Hind leg kick?

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So, My shiba often does this funny little scratch-kick with his hind leg, when playing...much like after he's just gone to the bathroom outside, and is kicking up grass. Anyone else ever seen this?


  • edited February 2009
    My older Shiba, Bella kicks like a horse... and almost as hard! If she feels we are ignoring her or are annoying her, she will kick one of her hind legs out (especially if you are standing behind or beside her). The first time she did this I almost died laughing. She also 'wipes her feet' after she uses the bathroom, but her horse kick is definitely different.
  • edited November -1
    Honey does this! lol Especially if she has just treed a squirrel. It's SUPER cute. It's kinda like her getting the last word with the little critter.
  • edited November -1
    does he kick after he just exerted himself (playing, running, jumping) or after napping? Is it a one leg kick or is he kind of 'backwards digging' with all or just his back paws?
  • edited November -1
    Tojo kicks up grass all the time and Rakka kicks like a horse, especially if something is touching her hind leg or foot.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah I think kicking is pretty common with the Shiba breed. Nemo kicks around all the time too, like he's kick starting his little engine to get running.
  • edited November -1
    I'm happy to know that Akira is not the only one doing this :) He also does strange kicks when he's pleasuring himself *blush*
  • edited November -1
    The kicking thing is common in the Shikoku, Kai, and Shiba breeds - but you should be aware that it can also be a sign of LP.

  • edited November -1
    ^^thats why I asked when and why - it was our only indication that Tsuki had LP issues
  • edited November -1
    I'll third that. I delayed reading this thread because I thought LP immediately after reading the title. Does he have any other signs of trouble with his legs? Any limping? Or favoring the leg? Is it always the same leg, or does it change?
  • edited November -1
    I avoided this for the same reason. The first time Miko kicked I shuddered. She showed no other signs, so for now, we think she is just a goober. Hopefully your dog is just silly.
  • edited November -1
    Loa kicks too - but we have had her knees checked out and they were fine... so it's not a 100% thing.

    I would say kicking is just one of the signs and I would only be concerned if there was more than one sign [like inactivity, lameness, sensitivity, "snarkiness", etc].

  • edited November -1
    Well that's a tough one without seeing it first hand. If your dog is kicking up or shaking one leg after resting, or stretching or going for a walk then I would have it checked out. It really can't hurt to have the vet check the rotation. If your dog is kicking back after taking a leak or pooping (usually involving booth hind feet) it most likely is scenting out its area. Males and females will both do this, but I tend to see it more in males. The toe pads produce scent use in part of marking.

    Also in regard to scenting, dogs will sweat through their feet. Sometimes you will see wet foot prints during training on the training mats and times of high threshold on dark a side walk or reflective linoleum floors. It's always good to keep an eye out for the sweaty feet tracks so you can reduce the potential for outbursts if another dog runs up. A dog can look deceptively comfortable and the tracks are the only indication that it is in a more intense state needing more space or down time.

  • edited November -1
    haha thats makes me laugh too. ive only seen kelly do it a few times.
  • edited November -1
    Beebe "flosses her toes" after she poos, but only then. I have seen them both give a sudden "mule kick" after stepping on a dragging leash or something that (I think) has tickled their foot. Ike's patellas are good but it wouldn't suprise me that Beebe's aren't. This is the only time I notice a kicking behavior.
  • edited November -1
    Sorry for the long time between posts, but to answer a few questions:

    He usually does it only with his right leg, but will sometimes kick his right, then his left...but he only does either when he's excited, like when I'm teasing him with a toy, oy playing a sort of chase/stop/chase game with him. He's had his knees checked out before we bought him, and everything was fine.

    He doesn't shake his legs at all, and has no other symptoms mentioned by above posts. I wasn't sure if it was a breed thing (As searching google just brought up a multitude of non-related sites), or if he was just a bit weird. Thanks alot for the Comments, and of course, obligatory picture included of the little carpet-shark.
  • edited November -1
    What a cutie!
  • edited November -1
    Aw! Cutie, for certain. :)

    Also, LOVE the term carpet shark.
  • edited November -1
    Adorable! ~
  • edited November -1
    He is SUCH a cute boy!

    My Anakin doesn't do a leg kick, but he does wipe his paws after the bathroom or after coming in from the rain. Occasionally, he paws at the ground before charging at me while we play (much like a bull, haha). He hasn't presented the leg kick, though.

    And I know what kick you mean.. My parents' Siberian Husky does the leg kick. They've had her vet examined several times, but it just seems to be a reflex or a twitch for her.
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