Fish Stix

Has anyone heard of these?
I'm half tempted, I'm trying to find out the source and general ingredients/preservatives/etc. and waiting for a call back from the company selling the sticks... have to be careful with Tsuki's chicken/beef allergies!


  • edited November -1
    Those should be fine, I think they are made by Canine Caviar which is a great company. They should be shark cartilage and stingray tail! I had their rep come into my store not to long ago and he gave Boo a sample and he really liked them. They should be great for Tsuki plus they are LOADED with chondroiton for her joints.

    Here is the products homepage

    Oh and they also have really good raw food Boo really likes the Beaver flavor
  • edited November -1
    interesting, thanks for the info!

    we've actually tried to steer away as much as we could from shark cartilage, I wasn't sure how eco-sound it was to keep buying joint supplements made from shark cartilage. These say they are made from skate (rays). I wonder how eco-friendly that is?

    But thanks for the info, we'll probably order one for each of them and see how they like it.

    Also, the Canine Caviar Beaver - that was a food OK'd by Whole Dog Journal! But I was afraid to try it, I feel really bad for the beavers!
  • edited January 2009
    I was told that they are it is a byproduct from the human consumption. Like bully sticks, pig ears, rawhide are all byproducts from human consumption. They are all parts that would typically be thrown away. Or so I was told by a salesman :-)

    Shark cartilage is one of the main sources of chondroitin so any chondroitin that is anything you purchase probably comes from shark cartilage.

    Oh and I was also told that the beaver meat is a "byproduct" from the fur industry. Beaver meat isn't in high demand so canine caviar decided to use it s a novel protein in there raw food.
  • edited November -1
    Every time I see the title of this thread I think of an old guy, frustrated by something, saying "fiddle sticks", and I giggle a little bit. Don't ask me why....
  • edited November -1
    Dave, YOU just made me "giggle" lol ~
  • edited November -1
    I also giggle at the thought of Dave giggling. :)
  • edited November -1
    Here is some info. on the matter
    Yes it may be considered a bi-product but that does not stop it from being endangered.
    Ok question.....has the sales person been on the boat that pulls up the catch and monitors the harvest?

    I am not trying to sway anyone one way or the other but it pays to have a healthy knowledge of the resources and not brush aside the issues at hand. I do think it is important to consider sustainable products even for our pets.

  • edited January 2009
    Hmmm... surely something to think about. I'll have to read up on these things more, but I'm optimistic that there may be a less odorous alternative to those pizzle sticks that won't threaten any species with extinction.
  • edited January 2009
    I asked Canine Cavier where the beaver came from after one of our clients was feeding it as a the only food source to her dogs wanting to know why they weren't gaining weight (they were skinny, let me tell you, and starving). It's a biproduct of the fur industry, so based on moral objections, I refused to use it or recomend it. Who wears beaver now anyways? I thought they were endangered or something. I guess I shouldn't feel bad about the little animals my dogs eat. I can see why they don't have a "Ground Mouse for Dogs", "Chipmunk Diet for Picky Eaters", or "Teddy Bear Hampster K9 Cuisine", nobody would buy it based on moral objections.

    I would buy Fish Stix though, those sound cool.
  • edited November -1
    "Teddy Bear Hampster K9 Cuisine"
    omg, can you imagine?? :O
    But thats the initial vibe I got when I saw Beaver food, like, why is that necessary!??!

    This is my main hang up, even feeding my dogs wellness core ocean - I realize that our oceans are in serious peril and I feel like I'm speeding up the barren-ness by purchasing such products. But, Tsuki can't eat beef or chicken based/flavored products so its single [protein] source lamb or multi source fish formulas. We're going to hold off on the Fish Stix until the company emails me back with the info I requested (source, sustainability of source, etc).

    I appreciate ALL of the insight, thanks!!
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