The intro to my pack

Ok, so we have not been active on the forum before but I read it almost every day. I would like to thank everyone for the advice that is given; it helps to know we all go through the same things!
Now the introduction of my “pack”. My fiancé and I have two cats(Princess Sofia and Sir Linux) and now two shibas. The twins (cats) are two years old and love their new sisters…thank god! They were rescues, and still are a blessing to have.
We had done a lot or research on shibas, and wanted to adopt one but they were really hard to finding the state, and we kind of gave up on it; Deciding that a golden or a lab would be a better “fit” for a family life style. Why we thought that I have no idea!
So… moving on. Josh and I went out for our 3 year anniversary and ended up look at puppies at pet stores. We had planned on buying from a breeder but we wanted to handle golden’s and lab’s at multiple locations to see if they all typically behave the same way, well they are all puppies and all acted different. We still were not in love with the breeds when we came to a petland in Veira, they only had 7 to 10 dogs in the store and we every helpful, not trying to sell us a dog…very weird… we found a Shiba and asked if we could see her. She was amazing she knew how to sit and was very well behaved for a puppy. Shocked we asked to see her paper work and looked up the breeder on the computer at the store. Again being shocked that they would let us do that… and not really know what to look for but there were no bad reports on the breeder so we put the pup back and looked at a lab and a golden that were from a local breeders. But they did not hold a candle to the Shiba. We got her!
Ritoru is the most amazing dog I have ever had the pleasure to know.( I’m sure we would all say the same about our dogs). “toru” was a perfect fit into our family. We had no real problems with her other than normal puppy training. The cats came around within a couple of days and the rest is history. She has also been to “school” and is on her way to agility next.
Then came Tenshi, she came from the same petland we again looked up the breeder and put her back. Josh and I talked to over and then brought toru to meet her. They hit it off, playing for 5 minutes and then they cuddled as if they had always been together. My heart melted and the cream Shiba came home with me. Tenshi is hell on wheels and I love it. We have not come into any major problems the tear stains under her eyes and going away and she has an under bite but I don’t care. I have a family or pack however you want to put it. I love being momma when it time to go to bed all 6 of us on one it enough to make me thankful for every moment I have with them.


  • edited November -1 I'm going to have to re size my pictures before i post more of them
  • edited November -1
    oh look Yin-Yang kittie twins! so cute!

  • edited November -1
    Toru (red) and Tenshi (cream)
  • edited November -1
    Oh how cute, love the golden eyes on your kitties.

    How old are your shibas? How long have you had them?
  • edited July 2009
    Ritoru was born on November 27 2008 and tenshi was born on march 5 2009 so 9mo and 4mo. we got toru on December 29 and tenshi we have had 3 weeks today...poor thing is at the vet getting fixed right now. it's the only way i had time to finally make this post. lol
  • edited November -1
    My cat has the same collar as Tenshi!

    Cute pack you have there!
  • edited November -1
    thank you... and who ever said shibas don' like to cuddle. every time i fall asleep some where other than the bed this is what i wake up to.
  • edited November -1
    Aw, gotta love a sleepy puppy!

    (My Ichiro will sleep/cuddle like that quite often, I love it!)
  • edited November -1
    Your shiba and kitties are very cute
  • edited November -1
    again we knew that their could be issue so we had them both checked out by our own vet, the one we use for our cats and other than tenshi's under bite their is nothing wrong with them. I was also questioning that they sent us to one of their vet so the second opinion was just an precaution. and everything was ok. added to that their 3 other petlands close to use and i will not step it them. They are always over run with puppies and then there are 2-3 puppies in a crate where the one we go to i have not seen over 10 puppies in there at any given time. i hope i don't sound like i'm defending pet stores but the one we went to just seams different. maybe not but oh well i have two beautiful and healthy pups so i'm happy
  • edited November -1
    Hi Josh. All your furbabies are adorable!

    Don't worry about buying them at pet stores. I do think that most people on here would recommend going to a responsible breeder but at the same time would also recommend rescue. I don't promote mall pet stores, and you can get animals that have had issues, but at the same time what happens to these puppies when they are not adopted or purchased? To me, you rescued them.

    I hope that you do not feel the need to defend your decision to purchase there and feel comfortable with all of us to continue sharing your wonderful story and life with your pack.
  • edited November -1
    The picture of Toru snuggling with you is just too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Snuggling Shibas make me smile!
  • edited November -1
    thank you tj i know they were not trying to put me down for where i bought the pups. but i thank you for you input. I have two wonderful pups and that all i care about. However i did read the link and it was interesting, and i'm glad i got a second opinion form another vet to be sure they both were healthy, but to be honest i would of done that no matter where i went so. Thank you all for adding my pack into your extended family and sharing your concerns with josh and I (i being Ellen)

    here is toru and her brother linux
  • edited November -1
    I also have a petstore pup and a BYB pup. They are both healthy (YAY!), but there are a few things to be super aware of and ready to get checked out. Hips and Knees are HUGE. I would take them both when they are a year old to have their hips and knees checked for any signs of Hip Displaysia or Luxating Patella. I would then take them again at about 2.5 years once all the growth is done to check. This is a huge problem in puppy mill, backyard breeder dogs and you need to pro-active to make sure your dogs don't have any complications. Also yearly bloodwork and eye exams are important!
    Good luck with your adorable Shibas and your kitties! Cant' wait to see more pictures of your pack!

  • edited July 2009
    Well stated Kristin. Our pup is also a pet store pup, and my heart sank when I saw her papers from conflicting breeder names/shots in Missouri. But I didn't care, I loved her personality, and knew she'd be in trouble if she didn't get sold soon (she was 5 months+1 day when we got her on a "sale", and the store owner was telling us how the economy has really taken a toll on these puppies, nobody is buying the "bigger" dogs).

    She is definitely not as healthy as my old dog (that was malnourished and beaten as a pup), as she has food and seasonal allergies, a potential knee problem that is already taking shape, and my gut feeling her eyes will be an issue down the road.. nor is she healthier than my cat that I found in the street...but she's super sweet, really smart and just plain cute :)

    Would I have perferred to have the patience and wait to get one from a breeder? Sure...but I didn't and perhaps it was fate I walked into the petstore depressed that Shibas take so long at the breeders and saw our pup. I can't imagine what would have happend to her had we not gone and bought her. Tax write off probably (to put it nicely).

    P.S.-Your pack is pretty cute :) :)
  • edited November -1
    well pet store pups still need love so they can come home with me :) i think of it as rescue. Both Ritoru who we have we have nicknamed toru if you haven't caught on and Tenshi were on sale, i don't like to think about where they would have gone( other than my house :P) and my kittens would probably be... well who knows they are in my house safe, sound, and healthy!

    thank you all for your comments!
  • edited November -1
    You have some beautiful cats and your two shiba inu are very cute too.
  • edited November -1
    Our Oli is from a pet store (although he calls himself a breeder) but other than a case of Giardia (which I think is my fault anyway, caught him drinking water from the pool cover) he's been a great Shiba..still has some people issues but he's very good with the whole family and we love him.

    Oli will be a year old on the 30th of July.
  • edited November -1
    well i am a day late to wish Oli a happy birthday!! but i am very happy with my puppers and i'm happy to hear pet store shiba's are here and if i have any concerns i will have people to ask.
  • edited November -1
    Happy Birthday Oli!!!!!!!! Hope you get lots of stinky yummy treats!
  • edited November -1
    Love the pics of your babies. I bought my parrot at a pet store because we bonded and I needed to get her out of there. She almost died because she had a ton of health problems from the pet store. She is 10 now and I love her so much. Triton, my shiba is a rescue but he was originally a pet store pup. He is a cuddlebug. It's completely ok that you bought your girls at a pet store. You rescued them! :)
  • edited November -1
    That the way i feel as well when you bond with an animal it really doesn't matter where they are coming from just that they are coming home with you. But i can tell you i can not wait to buy a house and get a third I'm addicted they are like drugs i swear! Or I have thought about joining a rescue program it will keep me busy. The second option is what will probably happen, but only time can tell...So if anyone reads this that is involved in a rescue program some incite would be wonderful!
  • edited November -1
    Cute pups. I hear assisting with rescue is a very rewarding experience, although at times very difficult emotionally. Jen (tsukitsune), Jess (jessicarabbit) and Pam (ryu), among many others, would all be great forum people to contact with questions about rescue, and Shiba rescue in particular.

    I'm really glad that your two current pups have not suffered any effects as yet from their pet store days. I would however, caution you from actively seeking out a third Shiba from another pet store, or from anything but a reputable breeder or rescue. I really hope that isn't what you were intending, please correct me if I am wrong, then I apologize.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know what I can tell you, other than that if you get involved in rescue - I think you will understand why people are passionate about not providing support via profit to pet store puppy sales. I am passionate about total animal welfare, and getting involved in rescue helped awaken that in me. I have learned more about dogs, the dog industry, health, life, pain, love and purpose than I ever imagined since diving into rescue.

    When you decide to get involved in rescue in some capacity and have any questions - post 'em!
    Where are you located (state?) - there might be a shiba-specific rescue near you that needs you!
  • edited November -1
    We (Josh and I being Ellen) are located in central Florida and being we are already owned by two shibas it would be nice to get in with a shiba rescue but my heart it not set on it. I would like to help and breed i can! but it is a little ways away from now so...
    and to be clear about my maybe third shiba we are not planning to go through a pet store and i truly do think I'm bless for getting two healthy shiba's from a pet store. But I think we will be going toward the rescue programs I would love to be able to help. My dog's have given me so much that when i have a home i want to give back, and i don't have the illusion that it will be easy but if we won't fight for them who will?
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