Anyone heard of BANFIELD

So im sort of looking for a new vet is just too hard to get a hold of and too hard to schedule an appointment...its more as if Im scheduling my life around them...and everytime I go, somehow i end up spending 150+ each visit.


So has anyone heard of Banfield or use them?  I guess they are partners with Petsmart and offer puppy packages/adult packages/cat packages.  They are yearly packages and range from 250-550 depending on which package you get.  The puppy package i was thinking about getting for ninja is 440/year and that includes neutering. 


Here is a link of whats included in the packages:


Each visit for me is 52.00 per dog.  Regardless the reason for the visit.  If I come in and they touch my dog, its 52.00.  So i thought its kind of cool that all vet checks are FREE!!! as many times you want anytime you want!

 But if anyone can tell me more about them or if you personally use them, how do you like it?


  • edited November -1

    I would be worried that this is similar to an HMO where the Price correlates to the quality.

  • edited November -1

    That was kind of my fear too. Like what kind of vets are they providing for so little money? Do you even see a vet? Or is it just a tech?

    I have friends who go there for their dogs shots, but when something goes wrong, they go to their vet.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't bargain hunt when it comes to my animals/family health. 

  • edited November -1

    That's true, ill probably stop by over the weekend to meet the vet and see how they run things over there.

  • edited November -1
    I'm a lazy butt. I need a hospital that can take dogs, cats, rabbits and rats. If you don't mind traveling a bit, Huntington Beach Veterinary Hospital has a great staff. I've been to most vets in Orange County because I could never find one that I liked until I met Dr. Levine.
  • edited November -1

    Banfield=mean staff, inconsiderate, not good quality, dont care about clients, un-needed tests preformed....

    I have been to many and will never go again.  I wont even by our flea treatment from them.  Try and find a site that rates vets.  We have a subscription to Angieslist and love it!  Also Atlanta has Kudzu.  That is how we found our new vet and it helped immensely!  Also ask local doggie daycares, groomers or those sorts.  Just please stay away from Banfield and dont promote them.  They also microchip with chips that are not read by the majority of shelters and vets!!!  They are perfect for over seas but not the US.  I have done much research and had many experiences!!! 

  • edited January 2008

    Hmm...Huntington Beach is a bit far for a vet...I would like to find one closer to my home, so if there is somekind of emergency I won't have to drive so far out to get them there. I chose my current vet because he was only 4 miles away from my home. And seemed very caring for Portia and the staff would always play with her and Portia liked them. But after my last visit...It was kind of like...they are trying to take advantage or something.

    For example, he checked Ninja's ears and told me he had ear mites, so I asked what I can do to get rid of them. He said he would give me liquid ear drops that I would need to give him every 3-4 days and his ears should clear up in about 2 weeks. Then he took Ninja and said he was just going to get a sample.

    And with Portia, I had mentioned she gets very teary eyed and in the morning she always has eye boogers. So he recommended eye drops.

    So when everything was done his assistant was ringing me up and said the total was $250.00!!! So I asked what exactly I was being charged for and she said 52/per dog vet visit, 50/Portia's shots, 15/ear drops, 10/eye drops, 40/ear cleaning, 15/fecal test, and tax. 40 dollars for an ear cleaning I didn't even ask for! and 50 dollars for rabies, distemper, and bordetella. I didn't ask for the fecal test either, because we just got one done less than a month ago and i guess since Ninja pooped, he just took it as a sample.

    Maybe its just me starting to be a cheapie. I was kind of surprised about that though...I was expecting the bill to be around 150.00. I guess I felt like they were just adding stuff on because I don't know anything about the dogs and the vets must be right so there was no need to ask me.

    And im a bit afraid what Ninja will do when I take him back... John said when he first took Ninja there, our vet was out so another vet checked him out and everything was fine. Im probably just overreacting.

    Its just my previous vet would always ask me and give me options and try to work with my budget, but then again I was still in high school then.  I mean by all means, if something is necessary fine ill pay no problem, whatever needs to be done to make my babies happy. But with all the added stuff without asking....seems like they just want money. Sorry was venting a little bit Embarassed

    Also, when you choose a vet, do you choose a vet because you like them or because your pet does. Because im pretty sure Ninja is not very fond of my current vet. But I guess im ok with him.

  • edited November -1 is an awesome organization, and they have a nationwide vet rating program.

    To be the devils advocate for just a moment, perhaps your vet didn't ask you about price because he assumed that if it was for the welfare of your dog. I'm not saying he was right, my vet always prints up an estimate  and then shows me beforehand that way if there are any tests that I think are unnecessary or too expensive I can say no before we even go in the exam room.

    Side note, goopy eyes can be a nutritional thing. Vets almost never mention that. Moto's eyes oozed green stuff. Once I eliminated grain from his diet, his eyes cleared up.

    Sounds like Banfield is not so great. Especially to elicit such a visceral  response from Rachael. Generally I'm the only one being visceral,and angry. Rachael I thought you were our sunshine, I thought I was the angry storm cloud Wink

  • edited November -1

    Yes, I guess that could be it.  Thanks for the website checking it out right now!  Yeah...i was a bit surprised to read that response from if she's experienced bad treatment first hand...I have to take her word for it. 

     I hate looking for a vet!   I think i just got traumatized from Ninja's last visit that i want a new vet that is good with Ninja and im just trying to find all the bad things in my vet rather the good.  We'll see...I have to take Ninja in for a check up on the ear mites this friday.

     BOO - trainer called me today and cancelled our first lesson because she has the flu.  

  • edited November -1 ratings for any of the vets in my area.
  • edited November -1
    LMAO!  You guys are learning me well.  It takes a lot to set me off but when I get there....there is no return!  Not many people have seen me angry but when they do it is a bit of a "change".  Someone I thought was a friend has crossed me me something fierce, used me and judged me and attacked a very very deep seeded personal issue for me and now refuses to meet with me without her husband.  Im just sweetness and sunshine!  Just dont rub me the wrong way.Wink
  • edited November -1
    Wow Rachael, ill be sure to stay on your good side! But then again, Im sure everyone has that "dark" side to them!  If you didn't...i'd be a little worried...hehehe.  I don't blame the person who crossed you to be afraid of you, what they did is pretty low.
  • edited November -1
    Well, tomorrow morning im going to my vet for Ninja's check up on the ear mites...I hope it goes better this time.  I also made an appointment to meet with another vet on saturday morning.  I was searching on yahoo and he has quite a good amount of feedback.  He is the owner and only vet at the we'll see how it goes.  He also has his own Ranch where he boards dogs in Temecula.  He calls it the "Doggie Dude Ranch".  So that might be cool if John and I ever decide to take a vacation...having your vet being able to board is nice, just in case anything know they're in good hands.  Him and his wife also breed Bernese Mountain Dogs and Russian Wolfhounds as well as Friesian Horses!
  • edited November -1

    I used Banfield of NJ and I was very disappointed.  Their knowledge of Shiba's was nil and their 'bedside manner' was even worse.   IMO



  • edited November -1
    I don't know anything about Banfield, but this does remind me of my current dilemma. Since I moved an hour out of the city, I'm much further away from vets. There are two vet clinics in the town half an hour away, but their focus is more on livestock. They do accept pets, but I'm not sure I'd want to go there... There are lots of clinics around that take livestock and pets and they are usually cheaper because they often have to cancel appointments to go out and deal with some ranching emergency, especially in calving season, but I'm still wary. I've been to both kinds of clinics and haven't noticed a huge difference in the care, but I've only ever gone in for routine check-up stuff and minor issues like worms and earmites... not sure if I'd trust an emergency with them. But on the other hand, it's an hour drive to the pets only clinic... what to do, what to do...
  • edited January 2008

    Heidi- Wow, thats quite a drive!  Hmm...yeah, im not too sure what I would do in your situation either...Well maybe since routine check-ups are done every 6 months or should just stick to the pets only clinic.  But if you do have an emergency, could you rely on the livestock and pet clinics to be available?  Or is there an emergency care hospital near by? 

    Ninja did quite well today.  He didn't poop!!  But he did squel a bit.  But after everything was done I praised him a lot and he started getting excited and jumping on hopefully thats a good sign?  And EARMITES are GONE! HOORAY~

    My vet tried to give me advice about socializing him...he told me that whenever new people come over and what not, try to let them hold ninja.  What do you guys think?  I know he won't want to be held by a stranger...and I don't really want to force him.  Do you think this is good or will it make it worse for him?

  • edited November -1
    I would NOT let strangers hold him.  He needs to do it on his own time and forcing it would make things worse and could ruin any chances of him coming out of this. JMO
  • edited November -1
    I was looking through the archives of my cat forum I frequent and I stumbled on a thread asking for feedback about Banfield. All feedback was negative :(
  • edited November -1
    Im glad that its not just me.  I felt a little alone, but when I feel strongly I will stand alone.
  • edited November -1

    Well, just got back from the new vet visit.  Portia was even shy today...she was shaking like crazy in the waiting room.   When the vet walked in, Ninja started growling...The vet said he was just going to go over some things and let the dogs get used to his voice and presence.  So after about 30 mins of talking he gives a check up to Portia first...she was shy but then after he started showing her some love...she warmed up to him pretty quick.  When it was Ninja's turn, I told the vet that last time at my old vet he was very scared and started screaming and pooped during the check up.  So he said it might be better if me and Portia weren't in the room.  So the vet took Ninja to the back to do the check up.  All was well i think....and then I heard screaming...a couple minutes later the vet walked out with Ninja.

     He said during the check up he was fine...did well, everything looks healthy.  But when he picked him up to take him off the table thats when he started poop though.  So the vet told me to surround him with as many people as possible and try to make every experience with a stranger a good experience.  He said he worked with a few Shiba's in the past and had one that was exactly like this, but would get aggressive instead of trying to run away.  

     He said he would email me some contacts of behaviorists in my area that he would recommend.  And that I should stop by maybe once a week just so the staff and him could give Ninja treats so everytime he goes in, its not needles and check ups only.  


  • edited January 2008

    I haven't found any vets in Orange County that I can trust (except for the emergeny clinic, which I loved, but they are not a regular vet unfortunely). I've been to several places before finally settling on one (for now anyways, lol). I travel 43 miles to this vet. There is also another that I've been to (50 miles away), but there is always a wait, I've only take my dogs there when they got sick. The vet that I'm at has been wonderful so far.

    The best thing to do is just keep looking around, trying out new places and see which you like best. Good luck with the new vet, I hope all goes well. I think it is a GREAT idea to stop by even a couple times a week for social time with the staff and treats!

    I don't have any problems with Kei at the vet, he LOVES it! He has been very good, even when he didn't like what they were doing. Lynx, on the other hand, has NEVER liked the vet! She doesn't like the atmosphere so much and refuses to allow strange people handling her (at least, she use to). She seems to be getting better with age though. I don't have to keep her muzzled all the time, she's all "talk" because she is unsure of their intentions. Once she knows the doctor and staff mean no harm, she is okay. I think it is just a matter of trust and being comfortable.

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