Sake is Seeing Stars....The Blood work is back!

Today I am nervous.

Sake was acting very funny last night. When we first got her she would sometimes act like she was seeing stars, head tilted to one side, looking up, etc. We took her to the vet and they found that she had a mild ear infection and gave us medicine to help clear it up.

Well last night this happened again, but it was for about a minute and then Sake got really scared and headed to her place under the bed. She was panting and drinking LOTS of water, she always drinks a good amount of water but last night it seemed like more. She was going pee normally. She seemed pretty sleepy the rest of the night and just wanted to rest. She slept throught the entire night without even a slight movement which is strange since she is usually all over the bed when she sleeps.

When I woke up this morning she seemed fine, but being the worrying mother I am she is going to the vet for bloodwork and everything else at 1pm EST today.

Think good thoughts for her...


  • edited November -1
    Hope all is well - let us know how things go
  • edited November -1
    Poor thing, its probably effects of the ear infection.
    Our Tsuki is really sensitive to change or the unknown as well, she gets visibly bothered by things she doesn't understand - like when we alter our pack by adding or adopting out a dog, the sound of the radiator, when she was spayed, when she had a tooth extracted, when I was really sick recently, all these things made her act very.... pathetic? That's the only word I can think to use right now.

    Hopefully the blood work helps answer the mysteries of her behavior!
  • edited November -1
    Ick. I'm sorry to hear that Kristin. I know what its like to not have the answers. I hope your visit to the vet brings them to light.
  • edited November -1
    Has there been a change in atmospheric pressure in your area?

    The reason I ask is because I have known a couple of dogs (usually elderly dogs) that have balance "seeing stars" issues when there is a major change in atmospheric pressure. Since Sake has an ear infection, she may be extra sensitive to these changes. I forget what it is called, but the dog is usually lathargic, has trouble keeping balance, tilts head, may exibit vomiting, diarreah, or excessive thirst.

    Just a thought... But either way, I hope Sake feels better and the blood work does not show anything bad.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know about the atmospheric pressure thing Casey. Wouldn't even know how to look that up :P

    We are hoping it's just another ear infection that we didn't notice. PRAY PRAY PRAY. She has been eating fine, pooping and peeing normal (no diaharea) and has been playful. It was just after her "seeing stars" episode she got funny and tired. She was playing with Miso all night up until that point.
  • edited November -1
    I hate to even bring this up and hope I am totally wrong but,

    Shelby my boyfriends family's dog has seizures. Before she has the seizure she acts very goofy and dumb, she wants to be as close to us as possible and is very restless. Then she has a grand mal seizure (the serious very noticeable and scary kind). Afterward she runs around the house in a frenzy panting and heaving, she tries to hide from every one and drinks a TON of water. After about 20 minutes she calms down and goes to bed. For the rest of the day she seems kinda slow and goofy.

    I know that there are different kinds of seizures and some dogs just go into a trance like state for a moment or two and others convulse.

    I hope Im wrong, but some of what Sake does sounds like what Shelby does when she has a seizure. Just bring it up to the vet next time you see him.
  • edited November -1
    I hope that it is nothing. Kristin we have had some big shifts in the atmospheric pressure. I know my girls behave VERY differently when there are shifts. Especially just before a storm.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks guys for all the info and concern!

    So the doctor did a good once over of Sake and everything seems okay. She does have a mild ear infection and we are hoping that plus the pressure is what caused her behavior. The doctor took blood to check all her functions and we will know the results from that tomorrow. Everything else looked fine though. No temperature, clean stool and urine samp, great heart and lung sounds. So I am just taking a deep breath now!

    The doctor did a mini-neurological exam and said she was reacting to everything normal. She didn't think it was a seizure because she would snap out of it when I talked to her or offered her a treat. She said most of the time seizures can't be "interrupted" since the dog doesn't have control over them.

    So for now we will treat her ears and watch her. I will let everyone know what the bloodwork shows tomorrow.
  • edited November -1
    best wishes!
  • edited November -1
    Hopefully it is just the ear and the pressure. Sending little Sake some get well vibes! :)
  • edited November -1
    Yeah! Kinda.

    Did they have any idea why she keeps getting ear infections?
  • edited November -1
    It was probably just the bugs in her ear tickling her form the inside :-)

    Do let us know how the blood work turns out!

    Sabrina - She might just have sensitive ears. But I agree if it becomes a regular thing, she should be checked for an underlying cause.
  • edited January 2009
    The ear infection is pretty deep in her ear and they think it never cleared up the first time and the medicine wasn't getting deep enough. They gave me a special thing to get the medicine deep into her ear canal so it should clear up completely.


  • edited November -1
    Poor girl, I had lots of ear infections as a kid - I feel her pain.

    Hugs from all of us here at Casa Anderson! Feel better Sake!

  • edited January 2009
    Glad to hear it'd nothing too serious. Best of luck.

    FYI ..... Ear Infections
  • edited November -1
    Poor Sake! I sympathise with her as well, up until I was 7 I had the worst ear infections. they considered putting that tube [ ? ] in my ear even.

    Poor babe! Hopefully she feels better soon! ~
  • edited November -1
    Awww, poor girl. That's not a terrible diagnosis though. Its treatable and non-life threatening, so hooray for that. :-)

    As another data point, my sister had ear infections constantly as a child. She was even put on antibiotics for an entire year (I think, I was still pretty young). She grew out of them, so hopefully little miss Sake will too.

    Get well soon!
  • edited November -1
    You guys don't smoke do you? You don't look like smokers. Just asking because it makes ear infections much harder to clear up.

    I am glad everything sounds very treatable.
  • edited November -1
    Nope non smokers here, although when we go up to Maine they stay in the converted garage/Brother in laws art studio and he is a smoker....could have prolonged the process....
  • edited November -1
    Hope Saki gets well soon. I too had ear infections as a child and sympathize with her.

    Sidenote: Smoking bothers little shiba ears?! That's unsettling, though not wholly unexpected that they would be affected.
  • edited November -1
    Smoking has all the same adverse effects on dogs that it does on people, only WORSE. Smaller lungs, smaller hearts, AND NO SAY IN THE MATTER.

    My sister and I both had chronic ear infections because of our parents smoking (as well as asthma, and a number of other health issues).

    You can also give your dog all the same cancers you can get from smoking by smoking around them.

    So smokers...QUIT!!!
    (I used to smoke 3 packs a day, if I can do it , 10 years and counting, anyone can)
  • edited November -1
    Good for you Jess! My mom has finally commited to quitting this year and has dramatically cut down the amout she smokes in a day. She has a doctors appointment to get Chantix next week. We are SO proud of her!

    Still no word on the blood work...I will let everyone know as soon as I hear.

    Last night when we put Sake's medicine in her ear she had the same "seeing stars" reaction so we are pretty convinced it is her ears. After about 10 minutes of the medicine being in she went back to normal and had no problems the rest of the night, although she would act like the sound from the TV was bothering her...but that could be because we were watching American Idol and it was all the BAD singers! LOL, Sake is the new AI Judge. :P
  • edited November -1
    Everything looked GREAT! So we are just going that it's the ear problem and we keep her on the meds for 10 days and then go back to re-check.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah! Congrats for Sake!
  • edited November -1
    Great news!
  • edited November -1
    Yay!!! ~
  • edited November -1
    That's great!
  • edited November -1
    Wonderful to hear!
  • edited November -1
    So glad to hear! :) Hopefully once the ear infection clears, she will no longer see any stars other than the ones in the sky!
  • edited November -1
    excellent news!
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