Favorite Coloration



  • edited November -1
    Snick was one of the very first Black and Tan's I ever saw via internet, almost 3+ years ago when I was researching the breed. He's an advocate for sure!
  • edited November -1
    Sunny day, Everythings
    A- okay!
    On my way
    to where the air is sweet!
    Can you tell me how to get
    how to get to SESAME St.?

    that's my vote!
  • edited November -1
    Aw, Jen, thank you. :)
  • edited November -1
    I really really wanted a female black and tan...then I saw Spuds and thought, hmm defective gene that I read about...but when they took her out to play and was mischevious, i fell in love LOL. (she was gnawing at my coat button and when I tried to push her off gently, she bitch slapped my hand w/out even looking at me and continued--it was her button damnit!).
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