Looking for a certain color, can anyone here help?

Hi all,
I hope I'm putting this in the right area, but I'm looking to become an Akita owner, but I'm having trouble finding the color I've always wanted. I've always thought the silver brindle colored akitas are absolutely gorgeous, and I would do almost anything to get my hands on a male, healthy member who is a good representation of the breed, and one that has a good line of healty dogs before it, I'd like my new buddy to stick around for a while. I'd also like to see the parents to ensure good bloodlines. I live in the states though, and I've been looking for the past 6 months and haven't been able to find one at all, can anyone here help!? Some of the people here have some gorgeous Akitas, where did you get yours? Can you refer me to someone? So yeah, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Attaching pics of said color....


  • edited November -1
    I'm not sure if anyone in the USA breeds brindle Japanese Akitas. Brad, who has a brindle Akita, imported his. He will have more information for you. The breeder who he purchased his Akita from also posts on here, so you have come to the right spot for finding good information on well bred Akitas.
  • edited December 2008
    Moved the thread over to the "Akita" category.

    Also see this thread on Akita Breeders & Adice. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for moving this to the right spot!
  • edited December 2008
    No worries :) After looking at the other thread, I realized it would be better to go into the "Akita" category as well.


    As far as Akita colouring goes, I think Brandon is right in saying it will be very difficult to find that specific colour of Akita here in the states...Though it appears that Northland Akitas has a few.

    Personally, it's my favorite coat colour for Akita as well :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Silver brindle [aka Blue Brindle] Akita are rare, the coloration comes from a dilution in red. Since it is a dilution, some breeders will not breed them, so that makes that color very rare.

    There are a few breeders in the US that have produced blues/silvers but given there are so few you will be very hard pressed to find a blue/silver puppy in America. Honestly it will be very difficult to find one even in Europe or Japan.

    If I were you, and that is the color you must have, I would place myself on a wait list with a reputable breeder and just wait.


    Another point should be made here too, while certain colors are always more attractive than other colors for certain people, I would focus on finding a breeder you like and feel comfortable with and then work with them to get the pup you want - with the understanding that a breeder can't "paint" you a pup. Your wait will be long if you are holding out for a specific color - but that is exactly what makes silvers/blues so cool.

  • edited November -1
    Silver Brindle isn't the only color I had to have, just my favorite. I'd still be happy with just having a brindle akita. I would prefer that color, as it's the color that made my look into akitas and thereby become so enamored with them, I don't have to have it though.
    Any breeder recommendations?
    Brad: Where did you get your brindle akita? I've seen the pictures and it's gorgeous.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, ok, well a red brindle will be [relatively] easier to come by...

    Our male brindle came from Emilie, in France. She is a fellow forum member. Her kennel website is: chanur.free.fr

    Our brindle female came from Izyda, in Poland. She is a fellow forum member too. Her kennel website is: www.akita.pl

    In America I would contact:

    Miisan: www.inu.com, if you look at their "UPCOMING LITTERS" page I would expect that breeding to produce some lovely brindle pups. Miisan has always had very nice brindle Akita, imo. Ryo is really a handsome Akita.

  • edited November -1
    Wow, thanks! You guys are great!
    Sangmort: Wow, their akita 'shadow' is awesome! Beautiful example of an Akita!
    Brad: I actually have several pictures of Izyda's Akita saved to my computer, and I've been to those sites before looking many, many times. They all have some of the most beautiful dogs I've seen. I've actually contacted Izyda's site as well, or attempted to and recieved no reply. Perhaps I should contact them via this site?
    Just a question, but if I did decide to purchase from overseas, how would I get my buddy here, short of going to get him? I've heard that some kennels ship their pets to the owner, but is that really recommended? Sounds like it would be scary for the pup?
    Sorry to ask so many questions guys, I do appreciate your help more than you know.
  • edited November -1
    Shipping is not that big of a deal, the dog flies on a plan, in a crate, to your airport and you pic him up. A puppy will just sleep the whole time. It's no different than if you took your dog with you on a trip and he/she had to fly in the cargo area.

    Emilie is on this forum often, but she will be responsive w/ an email.

    Izyda may be traveling and that may be why she didn't respond - she is rarely on this forum.

  • edited December 2008
    To add to Brad's statement on shipping, you also have to watch for the summer months. It's best to ship before / after summer as many airlines wont ship the pup if it's too hot which can cause all sorts of delays. ~
  • edited November -1
    Awesome. Thanks so much guys! You've been a huge help.
  • edited November -1
    Good point Osy - also Continental and Lufthansa have climate controlled cargo areas, and Lufthansa uses a forwarder so the dog is cared for a little more, at a price tho.
  • edited November -1
    Try http://www.akastaakitas.com/ in Texas. Very highly respected by a good breeder I know, they have some fab brindles.
  • edited November -1
    I was actually just looking at their site this morning. They do have some great looking Akitas.
  • edited November -1
    Does anyone know Izyda's screen name?
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