edited January 2009 in Products & DIY
Beebe off and on seems to be overly interested in her feces (would lick and smell them intently) and at her daycare will eat other dogs poos as they are pooing. I also believe she was intentionally holding the poo in until I had to leave her at home and when I came back, she wouldn't have to go anymore (home video prooves it yuck!)
I have been using this for 2 weeks now with Beebe and it has really seemed to reduce this behavior. Day care says she hasn't done any poo chasing. She still gets excited when she sees another dog hunch up, but so far no snacking on her own that I have seen. The best part is the powder lengthens her eating time and helps her to contemplate her meal a little better so I am sure her body is digesting it better. It takes her 3-4 times as long to eat now. I plan to switch her to Orijen fish after this bag of Solid Gold is up and hopefully that will reduce the frequency of poos. The poo has a curious odor now, still smells terrible, but probably less tasty to her.
Anyways, I give Solid Gold SEP a thumbs up.


  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Thanks! Glad it's working for you :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I got my jar of Solid Gold SEP the other day. Miso does not like eating food with stuff sprinkled on it so he refused to eat at first. Finally I gave in and just gave it to Sake who is the poo eater (not all the time, just every once in a while). Sake doesn't try to eat Miso's poops, at least that I have noticed, so he was restricted to eating in the other room (he threw a fuss). So it's been a week with the powder in Sake's food and here is what I have noticed:

    ~~~PHEW, those poops STINK like crazy.

    ~~~Sake still poops and immediatley turns around like she is going to eat it, but then smells it and walks away.

    ~~~Miso looks at Sake like "Holy Hell girl, your poop stinks worse than anything I have ever smelled!"

    It took a day or two for Sake to get used to the smell of the powder on her food. It does have a strange odor. To get her used to it, I dipped a small treat into the powder just enough to get the smell and a little taste on the treat. Now when I put the food out with the powder she just eats like normal. It has changed the time of eating though, it does take her twice as long to eat her meal now, which is good because she is getting better digestion.

    Thanks for the heads up Lindsay, this product is working great for us!
  • edited November -1
    Allot of my customers are using SEP and it works really well for dogs that eat their own poo or if they eat their housemates poo. It doesn't work very well on dogs that eat others poo like at daycare or the dog park.

    Pumpkin also works very well to especially on puppy's that either are eating their own poo or mom is eating their poo. Its also a little more natural. It works best on dogs who have just started eating poo but doesn't work as well on dogs that have already had this habit ingrained into them.

    I have noticed that foods that are very rich like solid gold, Evo (especially red meat), orijen & Timberwolf Organics have higher rates of dogs eating their poo. I have allot of customer's that have this problem and allot of the time switching to a white meat based food tends to help allot.
  • edited November -1
    you might want to even consider a fish based kibble, we've never had this issue between dogs on fish based foods.

    I'm heard about canned pumpkin (*not* pie filling) working, as does pineapple?
  • edited November -1
    I tried pumpkin and pineapple with Sake and she still ate her poo. I also bought Dis-Taste tablets from Drs. Foster and Smith Catologue. Nothing worked until the SEP.
  • edited November -1
    Pineapple? just the juice or actual pineapple?
  • edited November -1
    Actual Pineapple. I bought it in the produce section already sliced. Not the Dole Canned one.
  • edited November -1
    Hm... Thats a good idea thanks. I haven't heard good things about the Dis-Taste pills. Not only did they not work the customer had a hard time getting the dog to eat the pill. SEP is what we carry.
  • edited November -1
    My dogs loved the Dis-Tate pill, it just didn't help. I actually just recomended SEP to a co worker and would probably keep recomending it to people if they have the same problem.
  • edited November -1
    Does it stop horse poo eating?? :/
  • edited November -1
    Ewwww. Horse poo! haha ~
  • edited November -1
    No, It doesn't and for some reason the solid gold told me it was toxic to cats, horses & cows. So DONT give it to anything other than a dog. I dont remember what it deos to them I just remember there not supposed to have it.

    Horse & Cow Poo is Boo's FAVORITE! Yummy huh, Horse poo is best for eating and Cow poo is best for licking and rolling in : P. I have stopped riding so it doesn't matter to much anymore.
  • edited November -1
    Every farm dog loves horse poo and horse hooves.

    SEP powder has this weirdo pepperminty smell...something that invades your nostrils in a funky way. Beebe really had to pick her way around the kibbles when the powder was on it so that helped in part to slow the eating and improve digestion.

    Does anyone else notice somewhat smelly poos on the Orijen Fish vs the chicken?
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