They really are genius'

edited April 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Ive read everywhere that shiba inu's are so intelligent that they appear to be thinking. almost "human like." this quality definitely attracted me when i was searching for the right dog. but i was a little doubtful, i mean human like is a pretty big label. but for the past 10 months since ive owned a shiba inu, ive realized how big of a mistake it is to underestimate their brains. story time:

recently kelly got spayed. i mentioned in another post that she learned to take off her ecollar on the first night and is very energetic making her hard to deal with. so i arranged to have some supervised e-collar free times. she immediately went for her wound and i corrected her. after that it seemed like she had no interest in licking her wound which led me to trust her more. one night, i was out in the yard chatting with friends and kelly was inside without her e-collar so i watched her through the screen door. she notices that i am watching so she pretends to sleep. as time goes on i fall for her trick and believe that shes napping so i pay less and less attention (although im still in a position to see her.) she slowly crawls to an area where my view is obstructed by a curtain. as soon i notice this i go back inside and sure enough she was licking her wound.

amazing how after i corrected her the first time, she appeared to be innocent and uninterested in her wound. but all this time she was plotting to hide somewhere and then licking it. my friends that were over were all shocked and said they had no idea a dog was this smart.

in conlusion, i think its pretty awesome to have an super intelligent dog because you can show off, but behind closed doors they can be a real handful =p


  • edited November -1
    lol they can be really sneaky!
  • edited November -1
    I have noticed similar sneakiness with my Shiba. It terrifies me that sometimes he outsmarts me. I'm no dummy but he certainly isn't either!!
  • edited November -1
    haha. yea they are sneaky. I tried to teach both our dogs not to go into the cat's bedroom, and there is a gate blocking the door way. and she would pretend that she couldn't fit through the gate when I was around but when I wasn't around she squeezed and crept in the room to look for the cat and I caught her in there! ours is getting fixed soon too! I hope we can figure out a way to keep her from sneaking licks in on her stitches....
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