I hope that helps. Try starting with something small, like a bow or bandana around his neck, and see how that goes. Hats are difficult for even the most passive dog to put up with.
  • edited November -1
    Here's another picture (also found on the "Christmas Carol" thread. Sorry for the repeats!) I just cleaned up with some graphics software. That's another thing, most bacis digital photo programs don't have a setting to correct the "green eye" that animals get in pictures with flashes. I downloaded free software to deal with it because I have a Mac, but if you have a PC the Paintbrush program may do the trick, I'm not sure.
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