The Best Gift Ever!!! :P

edited August 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Just found this on eBay. Try not to die from laughing too hard. :)


  • edited November -1

  • edited November -1
    Wow, that's exactly what its been like living with a 2 year old intact male Shiba Inu. Exactly.
  • edited August 2009
    ...I got one of those when I was home last winter...... :X
  • edited November -1
    oh god...and the guy in the video confirms the dog is fixed (damn no cyber puppies)
  • edited November -1
    This makes the perfect stocking stuffer and I know just who to give one of these to >:)

  • edited November -1
    hahaha Pretty funny. It'd be cooler if it was a memory stick too though.
  • edited November -1
    That's too funny. Ike is a huge fan!
  • edited November -1
    Is it weird that my intact 5 yr old male does not do this BUT my 4 yr old female DOES
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