Rex is SAFE (the fridge dog)

edited April 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Sick little story out of Boulder Colorado...I hope they take the dog away and put him/her up for adoption!! If not for the safety of the dog, for the safety of the humans because if I were that dog I'd wait for them to fall asleep and go for the juggler! The worst part of this article..was one sentence..."We USUALLY don't do this"....good god!!

Abby Toll, 20, was arrested on suspicion of felony animal cruelty after telling police she taped the puppy, a shiba inu named Rex, to the fridge because she was angry at her boyfriend for not getting rid of his pet after it had bitten her.

“There’s a dog taped to the fridge,” she reportedly told an officer who responded to a call about a domestic incident at the apartment in the 2900 block of East Aurora Avenue around 5 a.m. Tuesday. “I know this looks bad. We were going to get rid of him anyway. We usually don’t do this.”


  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    The dog knew she was psycho, she probably hurt it many times before the incident. And what sucks is that even at maximum sentence, it still won't be enough of a punishment. That poor pups may be forever mentally scarred.
  • edited November -1
    ...-self restraint-

  • edited November -1
    omg that is the most horrible thing i've ever read! someone should tape her up and hand her upside down from a refrigerator and THEN push it off the Brooklyn Bridge!
  • edited November -1
    or into a piranha pit after she's been covered in meats.
    edited November -1
    The police report is even worse. It verifies that it was indeed hurt before the fridge incident.

    Read it on The Smoking Gun.
  • edited November -1
    i wish i could go to that humane society and adopt him.
  • edited November -1
    I wish I could take care of this myself..... real justice!!!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    could you imagine what would happen to them if they were put into a room with us
  • edited November -1
    OMFG!!! I felt like I was going to vomit after reading that. That poor dog, what deranged people. Imagine if there was a crying pooping infant or toddler for them to deal with as well. Apparently there were prior burn injuries as well? Just a pup, too (I know Shiba pups can be frustrating, but geez!)

    Some jerk offs brought their cattle dog in for vaccines, they had duck taped it's mouth shut to muzzle it for some stupid reason. Before I realized what the guy was doing, he grabbed the tape and ripped it off the dog's face taking whiskers, fur and skin with it. I can only hope the pup was medicated for the removal of the tape.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    They should spayed and neutered.
  • edited November -1
    How awful. :( Though, the guy isn't any better. He obviously didn't bother to train his Shiba puppy. I hope that puppy goes to a more loving home.
  • edited November -1
    Brandon: They should be spayed and neutered, to help control the idiot population
  • edited November -1
    Makes me want to hop on a plane to Boulder and teach BOTH the woman and her boyfriend what it feels like to be bound and taped upside down to a refridgerator. Sick, just sick.
  • edited November -1
    seriously. who lives near Boulder? These people need some serious punishment
  • edited November -1
    An update...

    Rex was brought to us by the Boulder Police Department on Tuesday after he had been found taped to a refrigerator. The Shiba Inu was taped upside down to the appliance, with his paws bound together by elastic hair ties, after a domestic dispute between its guardian and his girlfriend. Rex was in severe pain and traumatized. The perpetrator of the offense was arrested and now faces charges of animal cruelty.

    “Rex is doing better physically but he is frightened,” said Lisa Pedersen, CEO of the Humane Society of Boulder Valley. “Our behavior and medical team is working to help him rebuild his trust in people. We want to thank everyone in the community for their outpouring of support for Rex, and voicing their concern for animal abuse.”

    Because the case is ongoing, we are unable to forecast at this time if or when Rex will become available for adoption. Make a donation to help us assist animals like Rex who are victims of abuse.
  • edited November -1
    That poor dog. He's so cute. I hope he can recover enough to be adoptable, I know people will probably be lining up down the street for him.
  • edited November -1
    My prayers are with this little fella. Hopefully they can rehabiliate him...if not, I hope a place like DOGTOWN steps in to take him and work with him. Thankfully, with this kind of publicity, he probably has a far better chance than had it not been publicized.
  • edited November -1
    He is a cute dog! I hope they can help him : ( I'm sure if he does become adoptable he'll be spoken for within seconds...

    Geeze...that girl is messed up. Animal cruelty, assault, trace amounts of Heroin in her system??? I'm glad that they're charging her with everything. I hope whichever judge she gets THROWS THE BOOK AT HER!!!
  • edited November -1
    What a cute little guy :( that makes me so sad for him.
  • edited November -1
    i was reading this story outloud to my mom and then hit the part where it said SHIBA INU and freaked out.
  • edited November -1
    wow i wish i didnt read this to start my day. now im a little ticked off.
  • edited November -1
    My god the dog is 2 years old??? Frakkin' owners. We need to add some bleach to the gene pool...

  • edited November -1
    Is there a Shiba Rescue group in the Colorado area??
  • edited November -1
    Oh my god, that poor puppy! People like them are the reason I like animals more than people. I agree, people like that shouldnt be allowed to own any other animals or have children. What a f*ck*d up chick.
  • edited November -1
    You know what? These articles have both these people's names in them. This is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives when they apply for jobs and so forth. That seems to be pretty apt justice.
  • edited November -1
    Oh. My. Word.

    What the hell is with people taking it out on animals when their lives are messed up and they have crappy relationships?
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