Pulled Muscles

So I am not sure if any of you have had this problem... but a few weeks ago my shiba Sophie was at the dog park and playing and running as she normally does (she's about 6/7 months now) but toward the end of playtime she started limping on her back right leg. At first we just thought well it is probably a pulled muscle because she is so young but when she kept doing it for about a day and a half we took her to see my boyfriend's brother-in-law who is a vet surgeon. He looked at her patella and felt her leg, and said he didn't feel anything wrong with her. Just to let her rest and we also picked up some pain meds from our vet. So we decided no dog parks for several days. After about five days of rest and meds she was looking much better so we went to the park again and later again she started limping. I am wondering if she shouldn't be playing with bigger dogs, but at the same time I don't think there are any exclusively small dog parks, plus I want her to be socialized with all different types of dogs. So since we were getting her fixed we had the vet examine her again while awake and x-ray her while she was under. They said she is perfectly healthy. So since she was needing rest anyways with her stitches from spaying we figured her leg would get better. But she now walks on it differently at varying times. Some times she will walk perfectly normal and other times she will limp. It is strange and I guess I shouldn't worry since two different vets told us she is healthy but I can't help feeling bad when she walks around tripod style. Is there dog stretches I can try to do for her before she plays? Or is this one of those times when shibas are drama queens?


  • edited November -1
    I remembr once when Tetsu sprained his leg, he was limping for a week. She is a puppy, and playing with big dogs may be too much for her until she's older. If you are having a hard time finding a dog park with a small dog section, why not see if there are small dog or puppy meet ups, or even try to find people with small dogs who is willing to have a playdate.
  • edited November -1
    Beth has some good suggestions.

    Puppies don't know their limits and that's where we as parents have to step in. I know puppies can go all out in play and exhaust themselves or mentally drain themselves to where they begin to behave badly as well. If your pup is playing with larger dogs you really dog have to be careful not strain the muscles and ligaments regardless of age of your Shiba. A puppy socialization class at a good center may help you out. It is important to try to place dogs of the same play style, size and age together so they are balanced as playmates. In any case keep an eye on the legs as the dog matures. Also sometimes there are things that cut the pads or press in between the toes that cause pain as well.

  • edited November -1
    It makes sense that getting your dog to warm up before turning up the crazy to 100% would help prevent pulling muscles. How about walking a couple of laps, bringing it up to a human speed jog, on the leash a bit before letting her run wild?
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for all the suggestions!
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