Similar personality

edited June 2009 in General
Ok, this is probably on odd thought, but it came about because of a discussion I had with a friend regarding my interest in the kai ken. After describing certain things I liked about the breed (in general), my friend laughed and said, "so you want a dog who is just like you?!?!"

Which made me think -
Is it a good idea to get a dog who has similar personality traits to you?
Do opposites attract?
Is it really even a good comparison?

Anyway, just one of those things an insomniac thinks of when they should be trying harder to go to bed...though I would love to know what others think!


  • edited November -1
    mmm i think its a good idea to get a dog similar to your personality. I mean opposites can always attract, but say if you are high strung and energetic and freindly, you wouldnt want an unsociable lazy dog, ya know? i have thought about this as well, lol.
  • edited June 2009
    I think that should be a way people choose the breed of dog for them. For instance, I personally do not like extremely needy dogs or dogs that annoy you for attention. I could never, ever own a Boxer. Their personalities are too different than I like in a dog, and I cannot stand the way they put their paws on everything. I dont like small yappy dogs either. So no Yorkies or Shih Tzus for me. My grandma had a Cocker Spaniel that would follow her everywhere, slept in her bed, at ate every meal with her. That is what she wanted, a dog to be at her side at every moment. It worked for her. I like Shibas because of their independent nature. It works for me.
  • edited November -1
    When Beebe and I have our moments, the kind where I am giving her the evil eye and saying "Gah, she's so independent and hard headed! She won't listen," my mom will tell me, "Oh, so you basically picked a dog that is just like you." Too true.
  • edited November -1
    I think as far as dogs go it's a better idea to pick one that suits your personality. The independent nature of the shiba really attracted us to the breed. Dawn's parents have an English Springer, Odie, who's a great dog but constantly needs to be the center of attention. He's pretty dumb too. Their Lab Chow mix Brandy is very shiba. So when we were looking for a dog breed we wanted a Brandy not an Odie. We also lucked out with Katsu because she's a little couch potato. She'll play when she wants to, but most of the time she likes to sit on the couch chew her bone and watch baseball with me.
  • edited November -1
    I picked a Shiba as my breed of choice because they are very much like me in personality. I am hard-headed, independent, and do not really like change. And I definitely think it worked out great! I am not sure I would ever be able to own a breed that was 'needy' or super willing to please. I like a dog that can think for itself, even if it frustrates me. :)
  • edited November -1
    For fun with personalities and dog breeds, Vicki Croke and Sarah Wilson have a book called Dogology- it has short funny quizzes about the kind of dog owner you are (Thinker, DO-er, Feeler) and then within those categories are three more personality types each (Observer, Expert, Soulmate, free spirit, angel, buddy, master, etc...)

    Then they go over dog breed personalities and mix and match them with owner types- Two of a Kinds and Opposites Atttract. It's fun and often surprisingly correct- I need to have my dog friends over for a dogology party. I quizzed out as an "Expert/Know It All" (the Lisa Simpson of dog owners) and matched up well with sighthounds. (I was okay with that because Reilly is very much a greyhound x something and I find her so very seamlessly connected with me.) It doesn't account for Sage Semi-Kai as much, but does account for how intense I am about trying to figure out the best way to work with him: Read Read some more. consult renowned experts. Join a nihonken bb... (such a Dog Otaku!)
  • edited November -1
    I think it depends on the person. For instance, some domineering people might insist on having a submissive dog. There are some things that people might take for granted, though. For instance, Tojo is really independant and sometimes it seems like he doesn't care if I live or die (but he does wag his tail when I come home, that's all I ask, lol), Rakka isn't that independant, but she's not needy. I didn't realise how much I appreciated it until I got Skella and she is soooo needy. I like her, but I couldn't handle too many Iceland sheepdogs. I could have lots of shibas or shikoku, but Iceland sheepdogs like to be your shadow and don't handle being alone all that well. I'm the kind of person who recharges by being alone, so I'm definitely not as much of a social butterfly as Skella. Sometimes I even need to be away from from Skella, so I make her stay somewhere else while I relax.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for all for your input!

    Casey: "I like a dog that can think for itself, even if it frustrates me. :)" - I totally agree!

    Chrystal: That is really neat! I have never heard of it, and will now be searching for it!
  • edited November -1
    I think when we are speaking about a Kai, then yes I would say your personality should be like theirs. From my modest experience with this breed, they are truly looking for that one person and they will tend to attach themselves to one person in particular in the home. If that person's personality does not match that of a Kai, then I would think it could be a rough relationship.

    For instance, Kai are happy outdoors with some sort of activity, hiking and Josephine. If you are the type of person who likes to sit on the couch all weekend, then a Kai is not for you. They are primitive animals and that trait needs to be respected. They are also independent. If you're expecting a dog to sit on your lap and cuddle you all night it's probably not going to happen.

    I'd like to hear from some of the Kai owners on here about what they think.
  • edited November -1
    heh I got the same thing said to me Amber ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    To me, that is a compliment.
    It's a positive thing to want a dog that matches your personality and lifestyle. It's the start of a fulfilling relationship for both dog and human.
  • edited November -1
    Osy - lol!

    Rui - that's what I am hoping for!

    Tara - I too would love to hear what other Kai owners think!
  • edited June 2009
    Tosca and I are frighteningly similar in personality. I'm cool with it, but I don't know how the rest of the world is coping.
  • edited November -1
    Tara: I definitely agree with your comments about the Kai. I see Josephine definitely extremely attached to my husband, and as the stay-at-home partner here he definitely is around the most to warrant that attachment -- he is definitely primary doggie-care-giver! I think she is quite bonded to me, too, and then is attached to our two adult children and the live-in boyfriend... Well, that trait just fits with my husband's outgoing friendly personality, I guess! She also needs to be quite active... although now a little older she will lounge around the house most of the time like every other dog, but her energy is boundless when there's excitement to be had. The other evening we had her out to the dog park and she got into a major running/chasing experience with a springer spaniel named Ruby --- Ruby and Josephine had the time of their life, including a couple zooms into the swamp (think they both wanted to cool off)... Not to mention the other dogs that she played hard with... So she got a hose-shower in the back yard after that, and then encountered her friend, Eddie, an 80-lb. golden retriever and another dog equally as large while on her "drying walk". All of a sudden it was off to the races and the rumbling again, so she had to be hose-showered once again after another half-hour or so of rough and tumble play. Then there was another walk (my husband this one would surely be sedate) to dry off again, and the next thing you know she was chasing bunnies all over the school yard! Just seemed like she would never run out of energy!

    Josephine has been an excellent companion for my hubby who likes have her in the woods for hours at a time, and all sorts of other outdoor stuff... suits him just fine! Since she was a found puppy, who knew "the luck of the draw" would correlate so well with his personality type and favorite activities!
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