Zoe has ups!

now that the lilac tree in my backyard is starting to bud, Zoe keeps trying to jump up and eat the buds. Any of your dogs do crazy stuff like that?



  • edited November -1
    haha. crazy pup! my pup has been trying to rip all the weeds out of our neighbors yard. I guess she likes to garden.
  • edited April 2009
    That's funny, that poor lilac.

    Tikaani loves sitting on a bush that's next to the side steps, I have some videos posted so feel free to check them out. He also likes to rip branches off of young trees when he's bored. Tetsu more so watches, and tries to steal any branches that Tikaani holds in his mouth.
  • edited November -1
    Yesterday the pups were outside in the yard and I went inside to grab something and when I came back out (Less than a minute later) sake had a huge branch from a tree in her mouth and she was running around SO PROUD! She tore off one of the branches to one of the trees in the yard and was showing off her prize!

    Silly Shiba.
  • edited November -1
    my female shiba has taken to darting into bushes, to search for birds and squirrels, but no "ups" yet!
  • edited November -1
    haha. shiba's are amazing. i guess i would rather her jumping at the tree instead of over the fence (which she used to do)
  • edited November -1
    My grandma had a Cocker that would bolt out of the door at a given chance, run around the house and eat the tomatoes off my grandmas plants.
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