Milky Discharge

I am a little concerned about Roxy. She has been super grumpy lately and has had a yellowish milky discharge when you squeeze her nipples. She is not spayed and her last heat cycle was in May, She was not exposed to any males during that time so there is no chance she is pregnant. Has anybody had any experience with these sort of symptoms??


  • edited November -1
    I would have it checked out by a vet to be sure all is ok. Probably getting her spayed would eliminate those symptoms.

  • edited November -1
    One of my girls had that when comming to me after being in heat. When they have false pregnancy, they can have swollen teats and milky fluid (which is probably milk). It is very uncomfortable for them to have false pregnancy. There can be other things though, which are more unpleasant that cause fluid discharge from nipples, like mastitis, so like SnF mentioned, give your Vet a query. Spaying would probably help.
  • edited November -1
    Is this something that will go away in a week or two? She will be getting spayed next year. I just thought it was odd since she has never had one before and she is four years old.
  • edited November -1
    I double what SnF and Lindsay have said, it seems to be the same thing that my mother-in-laws staff Amber had recently, a phantom pregnancy.
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