Bad Dreams for Dogs?

edited February 2009 in Behavior & Training
Has anyone else had this happen?

I was reading and Tosca was sleeping when I heard her start whining. "Ok, she's dreaming," I said to myself and got back to my Rushdie novel. He's a favorite author of mine so I was in no mood to be bothered. I did check to make certain she was asleep and I'm positive she was. So, I was reading and she was whining, but she sounded more and more upset. It all culminated with her shiba screaming and waking herself up. Then she ran out of the room and came to me panting and a bit frantic. I went and and turned on the lights so she could inspect her home for evil intruders which she did - very, very slowly. She even checked the closets and shower.

I have seen dogs "dreaming" before but I've never before seen one have a "nightmare". Is my Tosca special (or "special") or does someone else's dog have a vivid canine imagination?


  • edited November -1
    Dogs have physical REM's, as people do, where their ears will flicker, their paws will move, their nose will twitch and they will whimper and whine. I'm sure they could have a super vivid one, too. I know I've woken up believing my dreams were real, especially lately.
  • edited November -1
    Both Nola and Bella have had 'nightmares'. At least that is what I think they are. Nola's are especially bad. She will start whining and even growling before she startles herself awake. She will then run out of the room and back in. And want to curl up next to one of us. Bella usually just wakes herself up, stands up, looks around, then jumps up next to us and curls up. She usually has a 'bad dream' once or twice a week. Nola, luckily does not have them that frequently.
  • edited November -1
    Our dogs had them on occasion. Same reactions as Casey described with Nola and Bella above.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz does soft woofs and her front paws tend to move.
  • edited November -1
    Sake was sleeping next to Chris on the couch last night and she broke into a full run, her feet were going like crazy! We woke her up with our laughing.
  • edited November -1
    Poor Sake... I bet she was just about to catch that rabbit when you woke her up!
  • edited November -1
    Normal dreaming everyday but never a nightmare so far!
  • edited April 2009
    I think Ichi had one that resulted in him gashing his hind leg in his crate this Friday :(

  • edited November -1
    Poor ichi!!
  • edited November -1
    My puppy has had dreams, but I don't think they were nightmares, she whines and her feet will move but it just looks like she is chasing birds.
  • edited November -1
    How long does Ichi have to wear the cone?
  • edited April 2009
    10 days on the cone. I'm on day 4...things seem somewhat normal despite the fact he tries to lick his bum and junk but can't. However he can still lick his injured leg (which is what the cone is supposed to prevent)...which he's doing right now...*sigh*

  • edited November -1
    Awww, good little man!
  • edited November -1
    haha poor and brave Ichi, Sophie would ramble around until this cone wont live anymore...
    hopes it gets better soon and this cone helps a little bit :)
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