Question about Creamie Shibas



  • edited November -1
    Wow, Tsuki really looks red in those photos, it really is intricate colouring you wouldn't be able to appreciate without looking closely. I just got back from the Puyallup Dog show cluster (it was great!) and I guess that the "skunk stripe" is being seen more and more in all colours.
  • edited November -1
    Kitsu has it somewhat, too. Most of his sesame is within the skunk stripe area.
  • edited November -1
    Is is winter where you are? Our cream Shibas nose turns pinker in the winter then goes black in the summer months when he gets sun on it like a sun tan. Also I have read that a plstic water bowl will contribute to it turning more pink. Dont know if its true but we changed it anyways.
  • edited November -1
    That kind of sounds like a "snow nose" as seen in huskies. ~
  • edited November -1
    well, we are in the middle of winter, but her nose started changing in late summer/early fall where it can get up to 80 still. And we use stainless steel for water bowls.

    I think all creamies eventually get the pinks. Tsuki is even noticeably pinker around her eyes, on the bridge of her nose and her paw pads are more pink than before (i think!).

    I've never heard of 'snow nose', I'm gonna go look that up!
  • edited November -1
    I still watch Sake's nose and "skunk stripe". They seem to be the same as before. Her nose does have a little pink in it, but is still mostly black and her red stripe down her back has neither darkened or lightened. I wonder what summer will bring?!?!?!

    She is now 16.6 lbs! She is definitley going to be bigger than Miso.

  • edited November -1
    My creamie, Triton has an adorable pink nose. It has a black dot in the middle of it, it's really cute. He is 5 yrs old.
  • edited November -1
    I've noticed that all the cream Shibas I've seen have the same shorter coat and not the fluffier denser coat of many of the reds or black and tans. Has anyone seen any creams with the heavier coat?
  • edited November -1
    My cream definitely has the thinner coat. It is much softer and sleeker than the normal Shiba double coat.
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