Hiding Treats

edited July 2009 in Behavior & Training
Lately, I have noticed that my puppy has a strange behavior. He hides treats that we rewarded to him. I have read that dogs hides treats to save it for later consumption. It is a common behavior that wolf and older canine display. However, I am worried about finding moldy treats around the house. Ideally, I want to teach my puppy that he should hide his treats in a specific area.

I wanted to encourage him to store it in his crate. However, he doesn't trust his crate. He hides it in there, and comes back and moves it else where. I don't want to find moldy dog treats around the apartment, but I don't know how I should redirect him. If you have any suggestions that can aid me in food hiding behavior, please share.

Thank you!


  • edited November -1
    Are they big treats that he's not eating as he's given them on the spot? The only things my shibas have tried to hide are bones!
  • edited November -1
    Koda hides his treats in his crate. I'm sure he saves them for when he's locked up at night. I think he also likes eating in his "den".
  • edited November -1
    Keiko only hides her antler. I think she knows that each dog has their along treat time (she has very very very hard to deal with food/treat/toy guarding behaviors) so she wants to save it for later.

    She hides it in the same place every time though, just as she gets bored with it it goes under the right back corner of the love seat.
  • edited November -1
    Beebe wants to hide her Yak cheese/Himalyan chews under the curtains to save for later. They take so long for her to chew and she gets really worried that she can't gulp it down right away so she goes off whining and searching for places to hide them.
  • edited November -1
    Tsukitsune: The treats are big. It takes him sometime to consume all of it. I used to break it up into smaller pieces for him, but I notice that he puts them in his create. Lately, I gave him the whole treat and I noticed that he holds it in his mouth and moves it various hiding places.

    tjbart17: My Link isn't very constant with hiding the treats in his crate. He would hide in it his crate and relocate it. I think he's experimenting with hiding the treats in different stops.

    Kaddy: I hope my shiba will find his treat spot like Keiko. My shiba so far has experimented with hiding the treat in my bedroom, living room, hall way and down the stairs.

    Lindsayt: My shiba whimpers like he's worry about where to hide the treats. He constantly moves it from place to place. It's kind of funny watching him come up with different ideas to hide his treat. He tried to bury his treat with his leash, it was so adorable.
  • edited November -1
    Jada whines a lot when she has a bone. hehe! She even howled once with the treat in her mouth (there's a youtube video in my blog). She usually hides it in my bed if she can! I don't really know how to stop her except I guess just moving it immediately after she puts it there so she has to 'hide' it elsewhere again.
  • edited November -1
    Sophie hides treats that are to big for her to eat in one gulp. and then she guards them. we can no longer give her BIG teats... or bones. she will not chew on anything... not really sure why...

    she usually hides things in the cusions of the couch... unknowingly we will go to sit down and she will come running and grab the treat and hide it somewhere else.
  • edited November -1
    This is known as the "Thrifty Shiba Phenomenon", where they need to hoard bones for lean times.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm glad to hear your babies are doing the same! Tank hides all of the bones that we give him and we've seen him whining with bones in his mouth walking around trying to find a home for them. We think it's hilarious! :D

    To avoid finding moldy treats, if you give treats that need to be consumed immediately, break them into smaller pieces and give one or two pieces to him. He'll eat them right away. Otherwise if you give your baby something too big he'll just want to hide it for later. :P At least that's what my Tank does.
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