23rd Annual Beikoku Shiba Inu Aikokai Specialty Show

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Who is goin to this show? I'm going, I don't even have a Shiba (yet).

I hope to meet some of you and hear some stories and hopefully the parents of my future pup :)

This wil be my 2nd show. In January I went to the Ventura show. I met Lisa there. I also met Susanne Ozasa's dog Rouge, he is a very friendly dog. He gave my daughter a kiss.


  • edited February 2009
    We'll probably be there since we plan on going to Marukai that weekend anyway.
  • edited November -1
    Hey Rina,
    Will you be bringing your kids in the pickup like you said earlier? I'd love to meet you and your pack. I forget...can we bring our non-entried shiba's to that event or is it better not to?

  • edited November -1
    Jesse I think you got me confused with Corina lol. We don't have any dogs or a pickup.
  • edited February 2009
    Dangit sorry Rina! I called Corina "Rina" once and she gave me the okay since it was her nickname....LOL

    I swear I do better when I can put faces to names.
  • edited November -1
    Hehe it's ok. I'm the Rina who'll be walking around with a stroller instead of dogs :P
  • edited November -1
    We'll be there with our 3 Shibas, Koshi, Harlow & Goldie. It's OK to bring non entered Shibas. We're going to set up a canopy, so everyone come by & visit!
  • edited November -1
    Patty, I'm embarrassed to say I have no idea what you look like. I'm gonna have to find you using the dogs as my guide lol.
  • edited November -1
    I'll be wearing a big white hat and I'll have a sign up on our canopy that says "Harlow"!
  • edited February 2009
    Have fun at the show! I hope someone gets pictures

    Here is a picture of our girls wearing their hand knitted scarves.
    Patty, thanks so much for making them to benefit rescue! The good news is no one tried to eat them and no one got strangled (LOL).


    PS: If anyone is interested in scarves for their dogs, take a look at Griffin Designs: http://griffindesigns.tripod.com/
  • edited November -1
    I'll be attending the show.

    Hey Jesse,

    It's cool, in person you can call me "Rina" or "Rin", but perhaps here on the forums my full name would be best, lol.

    And yeah, if you want to bring your Shiba, bring him. Just remember to bring water and shade cause it might get super hot!

    Hope to see everybody there!
  • edited November -1
    Have fun over there !! And don't forget the pictures for us!!
  • edited November -1
    Just a gentle reminder. This event is being held in a public park, but it's main purpose is a club activity for BSA members' and their shibas. I think "treading lightly" is a key watch phrase.

    If you've never been: The BSA brings in Nippo qualified judges from Japan to judge the shibas. It's a treat watching all of the different classes in the ring. I take a lawn chair and plop down mesmerized by the proceedings. A good time for sure.
  • edited November -1
    I'm going to cheer and support a shiba and owner I just met over the weekend. She has a beautiful 4-month old male and I'd be surprised if he does not do well.

  • edited November -1
    I don't know Brian but being told to tread lightly leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's a public event, not a cult meeting.
  • edited November -1
    About how many entrants? what time? how long? I've never been. "tread lightly"? what do you mean by that? I really want to get a pup after we get back from vacation (the first week of July) My daughter and I are getting very excited.

    Are any of you from Ventura County? I live in Oxnard.
  • edited November -1
    I guess I've missed it, but it's at the same park it was at last year...what time does the show start? We're planning on driving down with Sora.
  • edited November -1
    Don't forget to set your clocks forward on Saturday night for Daylight Saving Time!
  • edited November -1
    Here's an excerpt I pulled from a Shiba Inu meetup organizer regarding what to expect at the Beikoku Aikokai. Hopefully this will help us first-timers in preparing and setting our expectations accordingly. Looks like Ichi and I will stay at least 15ft away from the show ring. Thank god for telephoto lenses:).

    "Hi guys,

    The show is at South Gardena Park, on March 8th, starting at about 8AM (most of the show activities start about 9 or 10AM).

    Remember to bring shade, towels, drinks, and snacks for you and your dog(s).

    There were some incidents last year with snarky Shibas and fights breaking out. This year they wanted to be sure that dogs (that weren't being shown) did not come near the ring (so dogs that weren't in the show could not be within a 15 foot perimeter around the ring). They also requested that dogs be on 6 foot leads, and no flexis. If you have a pooch on a flexi, you will be asked to stand away from the show areas."

  • edited November -1
    We'll be there around 12-1ish. I hope to see everyone tomorrow :)
  • edited November -1
    Wow it goes for that long? I'll be wandering in at about 10:30-11-ish.

  • edited November -1
    Lol well I think there's a curse. Rina couldn't make it last year due to being sick, this year it's Micah that's not feeling well. Can't wait to see pictures.
  • edited November -1
    I just got back from the show and I met Corina, Shoushuu, Kotomi and Lynxiene (she was in the truck).

    My first time there and it was very fun, lots of pups and very nice people.

    I'll post some pics after I sort through the 400+ pictures I took
  • edited November -1
    aww I missed them! :( I was there from 11:30 - 1:30. People kept talking about some big dogs being turned away earlier and I thought I missed Corina already.

  • edited November -1
    I was there during the time you were there, Jesse. I wonder if I saw you...
  • edited November -1
    If you saw this little feller, then you saw me. In hindsight, it probably would've been wise for me to post what I look like on this thread so people would have an easier time finding me than spotting my dog amidst 5 dozen shibas.
  • edited March 2009
    here's one of the pups

  • edited November -1
    I saw that dog there........ i was the asian guy wearng shades in the striped shirt and the camera with the big lens
  • edited November -1
    What a gorgeous pup.
  • edited November -1
    Hmmm...so this guy?
  • edited November -1
    There were two that were going head to head. It was ridiculously adorable to see them fidget while being judged.
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