Tis the season for shedding

edited January 2008 in General

Ok so Keira hasnt been shedding in the front of her body, its all been in her rump. I have noticed that she doesnt shed that much, but the hair on her back and bottom is ready to come out but it just doesnt. It pretty much just fluffs out and it looks like she has a fuzz butt and wont let me comb her so I have to "pluck" it from her. LOL. She doesnt seem to mind it, but do you guys have this same problem? Is there a certain brush out there that is good for double coated dogs such as ours? After "pluck her" the hair that comes out is amazing. She doesnt even weigh 15lbs and all of this hair keeps coming out. It honestly looks like a huge pile of sheep wool. LOL.



  • edited November -1
    Ahi, Hilo, and Maui have that issue - we call them "fluffy butt(s)". Jen will brush them but most of the time she just plucks them w/ her hand too.
  • edited November -1

    Oh boy...I have something to look forward to when Kei blows his coat =(^-^`)=.

    Maybe you should make it into a blanket.

    Brad and Jen made Hilo's fluff into a coat! <-- no, not really, but it would be cool! -laughs-

  • edited November -1
    I call Niko chunky butt...She really mostly blows in the rear.
  • edited November -1
    Well im glad that Keria isnt the only fuzz butt! I wonder why they mostly shed in the rear? She doesnt get any clumps in the front of her body. Does any of you who have Shikoku, Akitas, Kais, Hokkaidos or any other type of breed with a double coat shed like this? Kenji hasnt shed once yet. His fur is nothing like Keiras is, but then again he isnt a year yet so im not exactly sure when he will start shedding.
  • edited November -1
    Tojo and Rakka are definitely fluff butts.  I brush them and pluck it by hand.  I'm considering a furminator...
  • edited January 2008

    oooh i'm all about the Furminator (even with it's geeky name)! We use it on shinobi...and almost all of the undercoat comes out. it's great! We haven't used it on Kiba yet, since it's kind of a rough brush. I think you have to use a little force with it for it to be really effective. Oh...and furminator also makes a conditioner that helps shedding while you bathe your dog. The shampoo doesn't have any de-shedding effect, only the conditioner. But we use the conditioner and it seems to work. Especially when we use the brush on him afterwards.  i definitely think it's a good investment for any fluff butt ;)

  • edited November -1
    furminator ftw. I don't know what I'll do without it.
  • edited November -1
    When do dogs shed?..Ninja hasn't blown his coat yet.  And I see some Shiba's that look like they are short-haired!   I always thought all Shiba's had the thick coat...but i've been seeing quit a few with very thin coats.  Will Ninja look like that when he blows his coat?  I kind of dig the thick fluffy coat he has...makes him look quite handsome :).
  • edited November -1

    The surge in thin coats are sadly probably a by-product of the fact that shibas are getting kind of chic and so we are seeing more and more puppy mill and back-yard breeder shibas. Because these dogs are not being selectively and responsibly bred you will see a lot of substandard coats, and off markings.

    Also they are very adaptive animals. You live in a warmer climate. They are not going to grow as thick and fluffy a coat in an environment  where it doesn't get colder than 60.

    In general most blow their coats a couple times a year. Some more, some less. But oh lord when they do, you will have an adventure!

  • edited November -1

    Oh ic...Because the black/tan shiba puppy at the obedience class last night had a very thin coat and the lady said she was 5 months also.  So she was like "Oh, I guess we got the little runt"  So i was just wondering....but she probably bought her from a petstore...i didn't ask.  John didn't even know her puppy was a Shiba until the drive home when we were talking about all the dogs in class and I brough up the Shiba and he was like "what shiba?" and i said "uhhh...the black and tan one right next to you " and he was like "WHAT THAT WAS A SHIBA?!?! i thought that was just some kind of mutt dog"  hehe. 

     Is the white patch on Ninja's back considered and "off marking" ?  I don't really care because im not going to show him or anything...but I've never seen a Shiba with his markings...part of the reason why I picked him...I thought he looked very unique with the white patch and the white tip on the end of his tail.

  • edited November -1

    If you were to show him, that would be a disqualifier.

    Here is a link the the National Shiba Inu Organizations Breed Standard

    Breed Standard

    But most important is he is healthy and you love him. You're not showing or breeding him so that is all that matters.

  • edited January 2008

    Most of the Shibas I know would not be "showable" - Maui and Kaia certainly wouldn't. Kaia is way to small and Maui is cream.

    Its kinda like -> how many super models do you know?... they don't make up much of the human population. Same way with dogs.

  • edited November -1
    That's a grat way of looking at it!
  • edited November -1
    Even people who aim to breed champions only produce a few they actually consider show worthy.  From Tojo's litter of five, the breeder said she would only show one of them.  Tojo would be automatically disqualified due to having one undescended testicle and the others she said just didn't have the right personality for the show ring, or else had one tiny thing off.  
  • edited November -1

    Here is GA there is a 10 week old shiba that just got surrendered by the breeder because she is not show quality and looks just like ninja.  I love the colors!!!  If we werent getting an akita I would BEG for one of their shiba's.  Chad got mad at the mention.


  • edited November -1
    Wow, she really does look like Ninja...and she has floppy ears!!! She is adorable!  Poor girl...I hope she gets adopted soon.
  • edited November -1

    OMG why do they have so many shibas in their shelter????Frown 


  • edited November -1
    Breeder surrender...dont know why.  I WANT THEM!  I thought of Ninja as soon as I saw her!  Those are the dogs that are in the shelter and everyone is talking about getting the one from the pet store.  UGH!  They are amazing!
  • edited November -1
    Rachael - yea, I agree that that is ridiculous.
  • edited November -1

    Speaking of furminator, I was ordering a few things off of jefferspet.com and I noticed they sold a "deshedding comb" made by bamboo that looks a lot like a furminator.  They have one with a handle and one without a handle, that's basically a blade with a rubber grippy.  I ordered the one without the handle.  For $9, I figure it's worth a try!  I also ordered an undercoat rake.  We'll see how it works out.  They also had a thing that looked like that horse-grooming tool that that Miisan fellow was talking about.  I might pick that up next time I do an order.  





  • edited November -1

    I love this part from the breed standards;  ". Lips are tight and black. Nose is black." Yes, unless of course your Shiba has been digging holes back to Japan in the backyard, then the nose color is dirt brown!  LOL!

  • edited November -1

    All hail the Furmanator (and tools like it)

    If Ronan and Tasha could talk, they'd tell us, "We're NOT chickens! Stop plucking us!"

    I love the Furmanator. Both are shedding fiends right now.

  • edited November -1

    Speaking of Furminator...Is it really that good?

    Cause, while preparing the coming of my Akita, i started looking for loads of stuff, de-shedding tool included. And, at least around Europe, it's kind of expensive. Does it really match it's price tag? 

  • edited November -1
    It does work very well - and it is pretty expensive in the states too.
  • edited November -1
    I got mine on Craigslist from someone who bought it for their pug and of course it did nothing lmao. Ebay has them cheaper than stores. Just be careful to add shipping and not pay more than retail in the end.
  • edited November -1

    Thanks for the tip, Rina! Found a large one on ebay UK, shipping from Hong Kong, for half the price...

    I wonder...Undecided

  • edited November -1
    We love the furminator.  It is well worth the money!  It works well on our rottt/pit mix also.
  • edited November -1
    If you have a shiba, buy the cat one. It is 10 dollars cheaper and fine for a smaller dog. With a shikoku on the way i will now have to invest in the bigger one.
  • edited November -1
    I'm hoping this $9 deshedding tool will work as well as the furminator.  Wish me luck!
  • edited November -1
    Good luck!
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